Cheriton Parish Council

Minutes of the Meeting

November 3rd 2015

Attending: -Cllr J CorbettCllr B FramptonCllr A SmithCllr D Smith

Cllr A Collet

Lorraine Line – Freemens Yard Estate/Parish Plan

Cllr Ruffell, Cllr Amber Thacker

Mr Chris Joyce

Mags Wylie -H ARAH

1.113Apologies –Cllr’s Tugwell, Cheyney, Batt, Worth & HCC Cllr Huxstep

1.114Public Session/SDNP Planning

Cllr Corbett declared an interest in a matter under planning.

Mags Wylie – the way forward, we have been offered a site by Cllr Worth for affordable housing and the council wished to be advised at what we do next? A template will be provided that will form the article that we need to insert on the web site, Minutes, and Church & Village Magazine that is a “Call for Sites”. This will hopefully trigger any additional sites that landowners may wish to offer. It should be noted that acreage will be paid for between £100/120,000 only this is the same costs as agricultural land.

We will need to set a cut-off date, and the offers will go to Mags direct. There were questions on housing needs we have 17 on the rental WCC register, shared ownership will need to be considered because the funding for these schemes is dwindling. Right to Buy legislation was discussed as we would wish these homes to be in perpetuity. The likely size of the housing will be led by need not by any prescribed formulae.

The sites would then be investigated and the building would take place, if we get that far on the best site available that will need to be close to the village amenities, to the village boundary and have less impact on the village. It could take up to 3-5 years and is not dependant on the current funding cycle.

This is a brief report on the discussions only.

It is noted that our allocation for housing in Cheriton under the SDNP Strategic Plan is 6 houses. We have responded to the plan before the cut-off date of 28th October but it was felt that SDNP should have taken a more positive role in advertising fully.

New Cheriton crossroads – we will ask Kilmeston to send a representative to any discussions our team is Cllrs Collett, Batt, Mrs Culpin, Cllr Thacker & Cllr Huxstep.

1.115WCC/HCC reports.

Cllr Thacker – Housing Bill impact on WCC will be discussed at Full Council tomorrow, ofparticular interest is the selling of high value Council houses, it will not be compulsory but it will affect London areas more than us. We do still have council housing in The Pastures and The Goodens.

An action group has meet regarding motorcycle usage of the A272 and the A 32 this has been an ongoing problem and the roads are known as good roads to get speed up on a Sunday. There is little currently that can be done unless the police can stop bikes that have been modified and then prove modification. It is hoped that they may be able to use European Legislation. The Council would wish to be kept informed.

The HCC Highways Officers have been moved Cllr Thacker and The Clerk made copies available we are now covered by Ray Gardener.

WCC will be asked to re install the sign that has fallen over on the green. Thanks will be sent to the resident that reinstalled the posts and railings on the green.

Freemens Yard some works have been undertaken by BMP and the residents are grateful the bollards at the school still need some attention but it is improving.

1.116Approval of the Minutes of October6th 2015

The Minutes were agreed and signed by the Chairman

1.117Matters Reviewed from theMinutes of October 6th 2015

1.103 Stiles a lot of action and emails have flown around works are being considered. Cllr D Smith informed Council that it should be noted that the Flowerpots Licensees are sitting on a bank account that has raised money for the stile on Nicola Cecil’s land to become a kissing gate. The Chairman will talk to the “pots” and Nicola Cecil and offer her the money!

1.118.Parish Plan –Lorraine Lines.

Section 106 variation still has not been applied for by Cavendish & Gloucester, is there any way that we can assist by accepting a lesser amount of contributions? Discussion took place and the possibility that and extra turnover will cost the council higher audit fees and the transparency code requirements will increase. We cannot afford any legal costs due to having such a small amount in the bank. Lorraine is requested to continue to monitor the situation.

It may be possible to end date the 106 and if breached use some of the bond held to enforce the completion.

Parish Plan – scheme children at the school are designing posters and there will be a chance to meet with residents at the Café on The Green and move forward but so far apathy is rampant.

Funding will be met for posters etc. and it will be taken from the £500 due in grant money to come to the council for the Parish Plan Group.

Fliers will be delivered by Councillors that were eager to assist.

1.119Cold Calling Signs.

Both closes are covered but those signs will be the last ones as the police have no more funding. We will have to look for other avenues of funding.

1.120Defibrillator for the Village – Cllr Frampton.

The council would wish to forward this scheme and try to get funding, Cllr Corbett gave Cllr Frampton a contact number that may be able to assist we hope that should we get a defibrillator it could be affixed to the Village Hall.


1.SDNP – our planning application for felling the cherry tree has been listed.

2.Cheriton Pension scheme shall we use the NEST system – yes the council will, adopt this scheme.

3.Email Lisa Davies the contractor has the order to complete the road markings at Freemans Yard egress. Grit bin – inform Lisa of where you would like it installed, Railings will be inspected and replaced if required-noted

4.Latter New Alresford Town Trust – requiring a grant – Next Agenda Yes

5.Email re Local Plan consultation Lorraine Line- forwarded from Mr D Pain.

6.Email copy to all Councillors the response from cheriton PC to SDNP Strategic Plan.

7.Emails re style between Nicola Cecil & George Hollingbery PA.

8.HCC Small Grants Scheme Countryside Access.

9.Emails again re stiles.

10.CAB – can we add to next agenda for a grant Next Agenda Yes?

11.BoomTown – emails re grants.

12.A3 map of officers and responsibilities at Hampshire Highways – note Lisa Davies will leave shortly to have a baby.

1.122.Finance Report

a)Accounts to be paid as listed

Chq NumberGrossVAT

300455A friend (playground fencing repairs)318.25

300456Cheriton Village Hall 30.00

300457V Brooks salary/Exp260.60

300458Inland revenue 51.50

300259Paul Bridges320.00

300260Winchester Diocese650.00

300461Parish Online 33.60

VAT received £37.60

Int received £0.33p

Balances Carried forward 6,252.62


Expenditure11,933.80Balance Statement £5,157.35

Cash in hand £3,531.33

The grant will be with us shortly from the War Graves memorial Trust £1,731.00

The accounts were agreed and the cheques signed.

b)Budget report to assist with setting the precept.

Basically you are very short of funding due to the War memorial works and play area repairs we will be lucky to carry forward £1000. We cannot afford to increase the precept too high and as its £10,000 and we could do with £14K next year cuts will have to be made. The Clerk will prepare a budget for the next meeting which will allow us to set the precept.

1.123Recreation Ground – Lease/Glebe rent.

Recreation Ground –No report

Lengthsman – Hedge in the Recreation Ground, Dark Lane again needs attention.

1.124Councillors Questions.

Traffic Survey – it has been suggested to Cllr Huxstep that if we do a traffic survey now before Alresford takes any development and after. If the traffic increased we may be able to get traffic calming funds from the CIL raised by the development – this was supported.

Cllr Frampton – Conservation volunteers we need 3 surveys by The Wild Trout Trust, Natural England & Sharing Heritage Trust. We need to get onto a residents land and he does not seem too keen? It is hoped that approaching the resident again may be of merit.

Cllr D Smith – there are extensive works taking place on a SSSI site may we ask if these have permission? The Clerk will enquire.

1.125Any items to be considered for the next agenda from the Public Session/Councillors Questions. Precept



Date of the Next Meeting – 1st December 2015/26thJanuary 2016

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9:17pm