Srilanka has around 65525 square kilometers. Before 16thcentury srilanka was reigning by kings. After 1505 – 1948 srilankan dominated by foreigners, such as Dutch, British. Srilanka has contains 25 district and 9 provincials. According to srilankan Indian agreement north & east governed less than one council. However according to decision of Supreme Court north east council divided as a separate council. East council has contained Ampara, Batticaloa and Trincomalee.
Eastern Province
Ampara District
A census of Ampara district was not conducted in 2001, due to the political situation. According to unofficial census Ampara district has a population of 610,719. This is 0.5% growth on the previous census. As a result the population density 610,719. This is 0.5% growth on the previous census. As a result the population density is 145 inhabitants per sq km.
Dehiyaththa kandiya is identified as a high population area and Lagugala is identified as a less populated area. The town population of Ampara district is 118,737 (19.4%) and rural population is 491,982 (80.6%).
In terms of age distribution, 18 37.5% are below 18 and 62.5% are above 18 in this district.
The ethnic distribution is as follows:-
Sinhalese 220,938 (37.5%),
Srilankan Tamils 111,948 (18.3%),
Muslims 268,630 (44.0%),
Indian Tamils 1145 (0.2%)
As well as these, there are people in Ampara that are termed 'displaced'. There are two principal reasons why people are considered displaced:
Displaced due to ethnic conflict 4848 (21%), and
Tsunami disaster displacement 18218 (79.0%) .
In Ampara district the main livelihood activities are fishing, Agriculture, cultivation of animals and coconut products.
Ethnic WiseUrban & Rural Wise
Displacement Age Wise
Batticaloa District
A Census of the Batticaloa district was not conducted in 2001 due to the political situation . According to unofficial census Batticaloa district had a population of 515,857. This is 0.7% growth on the previous census. As a result the population density is 198 people per sq km..
Manmunai north is a high population area and koralaipattu south (kiran) is identified as a less populated area.
The town population of Batticaloa district is 127,982 (24.8%) and the rural population is 387,875 (75.2%).
In terms of age distribution, 39.9% of the population below 18 and 18 60.1% of those above 18 are in this district.
The ethnic distribution of the population is
Sinhalese 2397 (0.5%),
Srilankan Tamils 381,841 (74.0%),
Muslims 128,964 (25.0%),
Other ethnicities 2512 (0.5%)
As well as the above there are also Displaced people in Batticaloa district. Of these, 40833 (85.9%) are displaced because of the ethnic conflict, and 6725 (14.1%) people are displaced because of the Tsunami.
The main livelihood activities in the Batticaloa district are fishing, Agriculture, cultivation of animals and coconut products.
Ethnic WiseUrban & Rural Wise
Age WiseDisplacement
Trincomalee District
A Census of Trincomalee district not conducted in 2001, due to the political situation. According to unofficial census Trincomalee district has a population of 334,363. This is 1.0% growth on the previous census. As a result the population density is 132 persons per sq km.
Nagaramum Pattinamum is a high population area and Morawewa is a less populated area. The town population of Trincomalee district is 87,269 (26.1%) and rural population is 247,094 (73.9%).
The age distribution of people l is 40.2% of those below 18 and 18 59.8% of those above 18 are living in this district. The ethnic breakdown of the population is as follows:
Sinhalese 84,766 (25.4%),
Srilankan Tamils 95,652 (28.6%),
Muslims 151,692 (45.4%),
Indian Tamils 490 (0.1%) and
Others 1763 (0.5%) Are living in this district.
There are also people in Trincomalee who are considered displaced. People in this group are categorised as follows: 11473 (74.0%) are considered displaced because of the ethnic conflict, and 4039 (26.0%) people are displaced because of the Tsunami disaster
In Trincomalee district the main livelihood activities are fishing, Agriculture, cultivation of animals and coconut products.
Ethnic WiseAge Wise
Urban & Rural WiseDisplacement
Batticaloa District
Security Situation
Tension situation is coming in batticaloa district. Business field is affected because of government pressure on people regulating security situation. For an example, business shops should be closed after 06 pm. That not only, but also assassination, abduction, & missing people are takes place very often in the district. According to media and papers within 02 mouths 12 persons has been killed by unidentified groups.
Economic Situation
When we compare with south part of island batticaloa district economic situation is very smooth. Availability of basic goods price of the goods is as usual. Entrepreneur is facing some inconvenience because of security situation of this district. If this security situation will be change the future. Vacancy gap is available. Rain climate will be started in this district. It would be grate opportunity to farmers.
Women’s Situation
Unemployment is serious problem in batticaloa. There are no any alternatives to get a new job in this district.
