Advanced Composition Essay Writing Curriculum Map

Theme, Enduring Understandings & Essential Questions for This Unit / How Students will Demonstrate Their Understanding / Standards-based Essential Skills & Concepts to be Targeted Throughout the Unit / Wisconsin State English/Language Arts Standards and
School District of Bonduel Power Standards Addressed / Multi-Genre Instructional Resources
Writing for College Prep
Enduring Understandings:
Writing is used to communicate with a specific audience
Language can influence the way an audience thinks about the world
Choosing and narrowing a topic
Writing a sentence that “shows” not “tells” makes for a more interesting paper
Active verbs make writing more interesting than passive verbs
Choosing and ordering details organizes the cause and effect essay
The Six Traits of Writing (idea development, voice, word choice, sentence fluency, organization, conventions) supports a well-written paper
A thesis statement summarizes the main points of my paper
Essential Questions:
How can I choose and narrow my topic?
What details should be included in my cause and effect essay?
How can I organize my details?
How can I “show” not “tell” in my paper?
How can I use active verbs?
How can I incorporate Six Trait writing?
What will my thesis statement be? /  Summative Assessment (End of the Unit)  /
  • Argumentative Essay
  • Personal Narrative
  • Newsletter/newspaper (fact vs. opinion)
  • Movie interpretation
  • Impromptu writing
  • Descriptive writing
/  WRITING OUTCOMES  / Concepts:
  • Thesis statement as summary of the essay
  • the five paragraph basic expository essay
  • Write non-fiction expository essays characterized by suitable vocabulary, descriptive detail, an appropriate voice, and a variety of sentence structures that help establish tone and reinforce meaning
  • Write for a variety of readers and in a variety of situations
  • Evaluate the effects of different types of language in communication
  • Use language appropriate to the topic and the audience
  • Design, format, and produce appropriate word-processed documents
/ B.12.1 Create or produce writing to communicate with different audiences for a variety of purposes
B.12.2 Plan, revise, edit, and publish clear and effective writing
B.12.3 Understand the function of various forms, structures, and punctuation marks of standard American English and use them appropriately in written communications
D.12.1 Develop their vocabulary and ability to use words, phrases, idioms, and various grammatical structures as a means of improving communication
E.12.1 Use computers to acquire, organize, analyze and communicate information
E.12.2 Make informed judgments about media and products.
F.12.1 Conduct research and inquiry on self-selected or assigned topics, issues, or problems and use an appropriate form to communicate their findings.
Power Standard 3: Write compositions that:
Summarize and analyze complex information and texts
Power Standard 4: Plan, revise, edit, and publish clear and effective writing
Power Standard 5: Understand and demonstrate the function of grammatical, mechanical, and linguistic conventions and use them appropriately in oral communication
Power Standard 7: Use computers to create products appropriate to audience and purpose / Writer’s Inc. by Great Source
Video response Unit:
Quarter 1
Dead Poet’s Society
Quarter 2
Field of Dreams
Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner
 Formative Assessments (Throughout the Unit)  /
  • ‘Thesis Writing’ Activity
  • ‘Writing “Showing” Sentences’ Activity
  • Idea Gathering, Writing, Revising, Editing activities in textbook
  • Thesis statement as summary of the essay
  • Types of organization
  • Types of support
  • Revision
  • Editing skills
  • Transition words
  • Active vs. Passive verbs
  • Six-trait Writing:
Word Choice
Sentence Fluency
  • Conventions
  • Computer programs:
Writer’s Workbench