Rules & Procedures for Congressional Delegate Caucuses
- Each caucus will be presided over by a Chairman, Vice-Chairman/Sergeant at Arms, Election Tellers and a Notary Public.
- Each person wishing to be nominated as a Delegate or an Alternate Delegate must meet the qualifications and requirements set forth by the Republican Party of Louisiana.
- All persons wishing to participate in the caucus must present the following forms of identification:
1). Louisiana drivers license or any other form of valid picture ID (i.e.-Military ID, passport, etc);
2). Louisiana voter identification card (If you have misplaced your Voter ID card, you can obtain a copy at your Parish Registrar of Voters office.)
- Nominations for Delegates begin at 10:00am on Saturday, February 7th (Congressional District 3 nominations will begin at 12:30pm)
- All persons must check in at the entrance of the designated Caucus location.
- Once proof of Republican registration is verified, each person will be given a color-coded wristband.
- Those wishing to run as a delegate will fill out a designated nomination form and submit it to the Caucus Chairman, who will then place that person on the ballot, if he/she is otherwise qualified.
- The Caucus Chairman will close nominations for delegates at 11:00 am (at 1:30pm in Congressional District 3) at which time a ballot of candidates will be displayed at the Caucus location.
- The Caucus Chairman will then begin by introducing the Election Tellers, Vice Chairman/Sergeant at Arms and Notary Public. The Chairman will read all requirements, rules and procedures for voting.
- The Chairman may, if he/she chooses, allow each nominee 30 seconds to speak to the entire body. Speaking time is optional.
- The Chairman may dismiss anyone from the designated caucus site if he/she feels that that person is engaging in fraudulent or disruptive behavior.
- After each nominee has had the opportunity to speak, the Chairman will call for elections.
- The Election Tellers will then hand out a blank color-coded ballot to only those persons with a color-coded wristband.
- The Chairman will open the vote after nominees has the ability to speak, after which the caucus will have thirty minutes (30 minutes) to vote.
- Individuals arriving at the caucus site after the vote has been called will be allowed to check in and vote during the designated voting time, if they are otherwise qualified, but will not be allowed to run as a delegate or alternate.
- The Chairman will give notice of voting time remaining every ten minutes, and will give notice when there are five minutes, two minutes and one minute remaining.
- Time will be kept by the Vice Chairman/Sergeant at Arms.
- Each person will vote by clearly printing UP TO six (6) names on the ballot in no particular order, and placing the ballot in a designated ballot box.
- Only those persons wearing color-coded wristbands will be allowed to place a ballot in the ballot box. Each voter will only be allowed to place one (1) ballot into the box. Voting by proxy is expressly prohibited.
- The Chairman will close the voting after the scheduled 30 minute time limit.
- Any ballot submitted after the election time has been called will not count.
- If a name is written more than one time on a ballot, it will only count once.
- Only those names listed as nominees will be counted as valid votes. Write-in candidates are expressly prohibited.
- Any names that are not written on the designated color-coded ballot will not count.
- The Caucus Chairman has the right NOT to count a vote if he/she and the Sergeant at Arms cannot read the name that is written on the ballot.
- Votes will be counted by the Election Tellers, Caucus Chairman and Vice Chairman/Sergeant at Arms only.
- Once votes are counted, the top six (6) individuals will be ranked in order according to the number of votes he/she received. (One being the highest vote getter and six being the lowest).
- The individuals ranked one through three (1-3) on the list will be submitted as Delegates to the Republican National Convention.
- The individuals ranked four through six (4-6) will be submitted as Alternate Delegates to the Republican National Convention.
- If there is a five (5) vote margin or less between the individuals ranked in the third and fourth and the individuals ranked six and seventh, a recount may take place. Only one recount is required.
- If the vote ends in a tie between the individuals ranked third and fourth and the individuals ranked sixth and seventh, a second vote will be taken.
- The Notary Public will then certify the list of Delegates and Alternate Delegates and submit the list to the Chairman of the Republican Party of Louisiana by fax to 225-928-2969 and by U.S. Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested.
- Each delegate and alternate will be required to sign an affidavit stating they will vote at the convention for the Presidential candidate who wins the Louisiana primary election on March 9, 2004.