February 1-March 30, 2018
Mrs. Munday/Sra. Lunes
Spanish 4
Details for Holly Springs Elementary School Visitation Project
- Parents must sign a permission/agreement form.
- Students will sign an agreement contract.
- Lesson plans will be made in and out of class from January 4-March 31.
- Lesson plans will be turned in for approval, editing and grading every week.
- Visitation to Holly Springs Elementary School will begin February 1 and end March 31.
- Students will walk to and from the elementary school together, as a class, with Sra. Lunes.
- Students will travel to HSES one day a week.
- The FIRST TIME a student acts inappropriately, is tardy for a high school class after leaving the elementary school, or does not perform in accordance with the following expectations, the program will be TERMINATED FOR THE ENTIRE CLASS.
- See Grading Rubric below for grading standards.
Expectations Students are expected to meet the following standards:
- Follow all school rules (dress code, conduct, tardiness, electronic, language, etc.)
- Use class time to prepare in a wise manner.
- Write lesson plans. Make Vocabulary lists for each lesson to leave with the *Project Teacher.
- Make preparations for teaching class. This includes making posters, pictures, charts, props, etc.
- Assist in teaching, supervising children, singing, playing, speaking in Spanish, etc.
- Speak Spanish as much as possible while at HSES.
- Set up and clean up before and after each class.
- Behave in a positive, respectful and professional manner.
- Teach in accordance with * Project Teacher’s approval and confirmation.
- Be engaged in the lesson at all times while in the elementary classroom.
- Follow Project Teacher’s classroom guidelines and rules.
- Students will never be alone in the classroom without the *Project Teacher.
- Students will not be alone with any elementary student at any time.
- Students will defer to *Project Teacher in any special, contrary or unexpected circumstance.
- Students will follow all HSES protocol should a special alert or alarm occur.
- Students will NOT be allowed to return to the elementary school for any forgotten or lost material.
*Project Teacher is the teacher of each elementary classroom.
Grading Rubric: Students will receive a weekly grade and two (2) major project grades.
GRADE 1: Planning and Follow-up: 100 points possible
Each group will make written lesson plans and visual aids for eight (8-9) weeks of teaching.
Lesson plans will be organized and neat. Each week’s plan will be in a labeled folder. Tentative topics include:
Week 1:Greetings, Cognates and Classroom Phrases
Week 2:Family and numbers
Week 3:Colors, numbers, clothing, ABC’s, numbers
Week 4:Parts of the Body, numbers, clothing, colors
Week 5:Emotions, food, days of the week, weather/seasons/months
Week 6:Sports and games, weather, months
Week 7:Animals, and pets, clothing, numbers, colors, months of the year
Week 8:Places: home, school, parks, hospital, store; food and FULL review
Week 9: Food, games and review
These lesson plans will be completedbetweenJanuary 1-March 31and turned in for approval, editing and grading each week.
On time 60 points
Late 30 points
Prep and follow-up
Bring materials to/from class.20 points
Pass out and take up materials.10 points
Clean up classroom.10 points
GRADE 2: Teaching100 points possible
Each group will include 3-4 students. Each student will teach at least two lessons; and assist, monitor and supervise students in the other lessons.
Enthusiasm while working with elementary school children20 points
Use and pronunciation of Spanish during lesson50 points
Using visual aids (props, pix, etc)10 points
Team work, organization20 points
I give permission for my child, ______, to participate in this project with Spanish Class. I have read and agree to the above standards and expectations. I will encourage my child to meet all expectations and perform at or above these expectations.
Signature of parent/guardian Contact Phone #Date
I, ______, have read and agree to the above standards and expectations. I understand that participating in this project is a large part of my grade. I will domy best to perform at or above the standards stated. This is a new project done in conjunction with the elementary school and teachers, and I understand that it is important to represent CHHS in the highest manner through my behavior, dress, language and work ethic.
Signature of studentDate