Christ Church Belper

All Saints’ Turnditch with Windley

Sunday October 2nd2016 WELCOME TO OUR CHURCH !

For the benefit of those with hearing impairment, induction loop systems are installed. During one of the hymns there will be a collection for the work of the Church in this parish. If you are a taxpayer please use one of the Gift Aid envelopes which are at the back of church, or ask one of the sidesmen. Through Gift Aid every £10 given is increased to £12.50 at no extra cost to you!
Please take this sheet home for your information and prayer

Today is Harvest Thanksgiving

All Saints’ (9.30am) and Christ Church (11am)

As usual, there are three ways to give thanks:

  1. Donation to the Bishop’s Harvest Appeal (see posters in church)
  2. Items for The Basic Idea(Christ Church) or Padley Centre (All Saints’)
  3. Fresh Produce to be distributed locally.



In the Crompton Inglefield Hall, Turnditch.

Tickets £7 adults, £3 children. Call (all 01773 code) Joyce Vallance 550626;

Janet Gilks 550657; Janice Spencer 550505; Kevin Spencer 550568.

All proceeds to All Saints’ Church funds.

RSCM Derbyshire: Harvest Festival Choral Evensong

Christ ChurchSaturday 8th October

Composer and director Mr Robert Girdler and the choir of Christ Church,Belper invite you to join them in singing a special Festival Choral Evensong at Christ Church. Rehearsal 2pm Service 5.30pm All Welcome

CONFIRMATION PREPARATIONstart on Friday 7th October at 5.45pm

Please speak to the Rev’d Alison Roome for more details.

Harvest Thanksgiving
Collect: Almighty and everlasting God,increase in us your gift of faith
that, forsaking what lies behindand reaching out to that which is before,
we may run the way of your commandmentsand win the crown of everlasting joy;through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,who is alive and reigns with you,in the unity of the Holy Spirit,one God, now and for ever.
Psalm 126 Deuteronomy 26: 1-11 John 6: 25-35
259, 261, 260, 413, (295), 262 / HYMNS AT ALL SAINTS’9.30am
270, 275, 274, 284, 530
Those that sow in tears shall reap with songs of joy. / GOSPEL ACCLAMATION:
We do not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.
Post Communion Prayer: Eternal God, you crown the year with your goodness and you give us the fruits of the earth in their season: grant that we may use them to your glory, for the relief of those in need and for our own well-being; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.
Please pray for…all involved with the food industry and those who make our water safe to drink. Pray for those who are denied clean water.
Pray also for those who have died recently:
Joyce France
and those whose anniversary of death occurs at this time:
Leslie Hawton, Susan Abel, Frederick White, Marjorie Day
May they rest in peace and rise in glory.

Chevin Group of Parishes News: The Rev’d Nicky Fenton will be licensed as Priest-in-Charge of Holbrook, Milford & Hazelwood on

Monday 3rd Octoberat St Michael’s Holbrook 7.30pm. All welcome.

Many thanks to all who have decorated our churches so beautifully for Harvest Thanksgiving. Also to all who have donated food items and those who have responded to the Bishop’s Harvest appeal.

The Belper Belle Concert: At present the amount raised stands at an astounding£1142.00. Again, many thanks to Judith Hibbert for her most generous gesture and to all who supported the evening.

Services at Christ Church
Tea/coffee is served in the Bateman Hall after the 11am Service on Sunday and the 9.30am Service on Wednesday. On the first Sunday of the month Laying on of Hands & Anointing for Healing is available in the Lady Chapel for those who wish to receive this Sacrament.
Sunday October 2nd
Harvest Thanksgiving (19th Sunday after Trinity) / 7.45amMass (BCP) JK
11am Sung Parish Mass (& Healing) AR
11amSunday School
6.30pm Evensong
WednesdayOctober5th / 9.30amMass (said- Lady Chapel) JK
Thursday October 6th
St Faith Virgin & Martyr / 6.30pm Mass (said- Lady Chapel) JK
SaturdayOctober 8th / 9.30amMass (said- Lady Chapel) AR
5.30pm RSCM Harvest Choral Evensong
Sunday October 9th
(20th Sunday after Trinity) / 7.45amMass (BCP) JK
11am Sung Parish Mass AR
11amSunday School
2pm Wedding Christopher Taylor
Claire Waring 6.30pm NO Evensong
Services at All Saints’
Sunday October 2nd
Harvest Thanksgiving (19th Sunday after Trinity) / 9.30amParish Communion AR
Sunday October 9th
(20th Sunday after Trinity) / 9.30amMatins (BCP)

Churches Together in Belper Annual United Service

Sunday 9th October 6.30pm at Our Lady’s Church, Gibfield Lane, Belper

(No Evensong at Christ Church)


Vicar: Father Jonathan Page Tel: 01773 824974
Christ Church Vicarage, Bridge Street, Belper, DE56 1BA
Assoc Priest: The Rev’d Alison Roome Tel: 01773 825635
Readers: Eileen Hardy – 01773 822019 Tony Winslade – 01773 824431
Regular Events
Sunday School: Every Sunday Bateman Hall 11am – 12 noon
Knitting Group: Alternate Mondays,Bateman Hall, 1.30pm (Next date 10thOctober)
“Men Behaving Godly” fortnightly on Mondays 8pm Further details from the Vicar
“Girls’ Godly Gossip” fortnightly on Mondays 7.30pm Details from Alison
Christ Church Choir Practice: Fridays7pm unless advised otherwise
Youth Group:Fridays during term time in the Bateman Hall 8-9.30pm.

COACH TRIP TO LINCOLNUnfortunately, this has had to be cancelled due to lack of support. Apologies to those who to those who had signed up.

Coming up in October…

Mon 3rd Licensing of the Rev’d Nicky Fenton as Priest-in-Charge of

Holbrook, Milford & Hazelwood. At St Michael’s Holbrook 7.30pm

Thur 6th Chevin Group Council Meeting St Michael’s Holbrook 7.30pm

Fri 7th Confirmation Preparation in the Bateman Hall 5.45pm

Sat 8th RSCM Evensong at Christ Church – Rehearsal 2pm, Service 5.30pm

Barn Dance & Harvest Supper Turnditch Village Hall (Time TBC)

Sun 9th Wedding at Christ Church Christopher Taylor & Claire Waring2pm

Churches Together in Belper United Service – Our Lady’s 6.30pm

Tue 11th Holy Communion (said) at All Saints’ AR 11am

Holy Hour at Christ Church 7pm

Thur 13th Joint Deanery Synod (Duffield & Longford)

St Mary’s Church, Marston on Dove DE65 5GB 7.30pm

Fri 14th Confirmation Preparation in the Bateman Hall 5.45pm

Sat 15th RSCM Chorister Awards at Christ Church 10am-4pm

Thur 20th Long Row School Harvest Service in Christ Church 9.30am

Wed 26th Praying the Rosary in the Bateman Hall 10am (after 9.30am Mass)

Sun 30th All Saints’ Sunday

Patronal Festival Choral Evensong All Saints’ Turnditch 6.30pm

Next Bulletin: Items for inclusion should reach Eileen Hardy(Tel: 822019; ) by 6pm on WednesdayOctober 5th

And finally… They say that money talks; but all mine ever says is good-bye.