May 11, 2017

Seven people to be ordained on June 17

One priest and six deacons will be ordained at a service at 10:30 a.m. on Saturday, June 17 at Grace Cathedral, 701 SW 8th Ave. in Topeka. Everyone in the diocese is invited to attend. Bishop Wayne Smith of the Diocese of Missouri will be the celebrant.

The Rev. Greg Doll will be ordained a priest. Being ordained as deacons are Clay Calhoun, Bianca Elliott, Katie Knoll Lenon, Mike Loyd, Diane Kruger and Mark Ohlemeier.

Doll and Kruger are graduates of the Bishop Kemper School for Ministry. Elliott and Loyd will graduate on Saturday from BKSM. Calhoun, Knoll Lenon and Ohlemeier will graduate this month from the School of Theology at the University of the South in Sewanee, Tenn.

Calhoun, Elliott, Knoll Lenon, Loyd and Ohlemeier will serve as a transitional deacon for at least six months before being ordained a priest.

Clergy are invited to vest in red stole and walk in procession. Those who do need to arrive at the cathedral by 10 a.m.

A light reception will follow.

Deadline is June 2 for churches to register people for first confirmation service

The first of four regional confirmation services across the diocese this year is set for Saturday, June 17 at 2 p.m. Grace Cathedral, 701 SW 8th Ave. in Topeka. Bishop Wayne Smith of the Diocese of Missouri will be the celebrant.

Churches that have people to be confirmed, received or reaffirming their faith have until June 2 to register people with the diocesan office, so materials can be ready.

One form per church should be submitted. The form is online at

The link to this online form also is on the diocesan website, Go to “Resources,” and then click on “Parish administration.”

Anyone with questions may contact Jeanne Atha at , or Michele Moss at . They both can be reached by phone at (785) 235-9255 of (800) 473-3563.

Search and Transition Committees are named

In a message to the diocese sent by email on April 30, the Council of Trustees announced the members of the two committees that will oversee the search and transition for the Tenth Bishop of Kansas. In case you missed it, the members are:

Search Committee

The Very Rev. Rob Baldwin, Trinity, Lawrence

Ms. Jeanine Blessant, St. Peter's, Pittsburg

Deacon Oliver Bunker, St. Timothy’s, Iola

The Rev. Dawn Frankfurt, St. James’, Wichita

Ms. Michael Funston, St. Paul's, Manhattan

Mr. Tom Gossen, St. James’, Wichita

Ms. Nancy Kelley, Trinity, Lawrence

The Ven. Charles Pearce, St. Paul's, Manhattan

The Rev. Doreen Rice, St. Francis’, Overland Park

The Rev. Casey Rohleder, Grace Cathedral, Topeka (clergy chair)

Ms. Eliana Seidner, Trinity, Lawrence

Ms. Diana Waddell-Gilbert, Good Shepherd, Wichita (lay chair)

Mr. Ray Wheeler, St. Thomas’, Overland Park

Transition Committee

The Rev. Tom Baker, Grace Cathedral, Topeka

The Rev. Sharon Billman, St. John's, Parsons

Mr. Tim Korte, St. Stephen's, Wichita

Ms. Linda Mays, Epiphany, Sedan

Mr. Mike Morrow, St. John's, Wichita

Ms. Teresa Ryther, Good Shepherd, Wichita

Mr. David Schlomer, St. Michael and All Angels, Mission (lay chair)

The Rev. Mary Siegmund, St. Luke's, Shawnee (clergy chair)

Deacon Kitty Shield, St. Jude's, Wellington

Mr. Jeremiah Shipman, Grace Cathedral, Topeka

Ms. Joy Spearman, St. Paul's, Kansas City

Mr. Charles Volland, St. John's, Abilene

They will meet on Saturday, May 20 with the diocese’s contracted search consultant, the Rev. L. Ann Hallisey, D.Min., to begin their work.

Alleluia Grant information has been sent to all churches

The diocese’s Mission and Outreach Committee has sent information to congregations within the diocese inviting them to participate in a matching-fund grant project – the Alleluia Grant. Funding for this grant comes from the Alleluia Fund, which is designated for mission and outreach.

