Following the Cross
April 2018
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
This year’s Lenten season, we have enjoyed our ecumenical Wednesday evening worship with our neighboring churches. We heard different speakers and experienced different styles of worship. Our Sunday massage theme is about Giving Up which will eventually conclude on Easter Sunday on the theme “Jesus Gives All Up for You” with the title message: Proof of His Resurrection.
The resurrection of Christ is the ultimate miracle of many miracles of Jesus, the cornerstone and the proof of the satisfaction of the Father; His one and only Son is the payment for our sins. This is the very heart of our Christian faith. The resurrection marks the beginning of the triumphant jubilation, confidence and courage in all who believes in him. The resurrection of Jesus Christ melts away the doubt and despair that shrouds believers as it did to the disciples, and replaces it with unshakeable faith.
But imagine if the resurrection of Jesus never happened, Christianity collapses into mythology and billions of people have been deceived. The Apostle Paul clearly states in 1Corinthians 15:17, “If Christ has not been raised, your faith is worthless.”But the resurrection did happen; it authenticates everything Jesus did and said that on the third day he would be raised from the dead. And for those of us who believes in the resurrection of Christ, we can know for sure that our transgressions are forgiven, and we have the guarantee of eternal life.
What’s more, Jesus promises that we too, will be resurrected and given new bodies. Physical death could not hold him, nor will it overpower us. Because he overcame the grave, his followers have the same kind of life he has, which is eternal and indestructible.
With that in mind, the question is would you want your neighbors, your friends or even some of your family members to hear this “Proof of His Resurrection?”
A few things I want to remind us as we are thinking about inviting guests to come and worship with us on Easter Sunday:
1. Let us prepare and pray for a certain number of new guests on Easter Sunday. And let each of
us specifically pray for three unchurched persons and invite them to come and join us because
God will not send more than what we are praying and preparing for.
2. Let us utilize the available tools, send email and messages to invite our neighbors, friends
and families to join us on Easter Sunday.
3. Let us pray for the effectiveness of the Direct Door Invitations that we are sending out to
promote our church and Easter Sunday to our communities.
Happy Easter,
Pastor Nhia Wahn Her
April 5th Pastor Nhia Wahn Her
April 12th Someone needed
April 19th Joyce Reed
April 26th Brad Balgord
We were blessed by St. Peter’s Catholic Church serving 109 people a wonderful St. Paddy’s meal of corned beef and cabbage, macaroni & cheese, carrots and potatoes, along with a big selection of desserts!! Once again they have outdone themselves and we thank everyone!!
The Second Helpings Committee
Don’t forget to bring your items for the food pantry each Sunday! These items are “always” needed no matter what month or season, they are: Laundry soap, dish soap, sugar, flour, and cookies. The theme for April is “Spring Cleaning.” Items needed are Kitchen cleaners, Bathroom Cleaners, Furniture polish, Glass Cleaner and disinfecting wipes.
The Southeast District has a practice of praying for local churches and their pastors each week throughout the year on a rotating basis. During the month of April, we pray for the following churches and their pastors in the Southeast District of the Wisconsin Annual Conference:
Apr. 2 – Apr. 8, Milwaukee: Luz a Las Naciones Gonzales Memorial UMC, their pastor Erendira Serrata, and their 44 members, Luz a las Naciones Gonzalez Memorial is located at 2064 S 14th St. Milwaukee, WI 532041.
Apr. 9 – Apr. 15, Milwaukee: Solomon Community Temple UMC, their pastor Afi Dobbins-Mays, and their members, Solomon 38 Community Temple is located at 3295 N Martin Luther King Jr. Dr., Milwaukee, WI 53212.
Apr. 16 – Apr. 22, Milwaukee: Summerfield, their pastor Jennifer Emert, and their 55 members, Summerfield is located at 722 E Juneau Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53202.
Apr. 23 – Apr.29, Milwaukee: Urban Poiema, their pastor Juan Garay, and their members, Urban Poiema is located at 8801 W. Lisbon Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53222.
Apr. 30 – May 6, Milwaukee: ZAO UMC, their pastor Jonah Holm, and their members, ZAO is located at 523 E Clarke St., Milwaukee, WI 53212.
A celebration of remembrance with mothers, daughters, grandmothers, sisters, aunts, girlfriends …..
(you get the picture).
•Saturday May 12, 2018
Noon in St. James Fellowship Hall
•Lunch, Comedy, Door Prizes, a wedding dress display, and a Fashion Show by Square Side Consignment shop
•Tickets on sale now. Purchase them on Sunday at church or call Kathy Anderson for tickets. 262-642-9329 Women $10.00, girls age 10 and under $7.00
•Space is limited to 100. To simplify seating, be sure to have your whole party in mind when you purchase tickets, as seats will be reserved similar to a wedding reception.
•Join the fun by wearing a hat to the luncheon. Dust off those old hats in the attic, or decorate a new one. Think English Royalty, or ones worn to the Kentucky Derby. The bigger the better!
Hope to see you there!
VBS to Return!
