Longbridge Deverill Parish Council

Chairman: Councillor Richard Baxter Clerk: Graham Connellan

Old Smithy Cottage, Norton Bavant, Warminster, Wiltshire, BA12 0EW

Tel: 01985 218622

The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on

Monday 2nd March 2015 at 19:30

All Parish Council Meetings are open to the Public and Press

To All Members of Longbridge Deverill Parish Council

Dear Councillor

You are summoned to a meeting of Longbridge Deverill Parish Council at Longbridge Deverill Parish Hall on Monday 2nd March 2015. The meeting will consider the items set out below. Before the meeting there will be a public session to enable the people of Longbridge Deverill, Hill Deverill and Crockerton to ask questions and make comments regarding the Parish Council. Members of the public are asked to restrict their comments and/or questions to three minutes.

Graham Connellan

Parish Clerk


7:30pm Public Question Time

Report from Unitary Councillor

Report from Police Representative


1. Acceptance of apologies for absence1

2. Chairman’s Announcements

3. Dispensations and declarations of interest

4. Exclusion of the press and public. Standing Order #1c

5. To approve the minutes as a true record of the Council meeting held on 2nd February 2015 (previously circulated) as a correct LGA 1972 Sch 12 para 41(1).

6. Matters arising

The Clerk will go through the actions from the last meeting:

7. Planning Applications to discuss

15/00833/FUL: Low Ridge, Dry Hill, Crockerton

Proposal: Replacement agricultural building on site of former piggery.

15/013767/PTO Kings Oak, Dry Hill, Crockerton

Proposal: Pollard T1 Oak approx 50%. Reduce approx 4 long lateral branches of T2 Oak.

8. Planning Decisions

Council is asked to note the information below.

14/11130/FUL: Ernie’s Yard, Bradley Road, Warminster

Proposal: Change of use of land to 2 Romany Gypsy pitches including 2 mobile homes, 2 dayrooms, 2 touring caravans, 1 septic tank and hard standing – Approved with conditions.

14/11851/OUT: Kingsdown Farm, Lords Hill, Longbridge Deverill

Erection of an agricultural worker’s dwelling -Pending.

14/12011/FUL: The Lodge, Green Sands Stables, Bradley Road, Crockerton

Proposal: Proposed mobile home at lodge – Approved with conditions.

14/10296/FUL: Well House, Potters Hill, Crockerton

Proposal: Replace existing leylandii hedge, fencing panels, posts and gates with brick wall, brick pillars and new solid wall – Approved with conditions

15/00345/FUL: 105A Clay Street, Crockerton

Proposal: Replacement roof structure and ground floor extension to provide additional accommodation – Pending.

15/00618/FUL Location: Kings Oaks, Dry Hill, Crockerton

Proposal: Remodelling and extensions – Pending.

9. Accounts for payment LGA 1972 s150 (5)

Council is asked to approve the payments listed below:

February 2015 HMRC PAYE Tax (Clerk)
February 2015 Wages LGA 1972 s111
February 2015 Travelling on Council Business LGA 1972 s111
Wylye Valley Country Services
Longbridge Deverill Parish Hall
Information Commissioners (Data Protection)
February Interest / £32.00

10. Approval and signing-off of parish accounts for February 2015

11. Sutton Veny Poultry Farm

12. Coat of Arms

13. Highways Maintenance

14. Parish Plan

15. Annual Parish Meeting

16. Meetings for Councillors to consider attending

Warminster Area Board 5th Mar 2015 at 19.00 Warminster Civic Centre

17. Parishioners’ correspondence

None Received

18. Other correspondence, received from:

WALC – Training Course for Councillors

19. Parish Clerk’s delegated powers LGA 1972 s101.

20. Notice of items to be taken into consideration at the next meeting

21. Items for Parish News, notice boards and web site

22. Matters to report

23. Date of next meeting

The Council is asked to note that the next Full Council meeting will be held on Monday 13th April 2015 at 19:30.