Psychiatric Disorders Diagnosed in Childhood and Adolescence
At the completion of the lesson, the student will be able to:
1. Identify the disorders usually first diagnosed in infancy, childhood, or adolescence, according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition, Text revision (DSM-IV-TR)
2. Differentiate between mental retardation and pervasive developmental disorders.
3. Identify th biopsychosocial dimensions of the developmental disorders of childhood.
4. Discuss the nursing care of children with pervasive developmental disorders
5. Compare the disruptive behavior disorders: attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, and conduct disorder
6. relate the assessment data of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorderto the development of nursing diagnoses, interventions, and evaluation of outcomes.
7. identify the steps involved in fundamental behavior modification interventions, such as “time out”, for children
8. Discuss the epidemiology, etiology, psychopharmalogic interventions, and nursing care of children with disorders of mood and anxiety.
9. Discuss the epidemiology, etiology, psychopharmalogic interventions, and nursing care of children tic disorders.
10. Discuss behavorial intervention strategies for the treatment of encopresis.
1. Developmental Disorders of Childhood
1.1. Mental Retardation
1.1.1.Epidemiology and Etiology
1.1.2.Nursing Management
1.1.3Continuum of Care
1.2. Pervasive Developmental Disorders
1.2.1Types Autistic Disorder Asperger’s Disorder
2. Nursing Management: Human Response to Disorder
3. Biologic Domain
3.1. Assessment
3.1.1. Nursing Diagnoses and Outcomes: Biologic Domain
3.1.2. Interventions for the Biologic Domain
4. Psychological Domain
4.1. Assessment
4.2. Nursing Diagnoses and Outcomes: Psychological Domain
4.3. Interventions for the Psychological Domain
5. Social Domain
5.1. Assessment
5.2. Nursing Diagnoses and Outcomes: Social Domain
5.3. Interventions for the Social Domain
6. Evaluation and Treatment Outcomes
7. Specific Developmental Disorders
7.1. Types
7.1.1. Learning Disorder
7.1.2. Communication Disorders
8. Nursing Management: Human Response to Disorder
9. Continuum of Care
10. Disruptive Behavior Disorders
11. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
11.1. Clinical Course and Diagnostic Criteria
11.2. Epidemiology and Risk Factors
11.3. Etiologic Factors
11.4. Biologic Factors
11.5. Psychological and Social Factors
12. Nursing Management: Human Response to Disorder
12.1. Biologic Domain
12.1.1. Assessment
12.1.2. Nursing Diagnoses and Outcomes: Biologic Domain
12.1.3. Interventions for the Biologic Domain
12.2. Psychological Domain
12.2.1. Assessment
12.2.2. Nursing Diagnoses and Outcomes: Psychological Domain
12.2.3. Interventions for the Psychological Domain
12.3. Social Domain
12.3.1. Assessment
12.3.2.Nursing Diagnoses and Outcomes: Social Domain
Interventions for the Social Domain
12.4. Evaluation and Treatment Outcomes
12.5. Continuum of Care
12.6. Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Conduct Disorder
13. Nursing Management: Human Response to Disorder
13.1 Biologic Domain
13.1.1 Assessment
13.1.2..Nursing Diagnoses and Outcomes: Biologic Domain
13.1.3. Interventions for the Biologic Domain
13.2. Psychological Domain
13.2.1 Assessment
13.2.2. Nursing Diagnoses and Outcomes: Psychological Domain
13.2.3. Interventions for the Psychological Domain
13.4. Social Domain
13.4.1. Assessment
13.4.2. Nursing Diagnoses and Outcomes: Social Domain
13.4.3. Interventions for the Social Domain
13.5. Evaluation and Treatment Outcomes
13.6. Continuum of Care
14. Disorders of Mood and Anxiety
14.1. Anxiety Disorders
14.2. Separation Anxiety Disorder
14.2.1. Epidemiology and Etiology
14.2.2. Psychopharmacologic Interventions
15. Nursing Management: Human Response to Disorder
15.1. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
15.1.2. Epidemiology and Etiology
15.1.3. Psychopharmacologic Interventions
16. Nursing Management: Human Response to Disorder
16.1. Mood Disorders: Major Depressive Disorder
16.1.1 Epidemiology
16.1.2. Nursing Management
17. Tic Disorders and Tourette’s Disorder
17.1. Epidemiology and Etiology
17.2. Psychopharmacologic Interventions
18. Nursing Management: Human Response to Disorder
19. Childhood Schizophrenia
20. Elimination Disorders
20.1. Enuresis
20.1.1. Epidemiology and Etiology
21. Nursing Management: Human Response to Disorder
21.1. Encopresis
21.1.1. Epidemiology and Etiology
22. Nursing Management: Human Response to Disorder
1. Study Guide: Chapter 28, 29:
2. Participation in Classroom Critical Thinking Activities CTC #8 Page 637 Text. CTE #4 Study Guide Page 134
Our children are our future. What must mental health nurses do to ensure their mental health? How can a nurse in a pediatric out-patient practice apply assessment tools for case finding and provide mental health nursing care for a child and his/her family?
Boyd, M. A. (20025). Psychiatric Nursing: Contemporary Practice.(3rd.. Ed., pp. 603-642).
Philadelphia: Lippincott.
WEB LINKS The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry website provides an exhaustive list of links to short articles on many mental health issues and is geared toward families and consumers. This site of the Children and Adults with Attention-deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD) organization provides information and resources on ADHD. This website describes Asperger’s disorder. The Autism Society of America advances the understanding of autism. The website of the Center for Study of Autism contains information and resources about autism and related disorders.