Marathon and Half Marathon E-Briefing
Please note the following e-briefing does not replace the verbal briefing to take place at 6.40am on Sunday 23rd August 2015 at Race HQ in LawsonPark.
This information is given as an advanceinformation service to prepare competitors for the rules and regulations and general conduct of the event.
Please read through these briefing notes carefully as they will provide you with a guide to your safeand fair participation in the 2015 Mudgee Marathon and Half Marathon.
Should you haveany queries, please make note of them and check with race officials on the morning of therace or email
The Mudgee Marathon and Half Marathon are well known for its relaxed friendly atmosphere which is perfect for the first timer who's looking for a no-pressure race, yet is still a coursethat is challenging to the experienced distance runner.
The course weaves itself through the picturesque Mudgee valley, past award winningvineyards, blue ribbon sheep and cattle grazing farmland with a band of friendly andenthusiastic volunteers cheering you on!
The weather is generally cold at the start of the race with early frosts or fogs at this time of the winter season. However by the mid morning the temperature can be quite warm, the average morning temperature is around 1 degree Celsius with a maximum of 16, but can reach the mid 20s which means a warm finish.
Rain or light showers may also be encountered. Competitors need toensure that they are prepared for the conditions of the day and should consider wearinggloves, beanies, spray jackets and leg or arm warmers if cold wet conditions are forecast.
Discarded items can be left at any drink station. All clothing will be taken back to the Race HQ.
Cut off times
Half Marathon : 3 hours
Marathon : 5 1/2 hours with a cut off time of 4 hours at the drink station on the corner of Eurunderee Road and Craigmoor Road, which is approximately at the 32.8 km mark. Competitors will not be allowed to complete the course if they have not reached this drink station by 11am.
Race Registration
Race registration is compulsory for all competitors and will take place on the day before therace, Saturday 22nd August, from 3pmuntil 5pm at Race HQ in Lawson Park, Short St.At race registration, competitors will receive a race kit bag and complete registration for theirrace.
Please note that there is no entry on race day. No substitutions or transfer of entries will be allowed. If any runners are caught substituting for another, they will be immediatelydisqualified from the race.
Refunds for late withdrawal due to illness or unforeseen circumstances, prior to July 23rd 2014 are at the discretion of the Race Committee.
Race Kit
Your race kit will contain a disposable timing chip incorporated into the bib number.
Please ensure the following in order to receive an accurate time.
• Race bib is clearly visible on the front of the torso
• Race bib is unaltered and unmodified (Do not fold or wrinkle)
• Race bib is pinned in all four corners
• Race bib is not covered (jackets, runner belts, water bottles, etc.)
Start / Finish Line and Recovery Area
START: The start line is at the roundabout on Church/Short Sts. Runners must gather at themain Registration point inside LawsonPark for the Race Briefing, and then walk to thestarting point. The Marathon and Half Marathon start at 7am.
FINISH: The disposable chip system allows runners to have more flexibility at the finish line, since removal of the chip is no longer required. You will be directed to the recovery area andawarded a finishers’ medal for half and full marathon competitors. Hot food, hot/cold beverages and a massage service will beavailable.
Race Day Briefing
At approximately 6.40am, runners will be called to assemble near the Registration tent forthe pre-race briefing. This briefing is compulsory and will cover all changes to the generalconduct of the race, safety concerns and conditions on the day. Information that will becovered includes: course layout, turn-arounds, marshalling, drink stations and road hazards.
You need to be race-ready at the time of the pre-race briefing.
Runners should run on the left hand side of the road unless directed otherwise by an officialor marshal. Do not run in the middle of the road. Both races are conducted on public roadsthat are not closed to local traffic. Vehicles travelling on these roads may be travelling up to100km/h. There will be numerous signs displayed along the course to caution drivers thatthere are runners on the road and to reduce speed. When crossing roads, ensure that it issafe before proceeding and cross quickly.
IPods/music players/head phones are not allowed for safety reasons. This course is on open roads and it is important competitors are able to hear the traffic or instructions.
Marathon Course Description
From the start line head North along Church Street, which becomes Cassilis/Ulan Rd onceover the LawsonParkBridge. Continue north staying on the left hand side of the road andturn into Henry Lawson Drive. Runners continue along Henry Lawson Drive, the first drinkstation is along this section of road, before turning right into Eurunderee Lane. Take carewhen crossing the road.
