Minutes of the Hook Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Meeting
Thursday, 27 April 2017 at 19.00 hrs
HPC Meeting Room Community Centre Ravenscroft RG27 9 NN
Sandra Smith
Jane Bonnin (Parish Councillor)
John Orchard (Parish Councillor)
Jane Worlock (Parish Council Chair)
Debra Davies (Parish Councillor)
Christine Randall (minutes)
David Carlisle (AECOM) – technical support
17.27 / Apologies for absence
Apologies were received from:
Rob Leeson (District Councillor)
Mike Morris (District Councillor)
Janet West (JWe)
Anne Atkins
Sue Mesher
17.28 / Minutes of the NPSG Meeting held on 20th April 2017
Members agreed the minutes as a true record of the meeting.
17.29 / Actions from previous meetings
17.10.1 Action: District Councillor Burchfield to pursue the request made by Hook PC for an Article 4 direction on the Business Park at Hook.
DC advised thatthe District Council has the final say on any application for Article 4. As an alternative,the site assessment could include designation as business areas and then the NPSG could ask for technical support forMaster Planning. DC can speak to technical support if the NPSG wants to proceed with this. JO suggested that Master Planning would also benefit the retail centre.
SS advised that there is evidence that residents do not want the business park converted to homes and JO agreed that to lose employment is not satisfactory. Members were also concerned about the knock-on effect to other traders.
17.10.2 Action: DC to check for best practice SANG examples where suitable space is reaching capacity around a settlement
DC had forwarded a response just before this meeting, which will be discussed at the next meeting.
17.13 Action: DC offered to transfer draft plan into AECOM plan template (including delivery chapter and projects/infrastructure table).
17.15 Action DC: DC kindly agreed to look at the results of consultations and the items that have been excluded from the scope of the NP to see if they are proper to the NP.
In progress. Ongoing. / DC
17.16 Action DC: Provide an indication on timeframes for call for sites, site assessment, SEA, Regulation 14 consultation and preparations for submission – to inform new plan programme.
Provided 24/4.
17.22.2 Action: AA and CR to review sites that could come forward for site selection including brownfield sites and advise the NPSG.
Superseded by Call for Sites
17.22.4 Action: AA and CR to refine HDC list of sites with all available sites.
Superseded by Call for Sites
17.22 4 Action: AA to ask HDC for a copy of the site assessments for the proposed LP strategic site at Murrell Green. /
17.24 Action SM and SS to prepare materials and presentation for AVM /
17.30 / Update on Local Plan
JO and CR attended the Parish presentation launching the new consultation on the Local Plan. 3 documents were distributed at meeting the proposed plan, the stainability appraisal and a set of maps.
Anomalies included 90 dwellings shown to be allocated by the NP and (Greenfield) and210 dwellings (Brownfield)
At the meeting HDC were asked to substantiate the numbers shown as built or waiting to be built and where the sites were situated. At the time of the meeting the numbers were not available.
The advice from Daryl Phillips (JCE) was for the NPSG to concentrate on the retail centre.
17.31 / Responses to questions
17.31.1 / Can all existing retirement sites be retained? For example, Geffery’s House and Gregory House be retained for older persons’ accommodation?
Yes, if you positively word this with a red line aroundthe area on the plan. This must be protected in a positive way:support would be given for new wing for example or support would be given for sympathetic redevelopment. Also look at sites that are suitable to allocate as retirement dwellings. Members suggested the Taylor Wimpey site might be suitable for this.
note: conversation re business park -DC convince to stop? comprehensive plan? Quality impact assessments??
17.31.2 / Can areas be zoned as business areas? For example, London Road and Station Road between the two White Harts and the current Taylor Wimpey building.
Yes, this can be zoned as a mixed-use area. Look at the reserved policies in the HDC Local Plan and put local twist to their policy.
17.31.3 / Would it be appropriate/ possible for DC to attend the AVM to assist with the consultation on site selection?
Yes, budget permitting DC will attend on 24th May. If attending, DC will help on the NPSG stand and presentation and be around to answer questions. If not DC then possibly another person DC delegates may attend.
17.31.4 / Consultations:
- What are the rules for a consultation to be valid?
- Would a consultation on Election day and at the AVM be evidence of consultation?
- What kinds of question should be asked?
- How should people’s identities be recorded?
Members were advised to include evidence obtained on previous surveys broken down by business and residential
17.32 / Site Allocation
Members agreed that there would be a formal call for sites.
This would be shown on the HPC website and a notice placed in the local newspaper the Basingstoke Gazette.
The NPSG may also ask Hart to send out to their consultation list.
Possibly double up with a call for SANGs?
There are no actual regulations as to how the call for sites is achieved, however, evidence is needed that the call has been comprehensive and transparent. Use DC template for call and selection. A 4 weeks’ deadline was agreed. Members discussed various sites that could come forward and how to deal with the business park. DC suggested that the NPSG await the response to the call for sites. DC will agree with technical support how the aims of the NPSG can be achieved. Technical support will confer with HDC re sites and find out which sites are out of the frame
DC suggested that the SG take Hart’s guidance and make this into policy giving regards to the building for life standards. Transpose HDC guidance to NP policy add local requirements and check this complies with building for life standards.
Action: organise Call for Sites publicity / CR
17.33 / The proposed plan
Members to look at the proposed plan and fill in the gaps
JO to revise the transport section for the next meeting
JB to produce a general introduction to the NP. Due to personal issues Members agreed to remind JB in September
The Chairman advised Members that RL has written another village centre document the Chairman will speak to RL
SM and SS will incorporate DC comments in their section
Members were advised to contact DC for help if needed. / All
17.34 / Next meetings – Room 2, Elizabeth Hall
18 May 2017
15 June 2017
The meeting closed at 8:45pm
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