2015-2016 APUSH

Summer Assignment

Welcome to Advanced Placement United States History, otherwise known as APUSH. In order to get a jump start on the course curriculum, you are required to complete the following assignments over the summer. Please pay careful attention to the specific details of each assignment.

The following book is required for the summer assignment:

•A People’s History of the United States: 1492 to Present by Howard Zinn
-Note: You DO NOT need to purchase this: it is available FREE online on the following website
http://www.historyisaweapon.org/zinnapeopleshistory.html /

The following will need to be purchased prior to the first day of class:

•By the People: A History of the United States (AP Edition) by James W. Fraser
ISBN-13: 978-0-13-136618-3
-Note this is a new textbook based on the redesigned APUSH course and you can order on the following website
http://www.mypearsonstore.com /


▪Use the classroom website if you misplace this packet


▪Look for the APUSH link

▪Here you will find the summer assignment documentation

▪If you have any questions or concerns you can e-mail me at (use this email for the summer only). Please put APUSH somewhere in the subject line.

Detailed explanation of required assignment

Ø  Assignment One: A People’s History of the U.S. by Howard Zinn

o  Read this book (online) and complete a dialectal journal for each chapter (not all chapters are assigned)

§  The format to use is at the end of this packet

§  For any procrastinators there are DUE dates – you will email me throughout the summer

·  My email for the summer

·  In the subject line use this format:

o  First name Last name, Chapter ____

§  Myrna Remington Chapter 1

·  I WILL reply to your email to let you know that I received it – if you do not get an email from me after 1 week of your submission then you know I DID NOT GET IT so email to my school address:

§  Must be typed using the correct format – grades will be kept

DUE June 23

Chapter 2: Drawing the Color Line

DUE July 14

Chapter 4: Tyranny is Tyranny

DUE July 28

Chapter 6: The Intimately Oppressed

Chapter 7: As Long As Grass Grows or Water Runs

DUE August 4

Chapter 8: We Take Nothing by Conquest, Thank God

Chapter 9: Slavery without Submission, Emancipation without Freedom

DUE August 11

Chapter 12: The Empire and the People

DUE August 18

Chapter 16: A People's War?

Chapter 17: “Or Does It Explode”

Chapter 18: The Impossible Victory: Vietnam

Dialectal Journal for Primary/Secondary Sources

A dialectical journal is set up in the following manner:

Quotation / Page / Reason for selecting this item

Ø  By quotation, I mean a selection from the source that you find interesting or important. It does not have to be dialogue from historical characters in the book – it could be a quotation of a fact found in the book, or of an opinion made by the author in the book. Then, you comment on what you found interesting or important about the quote that you selected.

Ø  You will hand one of these in for each supplemental reading that I assign

Ø  You will hand one of these in for each chapter in Howard Zinn’s book ( no more than 5 per chapter)

Ø  Each of these is worth 5-20 points


Howard Zinn Chapter 1 – Columbus, The Indians, and Human Progress

Quotation / Page / Reason for selecting this item
“…the quiet acceptance of conquest and murder in the name of progress.” / 10 / Brutalizing the native population was the norm . . . Columbus established a “pattern”