Welcome to St. Raymond Parish

Our Mission Statement

St. Raymond Parish is a community united by our Catholic Faith as disciples of Jesus Christ. We seek communion with God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit through ongoing personal and communal conversion to Christ and a deeper commitment to the mission Jesus gives each of us to preach the Gospel. The Sacred Scriptures and sacraments of the Church sustain us. We dedicate ourselves to Truth and strive to grow in love of God and neighbor through community, prayer, study, and service, as we work by grace to build up in one another and share freely with others the abundance of magnificent gifts God has given us.



Family Name: Date:

Address: City/State: Zip:

Contact Phone: Contact Email:

Sunday Envelopes: Yes*____ monthly____ weekly____ No____ *

Sign up for e-contributions on line. Visit our website at the address on the bottom of this page to sign up. No Sunday envelopes and no cost to you for this service. Call the parish office if you would like further information at (650) 323-1755.

Marital Status: Married? ¨Yes When______¨No

Desired Title(s): ¨ Mr. ¨ Ms. ¨ Mr. & Mrs. ¨ Mrs. ¨ Dr. ¨ Dr. & Mrs. ¨ Dr. & Dr.


First Name:______Last name if applied: ______

Birth date ______Religion: ______

Occupation: ______Company & City: ______

Sacraments: ¨Baptism ¨Communion ¨Confirmation

First Name Of Spouse: ______(maiden name) ______

Birth date ______Religion: ______

Occupation: ______Company & City: ______

Sacraments: ¨Baptism ¨Communion ¨Confirmation

Names of Childern:______Birthdate______Baptized-Yes____No____



Welcome to St. Raymond Parish

Please check organizations you might be interested in joining or assisting:

¨ Lectors ¨ Confirmation Program

¨ Eucharistic Ministers ¨ Altar Ministers

¨ Liturgy Committee ¨ Legion Of Mary

¨ Liturgy of The Word for Children ¨ St. Vincent de Paul

¨ School of Religion ¨ Donuts & Coffee Volunteers

¨ Choir ¨ Church Environment

¨ Hospitality ¨Bible Study


Please drop off your completed form in the collection baskets on Sunday, or mail to the office address below.