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K.C. Hall Business Office and Bookings: 361-798-2311

K.C. Kitchen: 361-798-9106 Fax: 361-798-9555 Email:

Our Next Meeting

Date: Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Place: Sacred Heart Church

Time: 6:30 PM Rosary 6 PM

Social: Soup and Sandwiches

Program: Memorial Service


At our last meeting Grand Knight Andrew Pesek stated that the council’s state charity goal for 2011-2012 is $6,020.00. This is $10.00 per member. Our total membership is currently 602.

The membership application for Jeremy Chase was accepted.

GK Andrew also reported that the Catholic Daughters will be saying the rosary in honor of Our Lady of Fatima on October 15th at 12 noon and everyone is invited to participate. Also there would be a First, Second and Third Degree in Columbus on Sunday, October 16, 2011.

Brother Kenneth Henneke gave a financial report of the past Fiddlers Frolics.

Chaplain Father John Peters stated that October is the Month of the Holy Rosary and that the rosary is a very special prayer for Catholics.

He reported that he just attended the annual Clergy Fraternity Day. A day of activities is planned for area priest such as golf and fishing. There was Corpus Christi and San Antonio priest present also.

He encouraged all to open adoration on first Friday and to continue to pray for rain.

Brother Phillip Hemmi reported about the Men’s ACT Retreat in October and the womens is nearing. The Gabriel Project is needing volunteers. The Sacred Heart Strudel Bake is October 22nd, KC Falling Leaves Festival is 23rd and Sacred Heart Homecoming is October 29th.

Brother Richard Poppe for community activities reported that the Pro Bull Riding is Oct 8th and that we should support all our local youth and community activities.

Brother Robert Pohl for Pro-Life explained how wide spread abortion is in the United States, and that abortion severely pain not only the woman but also the man. The Knights must stand up for the unborn.

All were reminded to pray for the souls of Wesley Buchanek and Bob Clark. Although neither was a member, Mr. Buchanek helped at many of the KC functions and Mr. Clark was a great supporter of our Council.

Wildlife Biologist Jon Hayes and Game Warden Kerry Peterson gave an interesting program on the upcoming hunting season, the deer population in the county and the effects of the drought on the wildlife. A question and answer session followed.

The monthly door prize winner for October was Brother Paul Voelkel.


Dear Brother Knights,

For those who attended the parish mission - Thank-You! It was very uplifting. We thank Fr. Kirchner, a Redemptorist priest, for giving the mission and the various people who helped in any way during the mission.

We are now entering the month of November, the month of All Souls. During this month we pray for all the faithful departed, especially those most in need of our prayers.

On Tuesday night, Nov. 1st, the Feast of All Saints, a holy day of obligation, we will have Mass at 6:30 for the Holy Day followed by the KC & CDA Memorial Service, followed by soup and sandwiches at the KC Hall. I would encourage as many of you as possible to attend the Mass and memorial service. Remember: one day you will be needing the prayers.


Almighty God, we are in need of rain. We realize now, looking up into the clear, blue

sky, what a marvel even the least drop of rain really is. To think that so much water can fall out of the sky,

which now is empty and clear! We place our trust in You. We are sure that You know our needs. But You want

us to ask You anyway, to show You that we know we are dependent on You. Look on our dry hills and fields,

dear God, and bless them with the living blessing of soft rain. Then the land will rejoice, and the rivers will sing

Your praises and the hearts of men will be made glad. Amen.

Father John Peters


May God Bless us with rain!

† REMINDER: All Members †

PLEASE ATTEND THE K.C. MEMORIAL SERVICE Tuesday, Nov. 1st Show your respect for your Departed Brothers and Friends!

NOVEMBER: Month of All Souls



Brother Knights:

There’s a lots going on with the K of C’s this month. Starting with the Stag Steak Supper on October 31st. Come and enjoy a good meal and hunting stories. You can also sign up for the Big Buck Contest as well as the 101 Gun Give Away.

November is the Memorial Mass of the Knights of Columbus and the Catholic Daughters. Mass will begin at 6:30 PM and the Pro Life Rosary will start at 6 PM. After the mass all are invited to the hall for soup and sandwiches. We lost eleven Brother Knights this year. Alfonse Grahmann, Louis Mikulenka, Rudy Petru, Walter Hemmi, Cleo Muras, John David Henneke, David Halata, John Pavliska, Jr., Harry Hruzek,, Willard Hagendorf and Urban Hemmi. Please pray for the repose of the souls as well as their families who suffered this great loss.

We also lost a very dear friend as well as a great worker this year in Wesley Buchanek. As Fr. John said, “He was a great Baptist Knight.” As we all know if there were beans cooked for any function at the hall he cooked then and did a great job. He too will be missed and is deserving of our prayers.

November 19th will be the Hallettsville Market Days. Come out and do some Christmas Shopping. Once again the KC’s will be serving guinea soup. This was a big hit last November so we will be fixing even more this year.

God Bless you all!

Grand Knight Andrew T. Pesek

PS. The path of least resistant is what makes men and rivers crooked.


The financial report for Texas State Fiddlers Frolics 2011 has been completed for the 3 day event.

Gross Income: $159667.00

Total Expenses: $110535.00

Net Income: $ 49132.00

Don’t forget… Join us at the Stag Steak Nite on Monday, Oct. 31st.

Deadline nearing!

Sign up for the Big Buck Contest today…


Willard Hagendorf Memorial Donation

Sublime Baptist Church Wesley Buchanek Memorial


Tuesday, November 1st

Annually in November, the month set aside by the Church to pray for the souls of the departed, Knights of Columbus Councils from all over, including our own, will be holding a Memorial Service to pray and reflect on all the departed Brother Knights. All of our Brothers will be prayed for, but we will recall in a special way the Members who have passed away since our last service. All widows, children, family members and friends of the departed along with all the membership is invited and asked to attend.

