

Study Guide: Figurative Language/Word Relationships

This completed Study Guide is due Tuesday, February 4th.

The test will be Friday, February 7th.

Standard 4.L.5-Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, & nuances in word meanings.

  1. Explain the meaning of simple similes and metaphors (e.g. as pretty as a picture).
  2. Recognize and explain the meaning of common idioms, adages, and proverbs.
  3. Demonstrate understanding of words by relating them to their opposites (antonyms) and the words with similar but not identical meanings (synonyms).

Definitions and Examples:

*simile- uses the words LIKE or AS to make a comparison (Ex. The girl ran like the wind., My brother is as hungry as a hippo.)

*metaphor- makes comparisons by saying an item or idea IS or WAS something else. (Ex. My truck is a work horse., The paper was an evil witch casting a spell on me.)

*idiom- a phrase or group of words that have a meaning otherthan the literal translation of the words.(Ex. A fish out of water, hanging by a thread, kicked the bucket, in a nutshell, caught my eye, stick your neck out)

*hyperbole- an intentional exaggeration used to make a point or sound impressive. (Ex. I nearly died laughing., I went over it a thousand times., I’m so hungry, I could eat a horse., She is a million years old.)

*personification- a figure of speech in which an object or idea is given human qualities or abilities. (Ex. My computer hates me., The camera loves me., The T.V. sprang to life.)

*alliteration-the repetition of the beginning consonant sounds in words(tongue twister). (Ex. Chunky chickens like chewing chocolate.)

*onomatopoeia- a word that imitates the sound it represents (written sound effect). (Ex. swish, swoop, honk, squeak, mumble, hush, bam, boo, moo, tweak, twitter, buzz, clang, crash, pop)

*adage- a statement that expresses some kind of truth about human nature, or how people behave. (Ex. Birds of a feather flock together.)

*proverb- a saying that offers advice or instruction about how to live your life. (Ex. Don’t judge a book by its cover. Treat others as you would have them treat you.)

*synonym-A word that is the same or similar to another word.

*antonym-A word that means the opposite of another word.

**Don’t forget to review your class notes in your language arts folder as well.**



Figurative Language Study Guide: Practice Questions

1.)Which of the following sentences is a simile?

  1. John came home last night.
  2. Please excuse the mess.
  3. Carla ran like the wind.
  4. My room was a dungeon.

2.)The following sentence is a ______.

Our house is a refrigerator.

  1. adage
  2. simile
  3. idiom
  4. metaphor

3.)When defining an idiom, what does it mean that the words cannot be taken literally?

  1. that they are misspelled
  2. that they do not mean exactly what they say
  3. that they can’t be smart
  4. that they are antonyms

4.)The following is an example of what type of figurative language?

In a nut shell…

  1. idiom
  2. adage
  3. proverb
  4. metaphor

5.)What does the adage better safe than sorry mean?

  1. to be afraid of the future
  2. to always be unsure of things because being nervous is good
  3. to be regretful
  4. it is important to be safe in order to avoid negative consequences

6.)A saying that offers advice is a ______.

  1. proverb
  2. simile
  3. personification
  4. metaphor

7.)Tiny Tom tickled Terry’s toes is an example of a(n) ______.

  1. hyperbole
  2. onomatopoeia
  3. adage
  4. alliteration

8.)Onomatopoeia is a ______.

  1. written sound effect
  2. funny joke
  3. short saying
  4. comparison

9.)I’ve told you a million times to write your name on your paper, is an example of ______.

  1. synonym
  2. idiom
  3. personification
  4. hyperbole

10.) Woods and Forests are examples of ______.

  1. antonyms
  2. synonyms
  3. adages
  4. similes

11.) Young and Old are examples of ______.

  1. antonyms
  2. synonyms
  3. adages
  4. similes

12.)An example of personification is:

  1. The dog was asleep.
  2. The camera loves me.
  3. Ouch!
  4. Run like the wind.