Churches with a project that supports the mission of enabling parishioners to fulfill their baptismal covenant to serve as Christ’s hands and feet in the world are eligible to apply for a grant.

Grants will be considered for one-time projects, with a maximum of $3,000 to be awarded per grant. Please note that these are matching grants, with applying congregations providing an equal or greater amount.

The Alleluia Grant application form, which includes additional information, may be downloaded as a Word document:

Applications will be accepted from June 4 through Sept. 1.

Alleluia Grants will be awarded annually during Diocesan Convention.

This information also is on the diocesan website at

You can support outreach ministries with a donation to the Alleluia Fund

All households within the diocese in April were sent information about how they can help support outreach ministries in the diocese through contributions to the Alleluia Fund.

The Alleluia Fund was established with money from the Crossroads capital campaign designated for outreach efforts and provides matching grants of up to $3,000 to help launch outreach ministries in congregations across the diocese.

To make sure the fund can continue beyond the life of the initial allocation, a first-ever diocesanwide appeal is an opportunity for people to contribute during the Easter season.

A brochure in the mailing notes that the Fund “serves as Christ’s hands and feet in the world” by turning money into action.

Those wanting to make a donation may do so online at In the section labeled “I want my donation to be designated toward” please select Alleluia Fund.

The deadline for donations is on Pentecost, Sunday, June 4.

Priority deadline to register for Mega Camp is Friday, May 12

Want to save $30 on the cost of attending camp? Then register by the priority deadline of Friday, May 12. The cost now is $430 per camper; it goes to $460 on May 13.

For registration forms and more information see:

Camp is open to those currently in grades 3-12 and their friends. Camp is June 4-10 at Camp Wood YMCA. Camp Wood features a variety of activities such as horseback riding, archery, climbing tower, canoeing, kayaking, swimming, water slide, mud slide, arts and crafts, and sports.

The volunteer Episcopal staff provides solid Christian education, featuring worship, music, small group discussions and prayer.

Read about the 2017 camp theme on the youth blog:

Here is a handout with information for parents about how we keep campers safe:

Here are print flyers and hard copy registration forms for camp:

> Support camp scholarships. We have many campers who will be unable to attend unless they receive financial support to help pay for their registrations. Together we can make camp possible for anyone who wants to attend.

Would you be willing to help out? Every little bit helps. Donate here:

Lawrence church offers Godly Play training

St. Margaret’s, Lawrence, is hosting core training in Godly Play during a three-day event July 28-30 at the church. The event begins on Friday, July 28 at 1 p.m. and concludes at 4:30 p.m. on Sunday, July 30.

The cost is $355 and includes the cost of dinner on Friday, as well as lunch on Saturday and Sunday. The trainer will be Christen Erskine.

Core training is recommended for every adult leading Godly Play sessions, for administrators and for clergy in congregations using Godly Play or wanting to adopt its use.

Godly Play helps children explore their faith through story to gain religious language and to enhance their spiritual experience through wonder and play. It is based on Montessori principles and is designed to serve children through early, middle and late childhood and beyond.

More information about Godly Play is online at

Registration is at

For more information, contact Cate Zimmermann at (785) 840-6602 or Carol Gaumer at (785) 331-9208.

State annual reports are due June 15

If your congregation has not yet filed its non-profit annual report with the State of Kansas, the deadline to do so and remain in good standing is June 15.

It can be completed online at . There also is a link that allows download of a paper copy to file via the mail.

A certificate of good standing for each congregation in the diocese must be on file with the Secretary of State’s office in order for lay delegates to be eligible to vote at Diocesan Convention.

Registrations are open for the Guys Only and Girls Only Weekends this summer

These youth events will focus on issues specific to each gender, how society views those genders and what we’re called to do as Christians as a result. We’ll also eat yummy food, go swimming, get ice cream, watch a movie and encourage one another.

·  When: Friday, June 30, 7 p.m. to Sunday, July 2, 11:30 a.m.

·  Where:

o  Girls Only: Trinity, 1027 Vermont St., Lawrence

o  Guys Only: St. Margaret’s, 5700 W. 6th St., Lawrence,

·  Who:

o  Youth females in grades 6-12 (for the 2016-17 school year)

o  Youth males in grades 8-12 (for the 2016-17 school year)

·  Fee: $50 ($65 after June 21)

·  Registration forms:

o  Girls Only:

o  Guys Only:

·  Posters:

o  Girls Only:

o  Guys Only:

Are you interested in the Bishop Kemper School for Ministry?

