Re: Oppose House Bill 163–Limiting the Rights and Liberties of Dog Owners
Dear Representative ______:
I am a voting constituent and responsible dog breeder and owner, and I am writing you today because I am deeply concerned withHouse Bill 163, a measure that seeks to limit the number of dogs a person can own and imposes numerous regulations on many responsible dog breeders. I ask that you oppose this burdensome and ineffective legislation. Specifically, I urge you to ensure that additional ownership limits andvague and costly care and conditions requirements do not become Louisiana law.
(Personalize here – tell about yourself as a dog owner, breeder and fancier/enthusiasts. How many years have you been involved with dogs? What breeds have you owned or shown? Do you compete with your dogs?
Detail the steps you take when preparing to breed/whelp a litter – applicable health testing, evaluation of breeding stock, training, etc…How much money do you invest in these things? How do you work with puppy purchasers to ensure they will be responsible owners? Do you encourage CGC or obedience training? Do you remain in contact with the new owners or provide them literature about responsible pet care?
How would HB 163 affect your ability to continue to breed? Would you have to relinquish dogs to come into compliance with the new limit? Would you incur additional expenses to comply with the cage stacking and flooring requirements? Would these expenses cause you to stop your dog activities entirely?
Without additional appropriate enforcement provisions or addressing the vague provisions of the bill, HB 163 will do nothing to improve the welfare of dogs in Louisiana. It will, however,further infringe upon the rights of and hurt responsible breeders like me who strive to raise healthy, well cared-for dogs and work to ensure that puppies are placed with responsible owners. Animal limit laws are difficult to enforce and do not address anypotential underlying issues of irresponsible ownership or improper dog care.
Rather than focusing on ownership limits or vague and costly requirements, concentrating animal control efforts on individuals whose behavior demonstrates that they are a problem for the community and investigating credible animal cruelty complaints would be a much better use of taxpayer funds.
I respectfully ask that you support responsible dog owners and breeders by opposing House Bill 163.
Your Name
(Full Address)