DeVry University
TCM-343 & 343L
Network Operating Systems
Using Windows
TERM: Summer 2004
CONTACT HOURS:4-Class, 2-Lab CREDIT HOURS: 4-Class, 1-Lab
FACULTY:Prof. J.M. “Michael” Kyser
Cell Phone Number: 630-673-0048
Web Access:
Available: Before & after class & if scheduled. Feel free to email or call up to 10:30PM.
ATTENDANCE: Class attendance is required. If you miss more than 30% of the lectures at any point in time, you will be asked to withdraw from the class. Being more than 30 minutes late to a lecture is considered missing a class. Pre-Quiz and Pre-Exam reviews are held during class and are essential to your doing well. You are allowed to do what you can of the homework, labs, and projects at home or other non-TCM labs. You are welcome to attend my other TCM343 Classes or Labs at any time, including quizzes and exams.
MCSE Guide to Microsoft Windows 2000 Server Palmer, Kammerling, Marky, Stewart –Course Technology, Boston, MA, 2000, Certification Edition, ISBN 00-619-18683-6
This course explores basic operation and management of local area networks (LANs) using Microsoft Windows network operating system (NOS). Topics include installation of server and workstation software, physical network configuration, network security, policy, domain controllers, performance monitoring and troubleshooting techniques. NOS features, ease of management, utilities, upgrades, and interoperability with other NOSs and client types are analyzed. Prerequisite: TCM-255 / 4-0-4
Point Grading Scale:A: 90%+ B: 80%-89% C: 70%-79% D: 60%-69% Fail: Less Than 60%
Your final course grade will be determined tentatively as follows (Missing items count as 0 Points; I am very careful not to misplace items):
Quick Quizzes ~130 Pts
In Class Assignments~70 Pts
Chapter Case Projects~200 Pts
2 Exams (Wks 7 & 15)~600 Pts (Open Book, Open Note)
Total Points Available ~1000 Pts
Your Lab Grade will be determined as follows:
10-13 Labs~100 Pts Each
Homework Assignments: It is expected that you read the chapter, review the key-term, and answer the questions before it is lectured on. Closed book Quick Quizzes covering the chapter questions and key terms will be given each week on the current chapter during the first 15 minutes of the first lecture class for that chapter. Case Projects from each chapter in the book are due the week following the lecture; you must work independently on these Case Projects.
Major Exams can be made-up only if notification is given that the original exam will be missed. Quick Quizzesand In-Class exercisescannot be made-up, however, if you miss a quiz, a copy may be obtained for study purposes. Class Exercises cannot be made up without previous arrangement with the professor.
On Graded assignments To receive full credit on the projects and labs it must be obvious that you fully understood the assignment. Some of your Labs will be part of your project grades to account for the lab time you spend on your projects. It is expected that projects will represent 10 hours of outside work each project. All work must be stapled, disks labeled and attached, have your name on them. Label and Organize Your Work: Work that is well organized and easy to understand and read is generally graded higher. Cover pages are NOT required. Do not staple different assignments to each other. .
Late Policy: Items are due the end-of-the-week of week indicated in the upper-right-hand corner of the assignment. There is a one-week grace period before you begin losing points at 10% of assignment points per week late down to 10% minimum. If you and I agree on a time extension for an assignment or exam, you must attach a note signed by me to you assignment. All work, even if it is late, can be turned in up to the last day of Standard Week 14.
COURSE OBJECTIVES: The main objectives of this course are to provide the students with a clear and concise understanding of the following:
1.Given a Windows NT4.0 design scenario, create a formal design plan which correctly identifies the Windows 2000 domain structure, group security structure, and configuration of DNS and DHCP that is most correct for the design parameters.
2.Given a business case scenario, develop a formal task list for installing Windows 2000 Professional (Windows 2000 Pro) on a platform which is upgradeable, and attaching the Windows 2000 Pro configured machine and a non-upgradeable machine to a Windows 2000 Server based LAN.
3.Given a business case scenario, create a formal design plan that details requirements for Windows 2000 server hardware, network protocols and compatibilities, Root and Child Domains, Dfs, Disk Quotas, Active Directory, and Security.
4.Given a business case scenario formulate and write a formal task list for launching an unattended installation of Windows 2000 Server to include preparation, automating installation of Server, and automating installing Server applications.
5.Given a business case scenario, create a formal design list and present orally the most correct configuration of a Windows 2000 Server File System.
6.Given a business case scenario, develop a written, formal design plan for Windows 2000 accounts, client connectivity, groups, folders, files, and Object security.
7.Given a business case scenario, create and write a formal task list and present orally the most correct requirements and guidelines for a Windows 2000 network printing environment that includes local, network, and Internet printing.
8.Given a business case scenario, create a formal design plan for Internet and network interoperability that includes provisions for Windows 2000 RRAS and VPN connectivity.
9.Given a business case scenario, construct a formal task list for assuring reliability plus monitoring and optimization for Windows 2000 Server and Network connectivity.
10.Given a business case scenario create a formal design plan and present a Windows 2000 troubleshooting process strategy.
11.Informal Goal: Incorporate Windows 2003 into all objectives.
RESPECT: I encourage group interaction, but when information is being relayed, please give that person the respect of listening. No talking when other people are talking to the class. If you must, please whisper or leave to room for the conversation. Please be respectful in your interaction with others and with the language you use. Failure to comply with this will result in you being asked to leave the class. Please do not come up to the front when I’m lecturing; please do not take papers from the front unless clearly marked for distribution. Please avoid looking through other students work and grades when you pick up your graded assignments. Graded work must be picked up by the student being graded. Do not pick up other student’s graded work, for them, unless you talk to me first.
Any activity, which is deemed to threaten the institute’s academic integrity, will result in disciplinary action. Such activities include, but are not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, using others' work in the preparation of your own, giving or receiving copies of, or information in, tests or quizzes.
On assignments, you may work with others and help others, but what you turn in must be your own work, completely done and fully understood by you. ON HOME ASSIGNMENTS, LABS, AND PROJECTS, YOU MAY LOOK AT AND SHARE/USE OTHER’S WORK AND IDEAS, BUT, YOU MAY NOT DIRECTLY COPY FROM OTHERS WORK. If you copy, you must indicate at the front of your assignment, what you copied and who from.
- First time offenders: will lose twice the value of the assignment, incident is reported.
- Second time offenders: class failed, dismissed from class, incident is reported.
It is important that students with any special needs inform me as soon as possible to ensure that
those needs are met in a timely manner. If necessary, please inform the Office of Student Affairs
of any disability status.
Professor Kyser
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