TO: County Superintendents, District Principals, School Support Staff and Special Education Directors and Teachers
RE: Requesting Behavior Services
The SELPA would like to introduce two new behavior resources to the county, Rebekah Catalano (BCBA) and Alisha Bist (ACSW). The SELPA has entered into a short term contract for additional Behavior Intervention support for Tehama County students. These services are intended to supplement existing Behavior services for our schools. The primary purpose of these services is to provide expertise to District Staff regarding special education students with behavior and social/emotional challenges.
The Behaviorist will be able to provide districts with:
Ø Consultation regarding program and interventions to support behaviorally challenged students.
Ø Functional Behavioral Analysis to determine antecedents and help the team to develop programmatic and behavioral strategies to address behaviors.
Ø Guidance and training on the development of Behavior Support Plans.
Ø Guidance and training on implementing school-based behavioral supports
Ø Guidance and training on the collection of data to support IEP goals and Behavior Support Plans
Ø Functional Analysis Assessment and Positive Behavior Intervention Plan development.
Ø Guidance in referring to agencies or SELPA for educationally related mental health services such as individual counseling, parent counseling and social skills training when districts have exhausted school-based supports or when IEP teams deem more intensive services are necessary for the student to receive a Free and Appropriate Public Education.
When requesting services, you should fill out the form (attached) and fax (530-529-4134) or email it to the TCDE SPED office, attention Ashley Jennings .
· Initial visits will be viewed as “program observations” and will yield a follow up communication of intervention suggestions.
· If more in-depth individual student observation is required, the team will need to get an assessment plan signed, marking the Social / Emotional section and Adaptive Behavior box. This will start a 60 day timeline, during which observation will occur and a written document containing intervention strategies, protocols, and / or a BSP will be presented. It is best practice to involve the behaviorist prior to filling out an assessment plan.
· Special Education students are our first priority. We will honor requests for general education students as a “one time visit” which will yield an email including intervention strategies if time allows.