Just a happy heads up! Vacation Bible School will reappear at St. James this summer. Plans are in the early stages for this wonderful child-worship event! The curriculum depicting “God as our Hero!” has been chosen, and our staff will include the young folks we met last summer. The actual date for VBS will be determined soon. Please prayerfully consider a monetary donation to VBS. We expect expenses to be around $350. Since we have not had a VBS for several years, there is no budget item for the event. Volunteers will also be needed to bring snacks, man the kitchen, and help the teachers in the classes. We are excited to bring VBS back to St. James, and every effort will
be made to include community children in our exciting, spiritual educational experience!
Judy McFarlane, Coordinator
TOTAL: $5,456.61
Reminder: There will be a Hymn Sing in the Sanctuary after the Second Helpings meal the third Monday of every month at 6:15 p.m. The next one is Monday, April 16th.
Mike and Sherri Morrissey will be here at St. James UMC on Tuesday, April 3rd at 11:00 a.m. to give a presentation about their Missionary work in Thailand. Following the program at around 12 noon there will be a luncheon in Fellowship Hall.
We hope you can join us.
Sunday Worship in AprilApril 1st
Easter Sunday / Easter Sunday
“Jesus Gives All Up Just for You: Proofs of His Resurrection”
Pastor Nhia Wahn Her preaching
Sunrise Service at 7 a.m. followed by potluck breakfast
8:50 Worship Service
“Grace is Here”
Pastor Nhia Wahn Her preaching
April 15th / “Grace is Free”
Pastor Nhia Wahn preaching
April 22nd / “Grace is of God”
Pastor Nhia Wahn Her preaching
April 29th / “Grace is a Journey”
Pastor Nhia Wahn Her preaching
St. James UMC Caldwell UMC
St. James UMC Caldwell UMC
Take a Moment . . . To Grow Closer to God!
Shaped To Serve
Good and faithful servant
The Contagious Christian Growth Group has been an inspiration to all who have participated. We are already saying, “Have a blessed day,” to everyone we meet. I even said it to the young man bagging my groceries the other day. Luckily, he didn’t drop my groceries on my foot! But, we all agree that learning how to be a contagious Christian has changed us.
As we strive to become a more mature Christian, we know we will ascend to a higher level of spiritual leadership within our faith family and the unchurched. We will attain the quality of unselfish servanthood. Jesus said, “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and to give his life a ransom for many.” (Mark 10:45). In Phil. 1:4, Paul wrote, “Each of you should be concerned not only about your own interests, but the interests of others as well.” Our challenge is to have the same thoughts and attitudes toward one another that Christ Jesus had.
Christ’s plan for us is servanthood. Persons in leadership positions through their faith, influence others in a ministry that blesses others and meets their needs. True leaders use their gifts to bring others to God. Scripture challenges us to be that person.
Matthew 20:20-28 and Mark 10:35-45. Those who want to be great serve as a servant. Those who want to be first serve as a slave. Jesus came to serve, not to be served. Spiritually mature people experience a Godly life because they have developed a servant’s heart which allows them to serve others and to teach them by role modeling their faith. By doing this, we are freeing others to be the people God had created them to be.
Matthew 23:11-12. One of the greatest hindrances to servant living is the desire for some form of praise or position. Spiritual greatness is never found in position or power but in servant-like service to others. When we don’t live as servants, we lose status as well as rewards in heaven.
John 13:1-5 and 12-17. Just before the Passover Feast, Jesus began to wash the feet of His Disciples. He asked them if they understood what He had just done, and challenged them to wash one another’s feet. Jesus, the Master, had assumed the role of a servant to minister to others. With this illustration of servanthood, Jesus has given us all an example of what He has done and what He expects us to do. True blessing comes in serving others.
What hinders us from servanthood? It is the desire for status and meeting our own needs before others; a poor self-esteem which stops us from understanding our value through God’s eyes; and, finding happiness through worldly things instead of the love we find in the Savior.
There are always consequences to our actions. The lack of a servanthood attitude can bring forward jealousy, envy, disunity and division; failure to work in the church; burnout for those who are ministering; lack of evangelism within the church community; playing the power game; absence of humility; and, the inability to lead others in Christ things.
To live as a servant means we follow Jesus. He is the epitome of humility, maturity and leadership. He set the example of servanthood—He showed us how to do it, and He demands we carry on His work. Jesus makes it clear that true Christian leadership is grounded in love and issues forward in service.
This is how it is done. Give an hour of your time to someone who needs you. Send a note of encouragement. Give a hug of affirmation. Give a mercy visit to a shut-in. Give a meal to someone who is sick. Give a deed of kindness to someone who needs it; and, fellowship in the Spirit which lives in our heart. Christ gave Himself, so God wants us to give ourselves for others. Praise God!
