Noordwyk Primary School Assessment Plan - Grade: 1 Term 4
Subject: English
No / Date / Assessment Task / TotalMark / Assessment Form
1 / 25/10 / Listening and Speaking:
• Talks about personal experiences and feelings (e.g. tells news)
• Listens to instructions and announcements and responds appropriately / 10 / Rubric
2 / 27/10 / Phonics:
Phonics (oral and/ or practical and/or written)
•Recognises common consonant digraphs (sh, ch and th) at the end of a word ( fi-sh, mu-ch, wi-th) , •Uses consonant blends to build up and break down words (sp-o-t, fr-o-g, dr-i-nk, st-i-ck), •Builds words using sounds learnt / 10 / Memo
3 / 6/11 -10/11 / Reading:
•Reads big books or other enlarged texts as a whole class with teacher , •Identifies the sequence of events in what was read , •Recognises cause and effect in a story. The girl got into trouble because she broke a window / 10 / Rubric
4 / 18/10 / Writing:
•Writes at least three sentences of ownnewsor creative story using sounds learnt and common sight words, capital letters and full stops , •Spells common words correctly, •Begins to use present and past tense correctly in writing
•Forms the plurals of familiar words by adding ‘s’ or ‘es / 10 / Rubric
5 / 31/10 / Handwriting:
•Forms lower and upper case letters correctly and fluently according to size and position, that is, starts and ends in the correct place, •Copies and writes words with correct spacing , •Copies and writes a sentence correctly / 10 / Rubric
6 / 13/11 / FORMAL ASSESSMENT TASK / 40 / Memo
Subject: Mathematics
No / Date / Assessment Task / TotalMark / Assessment Form
1 / 13/10 / Number, operations and relationships
counts out 50 objects reliably, saying the names in sequence , Says which of two given collections of objects is more or fewer where both collections are 20 or fewer, reads number symbols from up to 80 / 20 / Memo
2 / 20/10 / Solve problems
Solves word problems in context involving addition, subtraction with answers up to 20 using one of the following
• apparatus, • drawings, • building up and breaking down numbers, • number lines, • doubling and halving and explains own solution to problems / 10 / Memo
3 / 23/10 / Money
recognises South African currency coins 5c, 10c, 20, 50c, r1, r2; r5, Solves money problems involving totals and change to r20 and in cents up to 50c cents / 10 / Memo
4 / 27/10 / Patterns, functions and algebra
Number Patterns
Completes number sequences of counting , in ones backwards e.g. 99, 98, __, 96, __, __, __, 92, ___; __; 89. , • in tens to 100 e.g.10, 20, 30, __, __, __, __, __, 90, __, . in fives e.g. 20, 25, 30, __, __.45, __, __, 60, __, 70__, __,__, 90 / 10 / Memo
5 / 03/11 / Space and Shape
Applies language of position to follow directions to move around the classroom Matches different views of the same object / 10 / Memo
6 / 06/11 / Time
Knows days of week Knows months of year / 10 / Memo
7 / 10/11 / Measurement
• Estimates, measures, compares, orders and record mass using non-standard measures and a balancing scale e.g. blocks, bricks, etc. • Uses language to talk about the comparison e.g. light, heavy, lighter, heavier / 10 / Rubric
8 / 17/11 / FORMAL ASSESSMENT TASK / 40 / Memo
Subject : Afrikaans
No / Date / Assessment Task / TotalMark / Assessment Form
1 / 27/10 / Luister en Praat: (mondeling of prakties)
- Reageer op eenvoudige vrae: bv. Kan jy tot tien tel?, Druk hom-of haarself op ‘n eenvoudige wyse uit, bv. Ek kan my naam skryf.
2 / 10/11 / Lees: (mondeling of prakties)
- Herken meervoude (e en s) op gehoor, bv. Hond – honde., Beantwoord eenvoudige vrae oor die storie deur kort antwoorde te verskaf., Demonstreer- in opdrag van die onderwyser – dat woordeskatin die storie verstaan word, deur na die voorwerpe in prente te wys.
3 / 16/11 / FORMELE ASSESSERING / 40 / Memo
Subject: Life Skills
No / Date / Assessment Task / TotalMark / Assessment Form
1 / 15/10 / Beginning Knowledge:
topic: Homes - •Typesof home include flats, houses, shacks,traditional homes mud, bricks, tin, stone, hardboard, plastic topic: over, under, up, down)
•topic: Water - •Uses of water - home and school , •Ways water is wasted , •The moon - What the moon looks like - When we can see the moon - how the moon seems to change shape , •Stars - A star burns like the sun (the sun is a star) / 10 / Memo
3 / 25/10 / Creative Arts:Visual Arts - 10 hours
Create in 2d
•Makedrawings or paintings relevant to the term’s topics.Focus on body in action,line, shape and colour
Create in 3d (constructing) , •Make models of self in action in ownenvironment using clay/playdough; / 10 / Rubric
4 / 29/10 / Physical Education:
Balance •Walk on ropes
-backwards,forwards and sideways with or without crossing feet over , •Walk on ropes with hands on heads,hands behind backs,hands on hips , •Stand on tip toes, crouch on haunches,walk on the balls of the feet,walk onthe heels slowly / 10 / Rubric
5 / 01/11 / Physical Education:
sports and games
•Playgames of catches, i.e. cats amongst the pigeons , •Walking races- walking on tip toes,walking on heels,walking on flat feet , •Relaygames / 10 / Rubric
6 / 20/11 / FORMAL ASSESSMENT TASK / 40 / Memo