MARCH 7, 2018
The Herreid City Council met in regular session Wednesday, March 7, 2018 at City Hall at 7:00 p.m. (re-scheduled from March 5thdue to weather)
Mayor David Kary called the meeting to order with the following members present: Adrienne Dupper, Abbie McNeil, Troy Fuehrer, Eugene Quaschnick and Gary Weismantel. Absent: James Haak. Also present: Tina Kary, FO and Kenny Wientjes, maintenance.Others stopping in during the meeting: Dick Werner, Arnie Hanson and Herreid School Supt. Daniel Hoey.
Approved the agenda.Moved by Dupper, second by Fuehrer.All ayes, one absent. Motion carried.
Approved the Feb. minutes with the addition of the pay rate for Rylee Rossow at $8.85/hr. Moved by Dupper, second by Fuehrer.All ayes, one absent.Motion carried.
Heard from Wientjes that the new hydraulic motor has been installed on the plow, which was operational for the recent snow storm, but not the week prior. Mayor advised Wientjes to keep an eye on inlets/culverts so they are clear, as the snow could melt quickly. SD Rural Water plans to be out in April, and again in late summer to exercise the valves and work on mapping project.
Approved the Feb. bills.Moved by McNeil, second by Weismantel.All ayes, one absent.Motion carried.
Met with Dick Werner and Arnie Hanson to give an update on the Karl Deibert Park project (they previously brought in a bench, which will be on display at City Hall)They plan to order equipment in June, and it will be set up in Aug. or Sept. Werner noted that the City will have to issue a check to the company for about $110,000 so the equipment could be ordered, but grant money and other funds would come back to the City in increments. FO advised that would not work as she needsthe funds to supplement the budget, and for auditing purposes, it will be cleaner to just have one, full supplement, rather than piecing it together as grants are received. The City is sales tax exempt, so payment for the equipment must come fromthe City. She suggested the City work with the HEDC (which is already holding the City’s $12,000 donation)by having them request the playground committee’s funds to help cover a$110,000 payment to the City for the supplement. Grant funds paid directly to the City after the fact, would be paid back to the HEDC. Mayor noted FO has been consulting with the auditors on the matter, and the City should proceed how she has been instructed.
Werner also noted that the fundraiser on March 25th is promoting “Herreid City Pool Improvements,” which he hopes will include a new bathhouse and possibly a splash pool in the future. Werner noted he obtained a copy of the City’s(denied) 2012 bathhouse grant application fromNECOG, which he felt would need work before submitting again. FO explained the decision to proceed with the project back then was made very last-minute, and NECOG only had a day or two to prepare the entire application.As this was the first the council was hearing of any additional improvements at the pool, the mayor cautioned Werner that, in the future, he needs to consult the City first and proceed with the council’s approval, and not just go out on his own. Werner reiterated that he was just looking down the road at possible pool improvements.
(Wientjes was called away on City business)
Due to the meeting date changing, City Attorney Mark Kroontje advised FO that the City should re-advertise for bids on the surplus motor grader. Council agreed to re-advertise, and will open in April.
Heard from the mayor that the Com. Center generator project was completed last Friday, and he and Wientjes met with the contractor and MDU to test the equipment and had the generator kick in several times. He said everything took off and worked well, but noted the generator is on a timer to do a weekly test, so renters may hear it kicking in/out. Mayor will contact Layne Perman, county emergency manager, to let him know the Com. Center is ready to serve asHerreid’s emergency shelter. Fuehrer inquired about the location of the cots that were previously provided to the City, and McNeil advised they are being stored in the Baptist Church basement. Mayor said he will talk to Wientjes about building racks/shelves so the cots can be stored onsite. Fuehrer noted that in the event of an emergency, residents who seek shelter at the Com. Center need to remember to bring their own food, water, medications, blanket or other necessities.
Learned that City Hall windows are in, and Goehring Construction will start the project in the next few weeks. Mayor noted that once the old windows are off, he would like Wientjes to pull the truck up andthrow debris out before the new windows are installed. Several council members noted that if they’re available, they would be willing to help.
Were reminded of the Equalization mtg. on March 19 @ 6:00 p.m. Residents have until March 15th to file an appeal, in writing, with the Finance Officer. The meeting is currently set for City Hall, but could be moved to the Com. Center, depending on the number of appeals. Will know more by March 16th, the date agenda will be posted.
Appointed the board for the April 10th combined school/city election.Marion Goehring, supt; Gladys Bauer & Michelle Delzer, judges.FO noted that they will have about two and a half hours of training prior to the election, and will be handling four ballots this year. At the current payrate of $150 each (split with the school) they may not even earn minimum wage. Mayor suggested an increase to at least $175. Moved by Dupper, second by Fuehrer to increase pay to $175.All ayes, one absent. Motion carried. Supt. Hoey agreed to notify school board, but didn’t see it being a problem.
Agreed to canvas the votes from the election on April 16 @ 7:30 p.m.
Agreed to advertise for head-lifeguard/lifeguards, and will continue reimburse lifeguard/WSI certification costs as they have in the past. Applications will be reviewed at the April meeting.
Learned the SDML Dist. 7 mtg. will be held in Selby on March 22nd. Those planning to attend need to let FO know by tomorrow to register.
Reviewed the 2017 Annual Report as prepared by the FO.
Approved FO attending NEFOG meeting in Aberdeen, date TBD, and for Wientjes to attend training March 13th & April 4th.
Learned the Town & Country Gals are unable to continue operation ofthe Kans for Kids program.
Werner previously advised the FO he would be interested in taking it over to raise funds for the
Deibert Park improvements. Mayor noted he would like to move location off Main St. because it can
be unsightly. FO noted the cans often blow down the highway and around the parking lot, and renters
havecalled the City to clean up the area before events. Mr. Hoey noted he has the means to haul the
cans to Iowa (where they pay considerably more) and inquired about the school possibly taking over
the project. Council members were supportive, so he will discuss with the school board. Suggested
location for the collection bin was near the football field. FO advised that while it is currently on City
property, she believes the T&C Gals paid for all the materials, so may need their permission. McNeil,
a current member of the club, did not think it would be a problem. Mayor noted if the school
proceeds, they can contact the City if they need any help taking the enclosure down, and/or setting up
a new one.
Learned that Agtegra submitted a building permit today to take down the old wood elevator and the
house just south of the fire hall. While it didn’t meet the 24-hour requirement to make the agenda, the
mayorsaid he would like the council to consider it so the City wouldn’t slow down the process, as
demo couldhappen before the next meeting. He noted debris will not be hauled to the City rubble
site, and Agtegra advised that they have filed proper paperwork with DENR. Council members
expressedno opposition.
(Wientjes returned to meeting)
Next regular meeting: April 2nd at 7:30 p.m.
Went into executive session at 7:55 p.m. to discuss personnel, pursuant to 1-25-2(1).Moved by Dupper, second by Fuehrer.All ayes, one absent. Motion carried. At 8:08 p.m., mayor declared them out of executive session.
Following executive session, the mayor submitted his resignation, due to a new job/work schedule that will not allow him to attend council meetings for the next few months. While State statutewould permit him to continue to serve as mayor, he said he felt it would be in the best interest of the community if he stepped down. He thanked the council for their hard work & efforts the past three years, and wished them well. His resignation will be effective once the council appoints a new mayor.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:08 p.m.
David Kary, Mayor
ATTEST: ______
Tina Kary, Finance Officer
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