Cub Scout Activity Patch Information Sheet

In Utah, an average of 65 percent of drinking-water is used on our landscapes. By designing our yards with water-wise plants, we can reduce the need for water. The Demonstration Garden is designed with many different landscape themes to give people ideas of how to landscape their yards.

1. The Perennial yard is like an explosion of color. It shows many different flowers that bloom each summer.

2. The Traditional yard shows how most people landscape with a few shrubs, but mostly grass watered by sprinklers.

3. The Modified Traditional yard shows that water can be saved by using more plants and less grass.

4. The Harvest yard gives people practical ideas for plants like grapes, herbs, and fruit trees.

5. The Woodland yard shows a nice shady area with no grass and uses very little water because it is watered only by drip irrigation.

6. The High Desert yard survives only on natural rainfall because it uses plants that are already living in Utah. These plants are marked in the Garden as “Utah Native”.

7. The Garden Park is an area that shows people even more interesting landscape ideas such as ornamental grasses, vegetable gardens, annuals, and different kinds of turf grasses including Kentucky Bluegrass, Tall Fescue, Blue Gramma Grass, Turtle Turf, and Buffalo Grass.

The water we use in our homes comes from rivers and lakes in the mountains and from wells. It is then treated and piped to your home. After it is used, it is treated again and returned to the Jordan River. There are many other ways we can save water in addition to water-wise landscaping at our homes.

Indoor Water Conservation Tips Outdoor Water Conservation Tips

1. Find and repair leaks. 1. Repair irrigation system leaks.

2. Only run full loads in the dishwasher and 2. Adjust the sprinkler clock based

washing machine. on the seasons.

3. Replace appliances with more efficient ones 3. Re-landscape areas of the yard

(the toilet uses the most water indoors). using water-wise plants.

4. Take shorter showers. 4. Improve sprinkler coverage.

5. Turn the water off while brushing your teeth. 5. Water plants with drip irrigation.

6. Don’t use the toilet as a waste basket. 6. Cover the pool when not in use.

7. Install water-saving shower heads. 7. Use a shut-off nozzle on the hose

8. Keep a pitcher of drinking water in the when washing the car.

refrigerator. 8. Sweep or blow the driveway

instead of spraying with water.

9. Water during the cool part of the day.

10. Put mulch around trees and plant beds.

Demonstration Garden

8215 S 1300 W

West Jordan


Summer hours (May 1 to Sept 30) 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. every day

Winter hours (Oct 1 to April 30) 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday

Free admission

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