Ampara District
Security Situation
Security situation of Ampara district is very bad. Ampara district territory brought to under control of Srilanka force. Now this district is blankets by security forces. Search operations, arresting, abduction, missing people are still continue. Vehicle parking rant is directly affecting the business field in this area. Farmers are facing big challenges due to the parking bent this district. Check point makes difficulties to bring goods in to Ampara district. Some Sinhala business mans has been killed in this district.
Economic Situation
Due to the security situation economics is being affected. Especially business are mostly suffering. Pedi fielder's income is restricted because of this problem. Fisheries and entrepreneurs are suffering due to the security situation. Particularly marketing of the fish is very difficult. Navy forces limited the fishing areas. So this is barrier to develop this field. That not only but also bribery is also affecting this field.
Climate Situation
For last tow month sunny climate is being continued. No threat of floods. Further now rain is started. So this will help to Pedi fielders. There might be natural disaster.
Chamber of commerce and other private institutions are implementing various programmes, especially for youth's to getting jobs. There are many vacancies in private sectors. But the youths they don’t have adequate qualification to those vacancies.
Women's situation
The role of the women's in the Small and medium industries is not enough. Self employment is developing in Ampara district. There are many institution are implementing for self employment. There are many ladies working in sales field in the private sectors.
Trincomalee district
Security situation
The security situation is very bad in Trincomalee district. Especially high security zone are disturbing Trincomalee district people life. Due to the high security zone 14079 families are affected. 1/3 land is come in to high security zone. So this is directly affecting Pedi fielders. There are many paramilitary in this district. There are many people killing, missing and abducting due to the atrocities of those paramilitaries.
Economic situation
There is no any change in economic field because of war. Due to the security situation fisheries cultivation are directly affected. Investment is not enough to develop the business sectors. Trincomalee district business mans are facing challenges because of out side business mans.
Climate situation
For last tow month sunny climate is being continued. No floods. Further now rain is started. So this will help to Pedi fielders and it might be affected to constructions.
Youths Situation
Unemployment rate is very high. There is no capital to start new self employment. Almost NGO's are finished their projects. So there are many youth lost their jobs. They are trying to get jobs in private sectors. And also they are facing some difficulties to get loans from banking sectors.
Women's Situation
Women's are being affected due to the war for last 25 years. Ladies should start self employment, but no capital to start self employment. There are many programme to give loans for women's on this district. But this programme not reached to all part of the district.
Average Status
The Conflict in the North and East has brought an agonizing and excruciating period for the Eastern province where a fair population of Sinhala, Tamil and Muslim ethnicities share citizenship. The Sinhalese being 21.06%, Tamil 40.3% and Muslim 37.6% posses almost equal ground within the province.
Having witnessed a dark era of violence, this province gradually is paving its way towards a democratic criterion and has been privileged to pledge their political views through elections such as the Provincial Council Election which was held 3 months ago.
Along with this came in introductions to development programs such as “Nagenahira Navodhaya” and measures for infrastructure and welfare improvement. The National Budget has also allocated a large sum to cater to the development of the EasternProvince and is expected to initiate the process rapidly.
On the road to development it is not unnatural for obstacles to materialize. Similarly the development process in the East has been unable to maintain its consistency due to the threats and attacks forced by armed groups and disappearance of a large number of people has been reported. These incidents are largely witnessed in Batticaloa, while Ampara and Tricomalee report an average number.
Economic Status
The ongoing conflict has drawn out restrictions radically within Agricultural and Fisheries Industry. Consequences such as shutting down stores, difficulties in transportation of goods to and from other parts of the country have been recorded from Batticaloa. This drastic situation in the face of the Eastern province economy is a severe blow directly and indirectly to both the small and large medium business communities. The various boundaries drawn around the business criterion has caused the downfall of the average income and profit percentage. It has further affected the rapidly blossoming entrepreneurs as they continue to suffer from lack of capital and funds.
Despite the unpredictable security situation, basic facilities such as infrastructure and transportation have recorded a rapid growth while Lack of food and inconsistency of the cost have not taken turns. The Economic situation therefore, in the East witnesses both its ups and downs.
Social Status
Shortfall of jobs and therefore unemployment in the East is currently seen in a large number among the youth. This problem apparently has arisen due to the downfall of the level of education chiefly caused by the long running war. Occurrence of the unavailability of funds to be invested for self-employment opportunities and lack of facilities for professional training programs can be observed in the East. Although the employment slots have been occupied by some, their salaries and wages take low turns.
The Eastern province has currently gained the privilege of a rather peaceful atmosphere and entered the path of democracy, but there are undoubtedly a large number of political, social and economic issues yet to be discovered and solved. The Business community could pledge their positive intervention and serve as a responsible group to solve this problem in the East and assure it would head directly to an absolute peaceful and democratic area