From Eurunderee Lane, runners turn left into Black Springs Roadand continue to the second drink station at Pieter van Gent Winery. Runners competing inthe half marathon will turn around a short distance past the drink station. Marathon runnerscontinue along Black Springs Road as the road turns right and then left. Take care alongthis section of the road as there may be shallow water in several causeways that cross theroad – most likely if there has been recent rain. At about the 12 km mark and near to drinkstation three (3) the road becomes unsealed for the next 2.3 kms (approx).
At the start ofthe bitumen seal at the intersection of Black Springs Road and Church Lane, the course begins the climb to drink station four (4) at the top of LowesPeak. Follow on uponBlacksprings Rd, where the roadway descends and becomes unsealed. Not far afterreaching the bottom of the descent, runners will turn around and return back up to the LowesPeak drink station four (4) once again. At this intersection, runners turn right into LowesPeak Rd – take care when crossing the road.
The road surface is bitumen sealed again as runners continue west along Lowes Peak Roadmaking the long descent to St Fillans Rd where runners turn left into St Fillans Road andthen left again into Henry Lawson Drive. Drink Station 5 at this intersection.Continue south along Henry Lawson Drive making the long gradual climb to drink station six (6) at the top of Poets Corner Hill. From here, competitors will enjoy the long downhill runheading back towards Mudgee and passing drink stations seven (7) and eight (8).
Runnerswill turn right off Henry Lawson Drive into Eurundereee Lane which is approximately the32km mark. Take care when crossing the road. Continue to drink station nine (9) at theintersection with Craigmoor Road, turn right and then quickly turn left into Tinja Lane, takingcare to look for traffic. Half marathon competitors also run on this section of the course back
to the finish line.
Once again, the road becomes unsealed along Tinja Lane. There are a series of short rolling hills and competitors need to take extra care running on a rocky road surface. Takecare along this section of the road as there may be shallow water in several causeways thatcross the road – only likely if there has been recent rain.
Drink station ten (10) is at theintersection of Tinja Lane and Putta Bucca Road – this is the last drink station. Just beforethe intersection, the road returns to a bitumen seal and remains sealed to the finish line.Take care when crossing this intersection.
Continue down the hill on Putta Bucca Road and past radio station 2MG before turning leftinto Market Street (Castlereagh Highway). This can be a busy road and runners need to runon the footpath, keeping to the left at all times. Watch for vehicles entering or exitingdriveways. Continue east along Market Street and then turn left into Cox Street beforeturning right into Short Street. Take care crossing the road. Competitors then haveapproximately 1.5km to run along Short St before entering the Southbank Park area(footpath) on the corner of Short St & Perry St where you will follow the footpath under theLawson ParkBridge into Lawson Park, running along the path, then turning left past the pool on your right, reaching the finish line. Well done!
Half Marathon Course Description
From the start / finish line head east along Short Street to the Church Street roundabout,turn left and head north out of Mudgee on the Cassilis Road. Continue north staying on theleft hand side of the road and turn into Henry Lawson Drive. Runners continue along HenryLawson Drive - the first drink station is along this section of road - before turning right intoEurunderee Lane. Take care when crossing the road. From Eurunderee Lane, runners turnleft into Black Springs Road and continue to the second drink station at Pieter van GentWinery. Runners competing in the half marathon will turn around a short distance past thedrink station.
Marathon runners continue along Black Springs Road as the road turns right
and then left Half Marathon Competitors will then re-trace their steps, heading back along Black SpringsRoad and then turning right into Eurunderee Lane. Take care when crossing the road.
Continue west along Eurunderee Lane before crossing Henry Lawson Drive – major
intersection – please take care when crossing - and still heading west to the drink station at the intersection with Craigmoor Road.
The third drink station on the Half Marathon course is drink station nine (9)for Marathoner’sat the intersection with Craigmoor Road. From here, runners turn right and then quickly turnleft into Tinja Lane. Take care when crossing the road.
Marathon competitors also run onthis section of the course back to the finish line.
The road becomes unsealed along Tinja Lane. There are a series of short rolling hills and competitors need to take extra care running on a rocky road surface. Take care along thissection of the road as there may be shallow water in several causeways that cross the road– only likely if there has been recent rain. Drink station ten (10) is at the intersection of TinjaLane and Putta Bucca Road – this is the last drink station. Just before the intersection, theroad returns to a bitumen seal and remains sealed to the finish line. Take care whencrossing this intersection.