It is important to recognize and honor those ‘fraternal giants’ who went before us. This is also an excellent way to demonstrate the Knights fraternity with each other as we pray for the happy repose of the souls of our departed Brothers and support their families. The memorial plaques, which display all the names of the Councils deceased members, will be placed on the altar for the service. Please make a point to attend this years Memorial Service on Tuesday, November 1, 2011 at Sacred Heart Church starting at 6:30 PM. This service will be held in conjunction with the Catholic Daughters of the Americas. They will be providing the sandwiches for the meal, so we thank them for that.


Brother Urban F. Hemmi passed away Saturday, October 15, 2011. He was an Honorary Life Insurance Member with over 59 years of service to the Knights of Columbus, joining in November 1951. Brother Hemmi would have had 60 years of service to the Order in November and would have been 100 years old on December 9th.

Please keep the families of both and all our departed Brother Knights in your prayers.


The KC R.V. Park continues to be a big success. The net profit for September was $11,020.00 for the park. The planning and decision making for the proposed meeting room/wash room is still ongoing. A utility easement for a natural gas line to the proposed building is being worked up and the building pad is going to be enlarged soon.

The Council has approved a records retention policy, a capitalization policy and a 1099 requirements policy. All of these are very important the business world and will be beneficial to the Council.

The salary’s of 5 employees of the clean up crew was discussed and their pay was increased.

The officers voted to donated $2000.00 back to Sacred Heart from the fall Church Picnic and $500.00 was donated back to the Hallettsville Kolache Fest.

Charity, Unity, Fraternity, Patriotism

How Can You Reach Us?

K.C. Hall Business Office and Bookings: 361-798-2311

K.C. Kitchen: 361-798-9106 Fax: 361-798-9555 Email:


It might seem odd to look to the man who is Pope for economic advice, but what he said in 1985 rings very true today as we face an economic crisis that many have blamed in no small part on a failure of ethics.

Josef Ratzinger warned 25 years ago that this could happen, saying:

“It is becoming an increasingly obvious fact of economic history that the development of economic systems which concentrate on the common good depends on a determinate ethical system…. Conversely, it has also become obvious that the decline of such discipline can actually cause the laws of the market to collapse.”

One hundred years after the formal beginning of Catholic Social Teaching, Pope John Paul II wrote his encyclical letter entitled Centesimus Annus. In it, he too expressed a vision for an economics that took people into account. He wrote::

The purpose of a business firm is not simply to make a profit… Profit is a regulator of the life of a business, but it is not the only one; other human and moral factors must also be considered which, in the long term, are at least equally important for the life of a business.1

He also noted that a human being “is not at all a ‘thing’ or an ‘object’ to be used, but primarily a responsible ‘subject,’ one endowed with conscience and freedom.”2

For us, the activity that our investment money is funding is at least as important as the profit it earns. And our experience has been that by integrating social and governance criteria into investment decision-making, we can achieve superior financial returns.

We understand fully that to be sustainable an investment must be sustainable in both senses of the word: sustainable in terms of its business model, and in terms of ethical outlook.

The two are intertwined, certainly, although as we learned with Solyndra – and any number of other well intentioned business ventures – good intentions or claims of “sustainability” alone aren’t enough to make a company profitable, and profits alone aren’t enough to make a company a good investment.

Not surprisingly, as a Catholic fraternal organization, our ethical model is based on Catholic social teaching.

Our investment rules prevent us from investing in more than a hundred companies that are at odds with Catholic teaching in a number of areas. Our securities investments are screened to prevent investing in any companies that deal in abortion, contraception, pornography, for-profit healthcare, embryonic stem cell research, human cloning, alcohol and tobacco products. Each of these areas damages the human ecology by violating some aspect of the dignity an individual is owed.

In fact, in one of the worst financial crises in memory, we have remained profitable, have become stronger relative to our industry, and today, there is no insurer in North America more highly rated than the Knights of Columbus.

Remarks of Carl Anderson: Sustainable Investments Conference
Chicago, Illinois October 13, 2011

Catholic Thanksgiving Prayer

Thank you God for all the wonderful blessings, For our daily meals, for clean drinking water, For sunlight and for the cool breeze.
I'm thankful for my family, my spouse, my friends, and my health.
I'm thankful for my friends, to love and be loved and for freedom.
I'm thankful to be employed; I'm thankful to be alive and praise you for all these wonders. I'm thankful that you have been so gracious to give your only Son to us Who gave his life and bore the Unbearable For us sinners.
On this Thanksgiving Day, I take the Opportunity to thanks for countless other things you provide us with on a daily basis. Amen.

Veteran’s Day Prayer

Dear Lord,
Today we honor our veterans, worthy men and women who gave their best
when they were called upon to serve and protect their country.
We pray that you will bless them, Lord, for their unselfish service
in the continual struggle to preserve our freedoms, our safety, and our country’s heritage, for all of us.
Bless them abundantly for the hardships they faced, for the sacrifices they made for their many different contributions to America’s victories
over tyranny and oppression. We respect them, we thank them,
we honor them, we are proud of them, and we pray that you will watch over
these special people and bless them with peace and happiness.
In Jesus’ name we pray; Amen.
By Joanna Fuchs


NOVEMBER 11, 2011

God Bless America!


In the absence of a local KC Insurance Field Agent and your in need for immediate attention you can call Bill Morrow in Cuero at 361-243-0136.