National Network of Health Career Programs in Two-Year Colleges

“collective voice…common purpose”

Call for Conference Presentations and Poster Sessions

National Network of Health Career Programs in Two-Year Colleges (NN2) seeks proposals for the 21st Annual Meeting, “Access, Advocacy, and Accountability” Conference, October, 2008.

The conference will feature both submitted and invited presentations, posters or demonstrations. Proposals for presentations in a number of content areas are sought and described below. In addition to the specific topics listed under each broad category, proposals that represent innovations in healthcare education, technology or management are encouraged.

NN2 expects that presenters in all conference venues will provide dynamic and provocative learning opportunities for attendees. NN2 seeks conference sessions that are interactive and that engage the participants.

Conference Sessions

Abstracts for conference sessions are sought for the following topics. Each submission will be peer reviewed by the conference committee who will select presentations which are judged to best fit with the themes of the conference and the needs of the conference attendees.

  1. Access - examples of how 2-year colleges are trying to be innovative in expanding enrollments to serve more students. Shared programs and consortia partnerships with higher education institutions and partnerships with the health care industry.
  1. Advocacy - Provide training support and educational programs to individuals with developmental disabilities creating and supporting effective learning, and understanding and supporting a variety of generational learners in the classroom.
  1. Accountability – Assessing and improving student learning; providing public evidence of students’ educational performance; providing public evidence of programmatic and institutional performance; balancing mission, vision and core values with national priorities; and the role of accreditation in finding common ground.


Proposal Submission: / March 7, 2008
Notification: / April 4, 2008
Presentation Materials Submitted: / April 25, 2008

Proposal Submission Form

Please download and fill out the form and send by email to Barbara Schenk at:

For More Information: Please email or call Barbara Schenk at (410) 780-6760.