The Massabielle

The Weekly Newsletter of

St Bernadette’s Parish Community,

Castle Hill, NSW


Issue 59

Jesus and Prayer 3

from the Catholic Catechism of the Church, St Paul’s Publications, 1995

We continue the theme of Jesus and prayer in a selection from the Catholic Catechism.

Jesus hears our prayer

2616 Prayer to Jesus is answered by him already during his ministry, through signs that anticipate the power of his death and Resurrection: Jesus hears the prayer of faith, expressed in words (the leper, Jairus, the Canaanite woman, the good thief) or in silence (the bearers of the paralytic, the woman with a haemorrhage who touches his clothes, the tears and ointment of the sinful woman). The urgent request of the blind men, "Have mercy on us, Son of David" or "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!" has been renewed in the traditional prayer to Jesus known as the Jesus Prayer: "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner!" Healing infirmities or forgiving sins, Jesus always responds to a prayer offered in faith: "Your faith has made you well; go in peace."

St. Augustine wonderfully summarizes the three dimensions of Jesus' prayer: "He prays for us as our priest, prays in us as our Head, and is prayed to by us as our God. Therefore let us acknowledge our voice in him and his in us."

The prayer of the Virgin Mary

2617 Mary's prayer is revealed to us at the dawning of the fullness of time. Before the incarnation of the Son of God, and before the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, her prayer cooperates in a unique way with the Father's plan of loving kindness: at the Annunciation, for Christ's conception; at Pentecost, for the formation of the Church, his Body. In the faith of his humble handmaid, the Gift of God found the acceptance he had awaited from the beginning of time. She whom the Almighty made "full of grace" responds by offering her whole being: "Behold I am the handmaid of the Lord; let it be [done] to me according to your word." "Fiat ": this is Christian prayer: to be wholly God's, because he is wholly ours.

2618 The Gospel reveals to us how Mary prays and intercedes in faith. At Cana, the mother of Jesus asks her son for the needs of a wedding feast; this is the sign of another feast -- that of the wedding of the Lamb where he gives his body and blood at the request of the Church, his Bride. It is at the hour of the New Covenant, at the foot of the cross, that Mary is heard as the Woman, the new Eve, the true "Mother of all the living."

2619 That is why the Canticle of Mary, the Magnificat (Latin) or Megalynei (Byzantine) is the song both of the Mother of God and of the Church; the song of the Daughter of Zion and of the new People of God; the song of thanksgiving for the fullness of graces poured out in the economy of salvation and the song of the "poor" whose hope is met by the fulfilment of the promises made to our ancestors, "to Abraham and to his posterity for ever."


2620 Jesus' filial prayer is the perfect model of prayer in the New Testament. Often done in solitude and in secret, the prayer of Jesus involves a loving adherence to the will of the Father even to the Cross and an absolute confidence in being heard.

2621 In his teaching, Jesus teaches his disciples to pray with a purified heart, with lively and persevering faith, with filial boldness. He calls them to vigilance and invites them to present their petitions to God in his name. Jesus Christ himself answers prayers addressed to him.

2622 The prayers of the Virgin Mary, in her Fiat and Magnificat, are characterized by the generous offering of her whole being in faith.

Muslims and Christians

more in common than you think

World events have caused some people to question the ability of peoples from different religious communities to live side-by-side

Are there important values that we share in common which not only transcend our differences, but from which the community can benefit and be uplifted?

What are these shared values which are important for Muslims and Christians?


Chaired by Richard Glover - Presenter, Drive Program, 702, ABC, Sydney

Speakers from both traditions will address these questions

·  Bishop Kevin Manning, Catholic Bishop of Parramatta

·  Keysar Trad, Islamic Friendship Association of Australia Inc

·  Wendie Wilkie, Assoc. Gen. Sec., Uniting Church National Assembly

·  Suzan Meguid, Pharmacist, resident of Castle Hill

The evening will begin with mixed cultural finger-food and include musical items. Convened by Christian and Muslim citizens of the Hills community

Friday, 30th July

7.30 - 9.45pm

Benildus Hall,

Oakhill College

Old Northern Road, Castle Hill

Readings this Week – Year C

First Reading: Deuteronomy 30:10-14 The Word of the Lord is very near to us, in our mouths and in our hearts.

