Title of the article here

No author name/information is given throughout the manuscript

You need to write an abstract of 150-250 words here. The abstract must include the purpose of the study and methodological dimensions, followed by research findings. You need to write an abstract of 150-250 words here. The abstract must include the purpose of the study and methodological dimensions, followed by research findings. You need to write an abstract of 150-250 words here. The abstract must include the purpose of the study and methodological dimensions, followed by research findings. You need to write an abstract of 150-250 words here. The abstract must include the purpose of the study and methodological dimensions, followed by research findings. You need to write an abstract of 150-250 words here. The abstract must include the purpose of the study and methodological dimensions, followed by research findings. You need to write an abstract of 150-250 words here. The abstract must include the purpose of the study and methodological dimensions, followed by research findings.
/ Received
XX Month 20XX
Suggested APA citation: DO NOT WRITE AUTHOR NAMES. (20XX). Title of the paper,Language Teaching and Educational Research, X(X), XX-XX. DOI: XXXXXXXXXXXXXX


This section must include problem statement, reasons/justifications for conducting the study (why researcher(s) needed to carry out this study), purpose of the study. Theoretical framework can be given here or under a separate heading. Introduction part should be followed by review of literature(if integrated into Introduction, then there is no need for a separate heading), methodology, findings, discussion, conclusion and suggestions.





Please introduce the research method in this section. Give details about your research design, sample/participants, data collection procedures, instruments and data analysis under separate subheadings.





Findings obtained from the study must be written here, under separate subheadings or without subheadings, based on the data structure.





Discuss your research findings by comparing against and building on the relevant literature.





This section must include the conclusions and inferences made based on the research findings and available discussions/interpretations.





Suggestions can be made here for different stakeholders in accordance with the content of the study and findings. Also, future research directions can be reflected. Limitations can be provided under a separate heading.




Note: If this study was presented at a conference, or a project work, please specify here, not as a footnote on the first page.


All in-text citations and references should be according to APA 6 format. For APA guidelines, please go to

Trofimovich, P., Collins, L., Cardoso, W., White, J., & Horst, M. (2012). A Frequency‐based approach to L2 phonological learning: teacher input and student output in an intensive ESL context. TESOL Quarterly, 46(1), 176-186.

Vygotsky, L. S. (1980). Mind in society: The development of higher psychological processes. Harvard university press.





Table and figure captions must be written right above the table or figure. The font size for the texts in tables and figures can be adapted. Vertical lines must NOT be used in tables.

Table example:

Table 1: Caption must be written in italics, NOT bold. Only the first letter of the first word must be capitalized.

x / y / z mean percentage
A / K. / 47 / 30.3 / 47 3.48 / 30.3
E. / 60 / 38.7 / 60 3.79 / 38.7
Total / 155 / 100 / 155 / 100

Headings: left justified, only the first letter of the first word must be capitalized.

First level heading

Second level heading

Third level heading

Fourth level heading

DO NOT WRITE AUTHOR NAMES, Language Teaching and Educational Research, 2018-1, P-PP