Reversed Correlation To


Longman Workplace Plus 4

Reversed Correlation To

Longman Side By Side 4, 3rd edition



UNIT 1 Pages 1-14
Your Life and Work
/ Excuses/Reasons, Unit 7, 95-108; Unit 8, 109-124
Non-Action Verbs, Unit 2, 15-30; Unit 7, 95-108
Relates Personal Experiences, Unit 2, 15-30; Unit 6, 83-94
Housing, Unit 1, 1-14; Unit 4, 51-64; Unit 5, 65-78; Unit 6, 83-94
Completes Dialogs, throughout the book (e.g., Unit 2, 15-30; Unit 3, 31-46; Unit 4, 51-64; Unit 5, 65-78)
Writes Compositions/Journal, throughout the book (e.g., Unit 2, 15-30; Unit 3, 31-46; Unit 4, 51-64; Unit 5, 65-78)
UNIT 2 Pages 15-28
Your Environment
/ Housing, Unit 1, 1-14; Unit 4, 51-64; Unit 5, 65-78; Unit 6, 83-94
House Repair, Unit 1, 1-14; Unit 4, 51-64; Unit 8, 109-124
Present Perfect Tense, Unit 1, 1-14
Completes Dialogs, Throughout the book (e.g., Unit 2, 15-30; Unit 3, 31-46; Unit 4, 51-64; Unit 5, 65-78)
Writes Compositions/Journal, Throughout the book (e.g., Unit 2, 15-30; Unit 3, 31-46; Unit 4, 51-64; Unit 5, 65-78)
UNIT 3 Pages 29-42
Your Equipment and Machines / Law Enforcement, Unit 2, 15-30; Unit 4, 51-64; Unit 7, 95-108
Traffic Violations, Unit 2, 15-30; Unit 4, 51-64; Unit 5, 65-78
Car Repair, Unit 3, 31-46; Unit 4, 51-64; Unit 6, 83-94; Unit 10, 145-158
Driving, Unit 2, 15-30; Unit 3, 31-46; Unit 6, 83-94
Gerunds, Unit 10, 145-158
Consequences, Unit 5, 65-78; Unit 7; Unit 10, 145-158
Completes Dialogs, throughout the book (e.g., Unit 2, 15-30; Unit 3, 31-46; Unit 4, 51-64; Unit 5, 65-78)
Writes Compositions/Journal, throughout the book (e.g., Unit 2, 15-30; Unit 3, 31-46; Unit 4, 51-64; Unit 5, 65-78)
UNIT 4 Pages 43-56
Your Customers
/ Travel Vocabulary, Unit 1, 1-14; Unit 2, 15-30; Unit 5, 65-78; Unit 7, 95-108
Reacting to Good/Bad News, Unit 3, 31-46
Completes Dialogs, throughout the book (e.g., Unit 2, 15-30; Unit 3, 31-46; Unit 4, 51-64; Unit 5, 65-78)
Writes Compositions/Journal, throughout the book (e.g., Unit 2, 15-30; Unit 3, 31-46; Unit 4, 51-64; Unit 5, 65-78)


UNIT 5 Pages 57-70
Your Time
/ Punctuality, Unit 1, 1-14; Unit 2, 15-30; Unit 3, 31-46
Drivers License, Unit 3, 31-46; Unit 6, 83-94
Voter Information, Unit 4, 51-64; Unit 6, 83-94; Unit 7, 95-108
Apologize, Unit 2, 15-30; Unit 10, 145-158
Advice, Unit 6, 83-94; Unit 8, 109-124
Consequences, Unit 5, 65-78; Unit 7; Unit 10, 145-158
If Clauses, Unit 7, 95-108
Conditional, Unit 6, 83-94; Unit 7, 95-108
Completes Dialogs, throughout the book (e.g., Unit 2, 15-30; Unit 3, 31-46; Unit 4, 51-64; Unit 5, 65-78)
Writes Compositions/Journal, throughout the book (e.g., Unit 2, 15-30; Unit 3, 31-46; Unit 4, 51-64; Unit 5, 65-78)
UNIT 6 Pages 71-84
Your Supplies and Resources
/ Addresses, Unit 1, 1-14; Unit 7, 95-108; Unit 9, 129-144
Written Estimate, Unit 3, 31-46
References, Unit 4, 51-64
Emphatic Sentence Punctuation, Unit 9, 129-144
Completes Dialogs, throughout the book (e.g., Unit 2, 15-30; Unit 3, 31-46; Unit 4, 51-64; Unit 5, 65-78)
Writes Compositions/Journal, throughout the book (e.g., Unit 2, 15-30; Unit 3, 31-46; Unit 4, 51-64; Unit 5, 65-78)
UNIT 7 Pages 85-98
Your Relationships
/ Difficult Situations, Unit 2, 15-30
Express Opinions, Unit 3, 31-46; Unit 9, 129-144
Agree/Disagree, Unit 9, 129-144
Reported Speech, Unit 8, 109-124
Completes Dialogs, throughout the book (e.g., Unit 2, 15-30; Unit 3, 31-46; Unit 4, 51-64; Unit 5, 65-78)
Writes Compositions/Journal, throughout the book (e.g., Unit 2, 15-30; Unit 3, 31-46; Unit 4, 51-64; Unit 5, 65-78)
UNIT 8 Pages 99-112
Your Health and Safety
/ Health Vocabulary, Unit 1, 1-14; Unit 3, 31-46; Unit 4, 51-64; Unit 8, 109-124
Express Disappointment, Unit 1, 1-140
Modals, Unit 2, 15-30
Tag Questions, Unit 9, 129-144
Apologize, Unit 2, 15-30; Unit 10, 145-158
Foods, throughout the book (e.g., Unit 1, 1-14; Unit 2, 15-30; Unit 3, 31-46)
Completes Dialogs, throughout the book (e.g., Unit 2, 15-30; Unit 3, 31-46; Unit 4, 51-64; Unit 5, 65-78)
Writes Compositions/Journal, throughout the book (e.g., Unit 2, 15-30; Unit 3, 31-46; Unit 4, 51-64; Unit 5, 65-78)


UNIT 9 Pages 113-126

Your Money

/ Giving Reasons, Unit 5, 65-78; Unit 6, 83-94; Unit 7; Unit 8, 109-124; Unit 10, 145-158
Money, Unit 3, 31-46; Unit 4, 51-64; Unit 5, 65-78; Unit 6, 83-94
Wishes and Dreams, Unit 7
Completes Dialogs, throughout the book (e.g., Unit 2, 15-30; Unit 3, 31-46; U nit 4, 51-64; Unit 5, 65-78)
Writes Compositions/Journal, throughout the book (e.g., Unit 2, 15-30; Unit 3, 31-46; Unit 4, 51-64; Unit 5, 65-78)

UNIT 10 Pages 127-140

Your Career

/ Past Unreal Conditional, Unit 7
Employment related vocabulary, throughout the book (e.g., Unit 2, 15-30; Unit 3, 31-46; Unit 4, 51-64; Unit 5, 65-78)
Difficult Situations, Unit 2, 15-30
Completes Dialogs, throughout the book (e.g., Unit 2, 15-30; Unit 3, 31-46; Unit 4, 51-64; Unit 5, 65-78)
Writes Compositions/Journal, throughout the book (e.g., Unit 2, 15-30; Unit 3, 31-46; Unit 4, 51-64; Unit 5, 65-78)