Second Reading: Colossians 1:15-20 All things are created and reconciled through Christ.

Gospel: Luke 10:25-37 – The Samaritan, the outsider, is the one who sees and practises the Law of the Lord.

Next week: 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Genesis 18:1-10, Colossians 1:24-28, Luke 10:38-42

Feast Day this Week:

Thursday 15 July - St Bonaventure, bishop, doctor

HOLY HOUR – This THURS, 15 JULY, 8-9pm, including Rosary, prayers, hymns, and scripture reading. All welcome!

FIRST RECONCILIATION PREPARATION PROGRAMME 2004: Our programme will begin in week 2 next term. Please keep all of our children and families in your prayers. Facilitators will be in touch with all families over the next couple of weeks. We are still looking for a facilitator for a Saturday afternoon group. Training and materials are provided. If you are interested, please contact Alice, or 9634 2622.

FIRST HOLY COMMUNION 2004: There are still a number of kits that have not been returned. Could facilitators please return these to the Parish House as soon as possible as they are a very valuable resource!

PLANNED GIVING ENVELOPES 2004/2005 – END OF 2004 FINANCIAL YEAR: There are approximately 150 sets of planned giving envelopes still to be collected from the church foyer. Please collect your set as you leave today. This year’s envelopes run to early November when we will be conducting our three year Planned Giving program review. Additional envelopes will be issued at that time.

On behalf of the Parish I thank all contributors for your support this year. Your contributions have provided improved facilities including the renovation of the Lourdes Centre, maintaining our computer infrastructure, as well as meeting our normal running expenses including loan repayments. Please refer to the published monthly financial statement for full details.

In the 2004/2005 year we seek your assistance in reducing our loan of $1.385m (repayments of $13,776 per month) and to meet our weekly commitments of approx $16,000. Capital works this year and other necessary maintenance will be determined by the Building and Grounds Committee. Assistance will also be provided for the youth of the Parish and other programs.

Each year, as we prepare the Parish budget, it is comforting to know that we have a regular and defined income stream. This is achieved by virtue of YOUR generosity by the Pledge made when contributing to the Planned Giving Envelope / Credit Card / Direct Debit System. If you do not presently assist in this manner, please consider our Parish commitments in providing practical and spiritual support to our community. Forms are available in the foyer for each method of contribution and can be returned to the Parish Secretary or placed in the Parish mail box located in the annex of the Parish Office. Rex Smith, Chairperson, Planned Giving Support Team.



With the help of the Parramatta Institute for Mission, the Hills Deanery is offering a course to prepare new Ministers of Word (Lectors) and Communion (Special Ministers). The course will provide the theological, historical and practical knowledge needed to be involved with these ministries. This course will also benefit existing ministers, giving you the opportunity to refresh your skills and learn new ones.

The venue for the course is St Paul the Apostle Centre, Buckleys Road, Winston Hills, and runs from 7.30pm to 9.30pm. There will be two sessions with a general introduction for both Ministers of the Word and Ministers of Communion on 21st and 28th July; Ministers of the Word will continue on 4th & 11th August; Ministers of Communion on 18th and 25th August. The Parish will be happy to sponsor anyone who wishes to do either of these courses. Please leave your name with the Office (9634 2622) by 14th July.

THE PARISH FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR JUNE is on the Church noticeboard for your perusal and a copy available for you to take home.

MONEY COUNTING ROSTERS FOR 2ND COLLECTION will be mailed out this week.

PASTORAL COUNCIL MEETING next THURS 16 JULY, 7.30pm, Parish House Lounge.

ST VINCENT de PAUL SOCIETY thanks all donors. We are having a fund-raising stall outside the Church shortly and would welcome donations of any ‘NEW’ items that you may have tucked away and not wanted. We would be happy to have them for our stall please. Contact Jo 9634 5961. For other matters contacts are: Warren 9484 1367 and Cubby 9634 2003.

“Come & See”

One’s Life as Story – Who Am I?

A life not reflected upon, is a life only half lived ……

Speaker: Sr. Judy McLeod, rsm

When: Saturday 14th August, 2004

Where: Marymount Mercy Centre, David Rd, Castle Hill.

