October 2015: Compiled by FET Tutor on behalf of FESS

Minor Award Name / Classical Studies
Minor Award Code / 5N3248
Level / 5

Suggested resources to support delivery:

Theme/Topic / Type / Relevance / Author/Source / Web Link
Chronology of Greek classical history / Website / Timeline of Greek Civilization – a brief reference guide to important events during the relevant time period
A more in depth guide to events and important figure during this time period including social and political history / AncientGreece.org
A Detailed Chronology of Greek History
Charlie Kyriacou / http://ancient-greece.org/resources/timeline.html
Early Greek Civilizations / Prezi
PDF / An introduction to the Minoans and the Mycenaeans – two of the earliest known civilizations in Ancient Greece
PDF on key factors of the Minoans and the Mycenaeans. Included a useful diagram that includes reasons for their demise / The Minoans and The Myceans
Ben Kwedar
Chris Butler / https://prezi.com/1vs1fvdtnldo/the-minoans-and-the-myceans/
Mythology - Greek / Website
Powerpoint / This website gives an introduction to mythology in general terms and then branches off to discuss Ancient Greek mythology in more depth. An good overview to start planning lessons around
An overview of the Greek and Roman gods, including the primordial gods, the Titans and the Olympians.
An overview of the beginning of the Universe according the Ancient Greeks. Introduces the Titans – and gives back story on some of the main characters
The story of the Olympian Gods, their roles and how they took power from the Titans. / Mark Cartright
Hr. Halligan
Author Unknown / http://www.ancient.eu/Greek_Mythology/
Mythology - Roman / Website / This website gives an introduction to mythology in general terms and then branches off to discuss Ancient Greek mythology in more depth. An good overview to start planning lessons around / Donald. L. Wasson / http://www.ancient.eu/Roman_Mythology/
Greek and Roman classical architecture / Website Reference article
Blog Entry / A visual glossary of classical architecture – a reference tool for tutors attempting to learn basic architectural terms
An introduction to Greek architecture’s main distinguishing features
Roman Architecture: A Visual Guide offers readers over 250 appealing and enlightening visual images alongside accessible, concise descriptions that focus on precisely the most pertinent and meaningful information
This is a simple overview of main differences between Greek and Roman architecture. It is a handy guide for students. / Mark Cartwright
Khan Academy
Roman Architecture
A Visual Guide
Diana E. E. Kleiner
Koshal / http://www.ancient.eu/article/486/
Cultural Values
Describe systems of political belief, government and administration for classical societies
such as Greece and Rome, including the development of democracy. / Book – PDF download / A companion to Ancient Greek Government / Hans Beck - editor / https://student.cc.uoc.gr/uploadFiles/1108-%CE%9C%CE%9A%CE%9B%CE%A6024/A%20Companion%20to%20Ancient%20Greek%20Government-Wiley%20(2013).pdf
Chronology of Roman classical history / Webpage / This list begins with the founding of the village of Rome around 753 BCE and continues to the fall of Constantinople in 1453 CE. It is particularly detailed for the period from 58 BCE to 31 BCE (Julius Caesar to Caesar Augustus) and for 376 CE to 480 CE (the "fall" of the Western Roman Empire). / Jim Jones
West Chester University of Pennsylvania / http://courses.wcupa.edu/jones/his101/web/t-roman.htm
Cultural features for classical societies / Book
Webpage / Classical Pasts:
The Classical Traditions of Greece and Rome. This book is a collection of essays that discusses the mixed traditions that belong to both Classical Greek and Rome
History of theatre in Greece and Rome to include:
The Greek theatre
Roman comedy
Greek and Roman classical art – an introduction and overview of the influences and wide reach of classical art
The official Olympic website gives an history of the Olympic games, its origins and the decline and reintroduction in later year / Edited by James I. Porter
History world
Met Museum
Ancient Olympic Games / http://press.princeton.edu/titles/8076.html
Explain the rise and fall of the Roman Empire/Republic. / Documentary
PowerPoint / This BBC docudrama is a comprehensive retelling of factors that led to the fall of the Roman Empire.
Easy to follow PPT that gives a list of reasons along with explanations of each as contributing factors to the decline of Rome / Narrated by: Alisdair Simpson
Student Handouts, Inc / http://www.amazon.co.uk/Rome-Rise-Fall-Empire-Gift/dp/B003GCOQTU
Greek and Roman society / Website
Youtube / Website covers a range of topics that relates to the study of Ancient Rome. Particularly good to get a sense of day to day life for ordinary Roman people
15 articles in: daily life in ancient Greece and ancient Rome
This is a video that is presented in the Museum of Cycladic Art in Athens, which tells about every day life in Ancient Greece / Ancient-rome.biz
Dimitri Daravanoglu / http://www.ancient-rome.biz/daily-life.html

Useful Links:

Name / Contact Information
Classical Association of Ireland /


The Hellenic Community of Ireland /


MOOCs (Massive Online Open Courses)
Free access to online courses
Search regularly for new courses and new start dates
Harvard open learning course on the Ancient Greek Hero
The History of Rome Podcast
Myths and History of Greece and Rome / https://www.mooc-list.com/