PTO General Meeting Minutes


Board Members Present:Penelope Frigon, Frank McConnell,Michelle Wartman, Jennifer Hall, Jenny Irvine,Robyn Little, Janice Lea, Justin Larbes, Katie Smith

Meeting called to order at 6:30pm by Penelope Frigon (President)

Gospelreading and reflection by Penelope Frigon

Principal Report


  • The school Spelling Bee was Tuesday,January 10th and the school Geography Bee was Thursday, January12th


  • The focus or the second trimester is HOPE. Our middle school kicked o the net trimester on Wednesday, November 16th after Mass
  • We have begun planning or Catholic Schools’ week 2017. Does PTO still plan on hosting lunch during the week on Teacher Appreciation Day? – YES

Many families, One in Christ

  • Trivia Night was a huge success! Everyone who attended had a great time and there were plenty of winners! Thanks to all the Commissions who donated to make the night a success!
  • Parish banner was hung or Christmas
  • The parish, REP and school came together to create a Christmas CD featuring students, choirs and bands from the parish that was given out at Christmas Masses.
  • Epiphany House blessing kits were given away on the weekend of January 7/8.

Open House

  • We had advertising in Cincinnati Magazine and we will have yard sign and the video that will be shown on TV and on our website, plus the billboard on Beechmont Ave.
  • Scheduled or Sunday, January 29th from 12:#0 to 3. We are still looking for volunteers if anyone is interested in helping out.

Catholic Schools’ Week

  • A schedule of events will be coming home this week so be looking or it.


  • Teachers had their training for their flyers last week.
  • Packets will be going home soon.
  • Looking to purchase laptops or teachers with the proceeds.

Student Management System

  • We are looking or a new student management system as Ascend is going to begin charging or their services. We may move to another system or stay with Ascend. At this time we are just looking to see what is out there
  • Cost Ascend will be $12.00 per student

Misc. questions or Ms. Bresler

  • Question was asked about school dates for next year
  • 1 change is we will go on holy days probably, may be 2 week off for Spring, But calendar is still being finalized then it will need to be approved by Archdiocese


  • Secret Santa was a success!
  • Sold over 2,600 items
  • Had a lot of happy kids that really seemed to like the gift selection
  • Have already shopped for next year with end of season bargains!
  • Mother Son
  • Still set or May 20th not much else to report
  • Mother Daughter
  • Was at Sunrock Farms
  • Had mixed reviews
  • 93 were registered, 75 came
  • The day was rainy so that kept some away
  • The ones that did attend did have a great time, so if weather had been better feel it would have been a little enjoyable but overall a fun day!
  • Father Daughter
  • Is set for February 4th, chaired by Monica Smith
  • Things are underway, so far she is below budget
  • Mardi Gras theme, will have mask, photo, Kona ice, cupcakes, selfie booth, face painting
  • Euchre night
  • Is set for February 18th, chaired by DeeDe Kamphaus
  • Tutorial starts at 6:30, game starts at 7:00
  • $10.00 per person
  • Will also have raffles going on.
  • You can come to the door that night without registering
  • Dad Lad
  • Was January 7th chaired by Jenni link and Carrie O’Bryan
  • Was an NKU basketball game, 105 tickets ordered
  • I you wore a jersey of some kind it was free
  • Everyone had a fun time!
  • Family night
  • Was at Game works
  • 20 families showed up, it was catered, everyone had good time had great feedback!


  • Walk-A-Thon will be the major fundraiser this year
  • Letter went out to potential corporate sponsors, few have come back already!
  • Applied for a grant through Proctor and Gamble but haven’t heard back yet, probably will not hear until end of February.
  • Packets will be going out to the students tomorrow!
  • Labels due back February 22nd.
  • The walk will take place on Friday April 28th
  • Box Tops
  • Going on right now Jan. 16th will through February 17th so keep cutting away!!


  • Budget was presented
  • No questions asked

Meeting adjourned 7:15pm