VHA Town Hall Meeting
After Action Report
Date Submitted: April 14, 2015
Submitted By: VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System (GLA), Theresa DiMaggio, 310-268-3277
Location: Bob Hope Patriotic Hall, 1816 S Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, CA 90015
Date and Time of Town Hall: April 10, 2015, 9:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Event Speakers: Vince Kane, Special Assistant;Steve Peck, President and CEO of U.S. Vets; Cam Gore, Deputy Assistant General Counsel; Jonathan Sherin, Executive Vice President for Military Communities and Chief Medical Officer Volunteers of America; and Sam Tsemberis, VA Consultant for Housing First.
VSO, Congressional, State, and other Invited Attendees: Representatives from Vietnam Veterans of America, Veteran Service Officers, Disabled American Veterans, American Legion, UCLA Office of Government and Community Relations, Office of LA County Supervisor Hilda Solis, Office of Senator Feinstein and Senator Boxer, Congresswoman Maxine Waters, Office of Congresswoman Napolitano, Office of Congressman Ted Lieu,Office of LA County Supervisor Shelia Kuehl, California Assembly Member Richard Bloom, Los Angeles County Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, Office of the Mayor City of Los Angeles, Volunteers of America, Salvation Army, Brentwood Homeowners Association, Hawthorne Veterans Commission, Los Angeles County Veterans Advisory Commission.
Apx. Number of Attendees:250
Apx. Number of Veterans in Attendance:125
Summary of Event: Vince Kane introduced the event speakers, the new VISN 22 Network Director, and the Acting GLA Director. Mr. Kane presented actions that have been completed during the first 55 days of VA’s 100 day plan:
- Building Capacity
- Improving Processes
- Added Safe Haven Beds (75)
- Adding Bridge Housing
- Expanding outreach and case management staff
- Expanded Outreach Hours on GLA campus
- Developing a “Welcome Center”
- Received SSVF Funds of $30 Million Dollar
- Continue to Listen, Dialogue, and Collaborate with the Veterans
Mr. Gore gave an update on the Urban Planner solicitation and timeline:
- Solicitation released April 1, 2015
- Site visit for potential Offerors held April 8, 2015
- Proposals due Mary 4, 2015
- Selection of Urban Planner June 15, 2015
- Draft Master Plan due September 1, 2015
- Final Master Plan due October 16, 2015
Apx. Number of Specific Questions Taken: 40
Questions or Comments that Came up Repeatedly: Homeless housing and programs for Veterans who do not have active addiction or mental health concerns. The federal definition for homeless keeps changing and effects program eligibility. The need for specialized housing for female Veterans and families. Improvements needed for VBA disability exam process. Need for improvedleadership, financial accountability, and transparencyat GLA. Non-VA leases still occupying GLA campus. Make the process to obtain housing simpler. Lack of trust being restored. Need for improved services through HUD.
Recommendations from Veterans: Keep building trust and listening. There is a need for greater coordination and communication of service availability. Need for employment services. Create a Veteran Council that works with and oversees GLA management. Better customer service at GLA, make Veterans feel welcome. Ensure C&P disability physicians do not rush the exam process.
Additional Due Outs: None
Additional Support Required at this time: None
Media in Attendance: Los Angeles Times
Media Outreach Conducted Prior to the Event: Media advisory sent prior to event.
Number of Media Queries Received Prior to, During, and After the Town Hall: one