2016 SIT Monthly Agenda

Noble Middle School

February 10, 2016


  1. Enrichment: Successful implementation, accomplishing goals in remediation (not overkill) and high achieving opportunities like Science Olympiad, Battle of the Books, Math Counts, etc.


  1. 8th grade students hanging out by cafeteria/store/bathroom in morning (breakfast) and coming late to class (same group of students each day).
  2. Lack of supervision in back hallway. Too many students still in general hallways after the tardy bells.
  3. Teachers are marking students (1A). 6th & 8th grade teachers are not changing attendance for late bus students.
  4. Consistency with handling discipline.
  5. Use of smart watches/Too many meetings.


  1. (1 &2) Teachers need to be at their duty stations. Teachers need to be posted outside their classrooms during every transition. Each grade level will create a plan (submit to administration) where each team member will stand during lunch transition. Team members should be spread out throughout the student’s route to and from the cafeteria.
  2. (3) Teachers can mark (1A) for absent students the day of absence if they received a phone call or email from the parent as such. 6th & 8th grade teachers must change attendance. Office staff is willing to sign in ALL students who arrive late (administrative decision).
  3. (4) Review other middle schools’ disciplinary systems.
  4. (5) The “use of smart phones” and “meeting” concerns must be clearly stated to help define the problem and/or conflict.


2016 SIT Monthly Agenda: Meeting Summary

Noble Middle School

February 10, 2016

Burning Issues & Solutions:

  1. 8th grade students hanging out by cafeteria/store/bathroom in morning (breakfast) and coming late to class (same group of students each day). Lack of supervision in back hallway. Too many students in general hallways after the tardy bells.

-Teachers on duty will sweep students to class after the bell.

-Grade level plan submitted to administration (January SIT).

-Administration and Deputy will sweep hallways after breakfast and arrival of late buses.

  1. Teachers are marking students (1A). 6th & 8th grade teachers are not changing attendance for late bus students.

-Mark attendance (1A) only if you have email, phone call or note from parent regarding illness/injury.

-6th & 8th grade late bus students are sent directly to homeroom/1st period and must be checked in by teacher by 8:45 am.

  1. Consistency with handling discipline.

-Case by case situations; teachers should discuss concerns with grade level administrator for clarification of incident and consequence.

-alternately, teachers should discuss concerns with grade level principal advisory committee representative.

-TBA. PBIS subcommittee and in house classroom management workshop.

  1. Use of smart watches

-Student use of smart watches falls under same policy as cell phone usage: Teacher discretion.

  1. Too many meetings/uncoordinated meetings for 504/IEP, etc.

-All meetings will be scheduled during August workdays for the calendar school year.


  1. School Counselors are looking into a teacher shared drive for Noble to contain 504 plans.
  2. Accommodation Lab: too many students in lab at one time.
  3. ABE (Administrative decision for next year; decided at January SIT)
  4. Student Absences: teachers need to make contact w/parent after three absences.
  5. ISS Work: teachers are not getting student work from ISS.

Parent Feedback: No Parent Attended

Principal Feedback: Mr. Bostian was supportive of solutions to faculty issues.

****Thank you to all who attended and for those who gave feedback on the “new” SIT Google.doc! Please voice your Kudos and Burning Issues along with suggestions/solutions to your SIT representative and/or the SIT Google.doc.


Bill Graham and Megan Demolina

MCS Noble SIT Co-Chairs