Computer Applications – Travel Brochure – Mr. Rocco



Using the internet and M.S. Word, you will:

·  Research a city to visit (from the U.S. or around the world)

·  Find information on both historical and recreational places to see and things to do in that city

·  Find either a travel package to that destination or research the costs of visiting various places, including airfare

·  Prepare a brochure with travel information.

Project Requirements:

·  Create a Tri-fold brochure (3 Columns and double sided) , See Below Set Up Formatting Instructions and using example Brochure as a guide.

·  Insert Section Break at top to Create a Heading at Top. See Example Brochure.

·  At least three pictures (obtained from the internet)

·  Attach One map of the city/country (obtained from the internet)

·  Information required:

Description of Trip

City/Country information

Describe Accommodations / Services

Create a Table and Format (See Below) Price three levels of Trip using a 2 x5 Table. Merge and Center Top Row as shown.

Airfare / $xxxx.xx
Economy Accommodations & Services
(Briefly List & Describe) / $xxxx.xx
Deluxe Accommodations & Services
(Briefly List & Describe) / $xxxx.xx
Super Accommodations & Services
(Briefly List & Describe) / $xxxx.xx

·  Use 3 Font Sizes and 3 Font Styles.

·  Use a Bulleted List and Insert Symbols as emphasis.

·  Use Borders and Shading of text and pictures for emphasis where appropriate.

·  Give your Travel Agency a Name, Address, and add Contact Info on back of brochure.

·  Other Specific Formatting instructions are provided on sample brochure.

·  Correct spelling and grammar usage

·  Professional appearance in design and layout


To Set Up Tri-Fold Brochure Using M.S. Word:

1.  Using the File pull-down menu, select Page Setup

2.  Click on the SIZE tab and select Landscape Orientation (paper size should be letter 8.5" x 11", but this should already be selected in the lefthand box)

3.  Click on the FILE - PAGE SETUP – Margins Tab and change the left and right margins to .375" and top and bottom margins to .5"

4.  Click on OK to initiate the changes. Return to Work Page Layout View.

5.  Click on FORMAT - COLUMNS and select 3 columns.

6.  To change from one column of the brochure to the next, press Control-Enter or at end of column Press Enter to go to top of next column.

Use these travel planning sites to get you started:









To Obtain Text or Images From the Internet:

·  Find the image you want, point to it, right click the mouse, and select Save Image As...

·  Save the image to your disk in the proper format-- A:picture

·  If you find an article to use, you can highlight the text you want and use Edit – Copy - Paste to copy and Edit, Paste in your word processing program.

·  From the webpage with the information you want, go to File, Save As...

·  Save the file on your disk with the extension -- A:webpage.txt

·  You can open the file later in your word processing program and copy and paste then

·  Remember to write down the internet address of the web site(s) where you obtain information for the project and cite on the back page of your brochure.

Travel Brochure Grading Criteria
Name: / Date:
Skill Requirements Achieved / Points / Earned
Double Sided Design / 4
3 Columns Set Up .5 T & B .375 L & R / 4
Destination in Header (Section Break) / 4
3 Pictures and/or Graphics / 4
3 Font Sizes and Styles (Serif, Sans Serif, Script) / 4
Map / 4
Recreational Items / 4
Cultural / Historical Items / 4
Bulleted List / 4
Word Art / 4
Formatted 2 x 5 Table, Merged and Centered Top Row / 4
Borders and Shading Used / 4
Travel Agency Named and Contact Info Present / 4
Description of Accommodations and Services / 4
Proper Grammar and Spelling / 4
Professional Looking Document / 4
Total Points / 64

Updated 6/12/2012 at 5:47:36 PM Page 1