Judy McFarlane
Marolyn Komperud spoke at the March UMW meeting and discussed the Family Resource Center’s activities as well as the many special community events the Center sponsors. Marolyn mentioned several opportunities for UMW and our church to become involved in the community events. One of our growth groups helped with the Easter Egg Hunt on March 24. Plans for the In-Gathering donation of women’s kits and flood buckets was discussed; April and May will be the collection timeline for these items. UMW members will host the Noah’s Ark Day Care children on Wednesday, April 4th from 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. The children will decorate cookies and work on a spiritual craft item. Four members will be attending the South East District’s spring meeting at Wauwatosa UMC on April 28. Plans are underway for the Memorial Day weekend fundraiser. Church members can donate items for the sale starting April 29. The deadline is May 20. Setup for the sale will start at 10 a.m. on Friday, May 25. We are saddened by the death of Grace Adams, a long-time member of UMW. She will be missed. April’s UMW meeting will be Wednesday, April 11. Jeremy Swendrowski, Village Police Chief, will be our speaker. His presentation will begin at 1 p.m., and all are invited to attend.
Sounds of Spring…a concert for Cambodia mission
2:00p.m. on Saturday, April 21, 2018
Caldwell United MethodistChurch
8504 Caldwell Road, Mukwonago
(corner of Hwys O & L, 1 mile east of Hwy 83)
Sit back and relax…enjoy music from around the world; delicious snacks at the reception following the concert; shopping for unique gifts of silk, wood, teas, and novelty items from Cambodia; and help vulnerable village families in northwest Cambodia, too!
Admission is free. A freewill offering will be received to help fund this Wisconsin people’s ongoing community development and humanitarian projects in Siem Reap Province, northwest Cambodia. In 18 years 97 wells and 54 toilets have been built in 35 villages, 6 primary schools and 2 orphanages providing clean water for drinking, cooking, washing clothes and bathing; domestic hygiene and sanitation; first aid supplies and first aid training, education scholarships for17 students to university and technical education and provided hope for all the people.
Nearly 74% of all deaths in Cambodia come from waterborne diseases. Seeds, seedlings and pigs provide adequate food and improve nutrition and health. Education is a significant factor in breaking the cycle of poverty and giving young people knowledge to help their country develop. Our goal is to provide fundamental building blocks for families and villages and to partner with them for their self-sustainable future. Come to find out more about the remarkable story of how Wisconsin people are transforming the lives of thousands of vulnerable Cambodians! You can make a difference!
Jenny Hensgen, soprano, Deanna Shimko, mezzo, Debbie Rush, alto, and Darl Shimko, bass, are joined by Jacque Shimko, oboe, and Denise Kirby-Roberts, flute. The ensemble perform traditional and contemporary texts as well as folk and popular songs in a variety of music settings.
The public is welcome! For more information go to call Jenny Hensgen at 262-534-4511 or Deanna Shimko at 414-313-0343. Building Cambodia Inc is an IRC §501(c)(3) charitable organization.
April and May will be the collection months for the first all-church mission of the year. Women’s kits and flood buckets will be taken to the annual June United Methodist In-Gathering. The kid and flood buckets will be distributed to individuals in need and to countries whom experience natural disasters. Please put the suggested items for the women’s kits in a baggie and place them in the basket in the Welcome Center. Individual items for the flood buckets can also be placed in the appropriate basket. Financial donations can also be given for purchase of additional items and delivery. Deadline for donations is May 27.
Please remember to check the clip boards on the table in the Welcome Center each Sunday. There is the sign up for Usher, Greeters, and Liturgists for April through June. There is also the sign up for Altar Flowers for April through June. Two weeks prior to Second Helpings meal, there is a sign-up sheet for helping and donations.
Sunday Morning Coffee time before worship is another great opportunity to serve the church. The sign-up sheet for this is on the Welcome Center table as well. All these ministries are ways in which you can help serve your church.
Another reminder; deadlines for the Sunday bulletin news is the Wednesday before at noon and the deadline for the monthly newsletter is generally the 15th of the month. All articles should be brought into or emailed to the church office. Please remember to turn in any dates for the monthly calendar in a timely fashion. Thank you for your cooperation.
I took a walk on Easter morn,
watched the dawn push back the night,
A dove called out in mournful song as it passed me in its flight;
And day was born before my eyes,
through threatening skies came light.
A stillness covered all the earth, anticipation filled the air,
Peace came and cleansed my human heart,
I was freed from worldly care;
And I knew that He had risen when I breathed His name in prayer.
He gave to all eternal life as the word had prophesied,
Each year a promise of new hope by green of spring identified;
All this He gave to such as I, He lives again, the crucified!
~Ruby Allene Gray~
A Mission of St. James United Methodist Church
Our mission at Noah’s Ark Christian Day Care is to provide a safe, fun and spiritual environment for children. We are a state licensed not-for-profit religious organization. Every day the children choose structured activities and also participate in prayer time. Our role is to present a well-rounded curriculum that focuses on the child and includes social, emotional, physical, and intellectual development under professional and personal care. Our duty is to treat each child with respect, dignity, and self-worth which will help a child develop a positive self-image, and constructive interactions with peers and caregivers. At Noah’s Ark we strive to communicate openly and encourage you to be involved, and your ideas, thoughts, and suggestions are always welcome. All the children receive the highest quality Care in a healthy, safe, spiritually filled environment.