Continue down the hill on Putta Bucca Road and past radio station 2MG before turning left into Market Street (Castlereagh Highway). This can be a busy road and runners need to runon the footpath, keeping to the left at all times. Watch for vehicles entering or exitingdriveways. Continue east along Market Street and then turn left into Cox Street beforeturning right into Short Street. Competitors then have approximately 1.5km to run alongShort St before entering the Southbank Park area (footpath) on the corner of Short St &Perry St where you will follow the footpath under the Lawson Park Bridge into the LawsonPark, running along the path, then turning left past the pool on your right, reaching the finish line. Well done!
Special Needs and Drink Stations
There will be 12 drink stations along the course for the marathon all providing water, lollies, vaseline & toilet paper.
For the half there will be 6 drink stations along the course, all providing water, lollies, vaseline & toilet paper.
Gatorade will be available at the fifth station (cnr Lowes Peak Rd & St Fillans Road – just after halfway point). There will be more Gatorade at the ninth (cnr Eurungere Rd & Craigmor Rd at 32.8km ) which will also cover the half marathon which will be at the 11km mark.
Special Needs:
There are two for the marathon. These are at the fourth station (14.2km), on the way down the hill or on the way back. The next is at the ninth station (32.8km).
For the half it will be at the third drink station.
Please mark all special needs items clearly with your race number and which station it is to be at. These are to be handed in at the special needs tent before race start.
There will be no port-a-loos on the course. Toilet paper will be provided at the drink stations if required.
Race Timing
Race organizers will endeavour to obtain a finish time for all competitors. However,
organizers may be prevented from doing this by circumstances beyond our control. Whilst a timing chip, race clock and back-up timing will be in place, it is recommended that all runnersrecord their own race times.
Outside Assistance
The race organizers acknowledge that supporters may want to follow runners in cars or on bikes. Due to safety precautions, this practice is not encouraged. Any vehicles on the runcourse are subject to standard road regulations.
Pacing of runners is not permitted. Runners face disqualification if supporters are found to be providing pacing assistance.
Outside assistance in the form of drinks, food, clothing etc provided to a competitor is onlypermitted if conducted at an official Drink Station and only after speaking with the DrinkStation Manager. Runners face disqualification if supporters are found to be providingassistance outside of these areas.As part of our race insurance requirements, the use of iPods or similar devices by runnersduring the race is not permitted.
Any competitor withdrawing during the event must notify the Race Director at LawsonPark or present at the nearest aid station and notify the personnel.
It is every competitor’s responsibility to ensure that they are fit and capable of running the full distance of their race.
It is each competitor's responsibility to ensure they have adequately prepared for the distances.
Runners should ensure that they have enough water and food tocomplete the race.
Whilst every effort will be made to have adequate drinks at each drinks
station, it may be that some drink stations run out of water or Gatorade. Runners are
therefore encouraged to carry their own drink bottles.
It is strongly recommended that all competitors have their own personal health insurance,accident or ambulance cover. Competitors will bear all financial responsibility for any medicaltreatment arising from participation in this event; including ambulance, doctor, hospital feesetc.
Race organizers strongly encourage any competitor who is feeling unwell prior to the race toseek medical advice on their participation.
Race organizers reserve the right to withdraw a runner based on medical grounds.
A massage will be available to all competitors in the recovery area at the finish line.
There is limited off street parking in the Mudgee Olympic Swimming Pool car park off ShortSt, and in parts of LawsonPark itself. There is also ample parking in Short Street and thenear-by side streets. There are no parking time restrictions.
The LawsonPark has Male/Female toilet amenities with additional toilets, changerooms andshower amenities in the Swimming Pool complex. Extra Port-a-Loos will also be presentnear the Park amenities.
The LawsonPark provides a lovely atmosphere alongside the CudgegongRiver. Feel free to let the kids feed the resident ducks! There is also a playground, walking tracks andexercise equipment throughout the park area.
Please take care to watch small children as there are no barriers or fencing along the river’sedge.
Awards Ceremony
Presentation is at Race HQ in LawsonPark.
Presentations will be held soon after the last runners for each race come home.
Good Luck
Happy Racing
Mudgee Running Festival Committee