Do you want to find out what is offered through the Bishop Kemper School for Ministry, the joint theological school operated by the Diocese of Kansas and three surrounding Episcopal dioceses? If so, you may want to attend the new student orientation session in Topeka.

Orientation will begin at 8 a.m. on Saturday, July 8 and conclude around noon on Sunday, July 9. It will take place at Upton Hall Conference Center, 833 SW Polk Street in Topeka, adjacent to the diocesan office.

The cost is $100 per person, which includes meals and overnight accommodations at Upton Hall on Friday and Saturday nights.

BKSM offers classes for people in the official process toward ordination as a deacon or priest, as well as for licensed lay ministries (catechist, preacher, evangelist, pastoral leader). Classes also can be taken for personal enrichment.

The orientation is intended to give new or prospective students a clear sense of the academic expectations of the school, as well as the chance to experience the powerful community of worship, fellowship and spiritual formation.

More information is on the BKSM website at

Episcopal Church releases ‘Becoming Beloved Community’ guide for racial reconciliation efforts

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry and House of Deputies President the Rev. Gay Clark Jennings, along with officers of the House of Bishops and House of Deputies, are inviting Episcopalians to study and commit to using “Becoming Beloved Community: The Episcopal Church’s Long-term Commitment to Racial Healing, Reconciliation and Justice.”

The document is online at

The “Becoming Beloved Community” vision emerges as a direct response to General Convention Resolution C019 (“Establish Response to Systemic Injustice”).

Presiding Bishop Curry and President Jennings will host a webinar to discuss the church’s long-term commitment on May 16 from 2 to 2:45 p.m. Central time. It can be accessed through the Racial Reconciliation website,

Looking for a last-minute Mother’s Day gift? Try ER-D.

Would you like to honor your mother (or anyone who has been a mother to you) and help heal a hurting world? Then consider a gift through Episcopal Relief & Development’s Gifts for Life program.

You can help nourish young learners, care for moms and newborns, give someone a stable source of food and income, or empower a woman to start a business, all with your donation.

Look at the online Gifts for Life catalog at, where you can find something that would make a mother’s heart glad.

Kansas wildfires create need to help farmers and ranchers

When the largest wildfires in Kansas history swept through central and western parts of the state in March, they destroyed more than 650,000 acres of farmland and pasture, dozens of homes, thousands of cattle, and large numbers of hale bales used to feed livestock. The hundreds of miles of fence that were destroyed will take, on average, $10,000 a mile to replace.

Sadly, for many people affected, insurance will cover only a part of their losses.

To assist, donations can be made to:

Kansas Livestock Association

6031 SW 37th St.

Topeka, KS 66614

Please put “Relief Fund” in the memo line.

Internship opportunity available with Episcopal Church Washington, D.C. office

The Episcopal Church Office of Government Relations, located near Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., is offering an internship for this fall. It can be full or part time, and will begin late August/early September.

The deadline to apply is Friday, May 26.

Application information is online at

Student Theological Debate Society seeks Debate Camp applications

SUMMA Student Theological Debate Society, sponsored by the Beecken Center, invites high school students entering grades 9-12 to apply for the 2017 session of SUMMA Debate Camp, which takes place July 18-26 at the University of the South in Sewanee, Tenn.

SUMMA is a unique opportunity for students to explore their faith through intellectual channels, meet new friends and have a lot of fun on a beautiful college campus. Students at the camp will learn skills for debate, public speaking and theological exploration.

The cost to attend is $750, which includes room, board and all materials.

More information is online at

Episcopal Church joins worldwide Anglican Communion campaign calling for prayer

The Episcopal Church has joined the worldwide Anglican Communion in “Thy Kingdom Come,” a campaign initiated by Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby calling for prayer by individuals, congregations and families.

It invites Christians around the world to pray between Ascension Day (May 25) and Pentecost (June 4) for more people to come to know Jesus.

More information is available at

One feature of the campaign is the use of video messages from a different religious leader each day. Presiding Bishop Michael Curry will offer the first reflection on May 25.