Infrastructure Planning Committee
- Meeting Minutes -
July 13, 2015
Attendees:Eddie Sorensen, Chris Kirkham, Tom Branam, Brett McKeachnie, Brian Peterson,
Travis Tasker, Kevin Dent, Dani Kent, Steve Ledingham
HOT List
EDDIE: IT Retreat. Job-slotting, meeting every 2 weeks. Furniture design/ordering. Brett’s Window SysAdmin job - in queue.Follow up with Summit Engineering.
CHRIS:JDs. *Summer Retreat- July 16. Purchasing docs. 2ndIT Truck/Mule. Training Natalie.
BRETT:Virtualization design. *MyUVU (Daniel). Office moves - execution.
TRAVIS:Verify construction orders. Top 25 MEC focus. Alumni conference room. Order for President’s office. Trustees Boardroom. SB Atrium. SC Admin conference room. MEC Layout. 3 areas in CB. Hire. *Lighting in CB. Media for IT Party.
BRIAN:Load Balancer - testing and design. Office moves - only furniture left. TLS. ESM Network. Vips for VCenter. Nate- knowledge transfer.
TOM:CS 512. *HP Lab. *LA 109. LA 116. CB 302 and 304 Lab workorders are in. LC Remodel this week. Americomm rewiring Dance studios.
JIM: (not in attendance) POB. Working with Duane to get CIs in. Change Management Workflow - work from suggested workflow.
MIKE: (not in attendance) Tutor Queue Instance. Department organization. TouchNet. TIMS iPad. Encoding cards for Lenel.
KEVIN:Data Center - Eaton Service. VHF on DAS. Geneva fiber path. Fiber for Studios. POs for UPS service and other campus locations. PO for Fiber work in WB 104 and bookstore.
DANI:Schedule job slotting meeting. Schedule meeting to discuss Brian’s FT job description - Kevin, Brian, Eddie, and I. Operations docs. PolicyTech. Purchasing docs. Job slotting- modified culpepper job definitions.
ALL:*IT Summer Party. Closet space in CB.
IT Summer Retreat
- We will have 4 canoes to use.
- Paul Jenkins, who wrote Pathological Positivity, will be our presenter. Everyone will get a copy of his book. Focus will be positive and appropriate communication.
Project Review
- Travis now has a haulmark trailer. FYI in case any of us need to use it.
- Steve is making progress on the Service Catalog.
- Kevin needs to catalog pulled fiber cables.
- Brian- UPS stuff is moving forward. Coordination with Tom about SB Auditorium - Nate has emailed Kurtis. Tom will follow up.
- Travis - stuff for Scott Horne. Needs to coordinate the moving of his servers from closet to Data Center.
- Eddie is figuring out the final logistics of IT Retreat; he’ll have last-minute delegations for some of us.
Next scheduled meeting - Monday, July 20, 2015 at 10am in BA-005b