Minutes for June 18, 2015 meeting MicNOVA: model investment club of DC Chapter, BetterInvesting page 1 of 1

Meeting called to order at _7:05 pm

Attendees: Jo Murphy, Linda Hunt, Sheryl Patterson, Lily Poy, Irina Clements, Wilbert Nixon and Gladys Henrikson.

Absent: Phyllis Woodring, Ty Hughes, Kathy Emmons, Patricia Onufrak, Jerry Long, Paul O’Mara, Heidi O’hara, and Kent Billmyer.

Visitors: 16 Proxies: E-mail proxy request to secretary before meeting. One shy of a Quorum

Jo welcomed the new & returning visitors, & explained the club’s purpose.

7:05 PM - Information Sharing, current events: Money Matters Book Discussion at Oakton Library (2nd Tuesday); AAII-SIG meeting 10AM-1PM (4th Saturday). AAII programs (3rd Saturday) see aaii.com/dcmetro for event schedules. Free webinars at Better Investing (Stock Study, Ticker Talk & Roundtable) BIVIO, Stock Central Manifest Investing. See websites to register. See newsletter and list of current events for prices & details. Visitors invited to join GTM and those who have attended three consecutive meetings are invited to join MICNOVA. All chapter directors needed on Saturday 11July for 2015/2016 planning meeting. Current events list at bivio.com. NEWS ALERT! 2016 BI National Conference 19-22 May at Westfields Marriott Dulles, Chantilly, VA


·  Cash on hand $1,780.31; portfolio value $ 48,696.41 as of May 1, 2015 valuation; Dividends: $45.45

Secretary: Minutes: No quorum to approve May minutes.


·  GoToMeeting: next MicNOVA GoToMeeting scheduled for Thursday 9 June at 8:15 pm.

·  Post quarterly report, updated SSG, Value Line and other pertinent data a week before to club portfolio folder in BIVIO. Send email with attachments (incl ITK and PDF SSG)

·  Old Business: Current SCOTTRADE report includes sales of stock to fund buyout to Bob Biggrigg’s estate.

·  Education: Linda - Attending a National Conference

·  Stock Research: Review of ITC, Gilead Sciences and Skyworks stocks

·  New Business: Tyson Pimmit Library closing end of November 2015 – Continue search for new home at nearby central libraries.

·  Stockwatcher reports:

·  Buys and Sells:

Stockwatchers identified: Updated June 1, 2015: note new stockwatcher report dates & earnings dates

Ticker / Stock
Watcher / Bought
price / Date Bought / 05.31.15price / % of portfolio /
shares / Earnings date / Quarter / Stockwatcher reports
at meeting date
1 / ABT / Phyllis / 48.55 / 11/23/10 / 48.60 / 3.4% / 31 / 14 Jul 2015 / Q 1 / Aug, Nov, Feb, May
2 / ABBV / Phyllis / 33.33 / 01/02/13 / 66.59 / 4.7% / 31 / 23 Jul 2015 / Q 2 / May, Aug, Nov, Feb
3 / AL / Sheryl / 38.69 / 06/19/14 / 37.63 / 5.1% / 60 / 05 Aug 2015 / Q 2 / May, Aug, Nov, Feb
4 / AAPL / Irina / 321.00 / 06/21/11 / 130.28 / 10.3% / 35 / 20 Jul 2015 / Q 3 / Feb, May, Aug, Nov
5 / BRK,B / Wilbert / 115.99 / 01/16/14 / 143.00 / 5.2% / 16 / 01 Aug 2015 / Q 2 / May, Aug, Nov, Feb
6 / CHRW / Jerry / 56.13 / 08/16/12 / 61.73 / 5.1% / 37 / 27 Jul 2015 / Q 2 / May, Aug, Nov, Feb
7 / CTSH / Patricia / 60.75 / 09/27/11 / 64.72 / 8.8% / 60 / 04 Aug 2015 / Q 2 / Jun, Sep, Dec, Mar
8 / XOM / Irina / 61.21 / 05/25/10 / 85.20 / 3.8% / 20 / 29 Jul 2015 / Q 2 / May, Aug, Nov, Feb
9 / GNTX / Kathy / 28.92 / 06/19/14 / 17.18 / 5.4% / 140 / 22 Jul 2015 / Q 1 / Aug, Nov, Feb, May
10 / INTC / Linda / 20.13 / 04/27/11 / 34.46 / 4.7% / 60 / 13 Jul 2015 / Q 2 / May, Aug, Nov, Feb
11 / IPGP / Gladys / 63.88 / 07/17/14 / 94.84 / 3.2% / 15 / 27 Jul 2015 / Q 2 / May, Aug, Nov, Feb
12 / JPM / Jo / 45.02 / 04/27/11 / 65.78 / 3.7% / 25 / 13 Jul 2015 / Q 2 / July, Oct, Jan, May
13 / LKQ / Paul / 26.45 / 01/22/15 / 28.57 / 6.4% / 50 / 30 Jul 2015 / Q 2 / May, Aug, Nov, Feb
14 / MA / Jo / 76.64 / 09/18/14 / 92.26 / 5.2% / 25 / 29 Jul 2015 / Q 1 / May, Aug, Nov, Feb
15 / MSFT / Wilbert / 25.44 / 09/17/09 / 46.86 / 5.3% / 50 / 21 Jul 2015 / Q 4 / Nov, Feb, May, Aug
16 / ORCL / Ty / 29.30 / 03/27/12 / 43.49 / 4.9% / 50 / 17 Jun 2015 / Q 3 / Oct, Jan, Apr, July
17 / QCOM / Lily / 80.38 / 12/20/12 / 69.68 / 6.3% / 40 / 22 Jul 2015 / Q 3 / Aug, Nov, Feb, May
18 / TROW / Kathy / 73.30 / 09/19/13 / 80.69 / 5.5% / 30 / 23 Jul 2015 / Q 4 / May, Aug, Nov, Feb
19 / V / Ty / 216.11 / 09/18/14 / 68.68 / 3.1% / 20 / 22 Jul 2015 / Q 2 / May, Aug, Nov, Feb

We will do the Stockwatcher reports one month after the earnings come out. Morningstar updates within 2-3 days of that.

The Stockwatcher reports could be put on the calendar. (Nasdaq.com lists the earnings dates)


1.  GoToMeeting: the next MicNOVA GoToMeeting will be Thurs,9 June at 8:15 pm

2.  Stockwatchers for next month: ORCL, INTC, JPM
Phyllis will maintain watch list; Ty will maintain Portfolio review

3.  Stock Research for next month: TBD at GTM.

Respectfully submitted, Sheryl Patterson