Time: 12 noon to 5pm, with a 1pm start.
Cost: $5.00.

BYO lunch. Afternoon tea & coffee provided.

To book or make further enquiries, please ring the parish office on 9634 2622
by no later than 6th August.


Bookings for "Life begins at 50" table for Italian Night on Saturday 21 August contact Barbara phone 9899 3875. Numbers required by 6 August for catering purposes.

WE’RE BACK!!! ITALIAN FERRAGOSTO (AUGUST) NIGHT – SAT, 21 AUGUST — $35 per head. BYO drinks – Be prepared to have a good night! Tickets now available. Bookings and enquiries: Elizabeth 9634 1112 and Margaret 9659 8010.

CATENIAN ASSOCIATION DINNER MEETING on TUES 27 JULY at the Hills Lodge. Guest Speaker: Michael Tan, Provincial Membership Officer. An enjoyable and interesting evening guaranteed. For further details contact Graham Osborn 9899 8570, Malcolm Clow 9639 1915.

Looking for a great website for teens and young adults? Look no further - Our new youth website at will also be online really soon! If you want to know what’s on for youth and young adults at St Bernadette’s, contact Sean or Alice at or Parish House 9634 2622 for more details.

After an awesome LIFE Nights Winter Camp last weekend, don’t forget the Into LIFE Winter Camp 2004 is on for anyone in yr 6-8! This a great weekend full of fun, faith & activities held Aug 20-22. Don’t miss out on your place for this incredible event. More information and registration forms are available from the Church foyer.

LIFE TEEN SUPPER FOR EVERYONE will be back again next term!

Into LIFE for any high school teens in yr 7 or 8 will return next term! Enjoy the holidays!

LIFE Nights for any high school teens in yr 9-12 returns next term! Enjoy the holidays!

LIFE Rocks for Young Adults – back again on July 25 with “Wim’s-words-o-wisdom!”. This series will be run by our very own Fr Wim looking at Scripture and the Church. A great opportunity to ask the questions you always wanted to ask and also to prove that Catholics know their bible too! If you have left school and are looking for a group of other young adults - then look no further! Come along to meet other people on a similar life journey and share and learn even more about our awesome faith. All welcome!

Parents for LIFE for parents and interested adults will be back again next term with some great combined nights with LIFE Nights and LIFE Rocks.

Hope you didn’t miss Sr Judy’s explanation of why “Life is like…a hermit crab!”. We continue with another exciting W.A.R.P.P. event next month on Friday 13th August with another guest speaker, Dr. Marek Wosinski. More details and a bio next week – you won’t want to miss this one!

Do you ever experience computer difficulties? (Romans 8:32) & How important is it to you to be liked? (Luke 17:3) - LIFE TEEN: SPREAD THE WORD – The truly modern age of Christ is now – and who said you couldn’t get technical support from the bible? Also one that challenges us to be a true Christian – not just by name. Check out the notice board today.

A huge thank you to Baiada Poultry, Mayfair Fine Foods & Muffin Break for their regular donations for the LIFE TEEN Supper.



Wirreanda – Communion Service & Anointing, THURS 15 JULY, 11am.

Nordby – Mass & Anointing in the Common Room, THURS 15 JULY, 4pm.

Kilvinton – Mass & Anointing in Endeavour Hall, Phillip Lodge, FRI 16 JULY, 2pm.

Flinders – Communion Service & Anointing in Donnington Court SAT 17 JULY, 10am.

Nuffield & Hopetoun – Mass & Anointing, WED 21 JULY, 4pm.

SUPPORT GROUP FOR SOLO PARENTS will be held on the 3rd Friday of each month at St Bernadette’s Parish House (walk around back and up stairs). Next meeting FRI 16 JULY at 7.30pm. All welcome. Further info ph 9890 2968.

LITTLE ROCK SCRIPTURE STUDY The next course will be on the Acts of the Apostles, following on from Luke’s gospel. This is an opportunity to study thecommission given to the Apostles to spread the Good News. The coursetimes will befrom TUES 19 JULY, 8pm, and WED 20 JULY, 10am. Please leave names with Parish Office 9634 2622.