Commencement date will be Friday 6th October 2017.
Team Contact Details:
Your Team Contact should be the person who the Executive would contact in order to discuss any competition issues. ALL teams will be required to supply a refereewith their team nomination and that referee will be required to help referee games.
Under 8’s & 10’s are required to referee their own games with their Managers/Coaches.
Referee Name: ______Accredited Level: ______
It will be COMPULSORY for every team to be organised/accompanied by an ADULT to every game and we strongly encourage every team to supply minimum of ONE (1) referee.
Each Team must supply their own Ball and be in Team Uniforms by the 3rd fixture game.
AGE DIVISIONS – U/8’s Born in 2010 or after (Minimum age to play is 6)
U/10’s Born in 2008 or after
U/12’s Born in 2006 or after
U/14’s Born in 2004 or after
U/16’s Born in 2002 or after
TEAM NAME…………………………………………………
Please Circle Division
BOYSU/8’s 10’s 12’s 14’s 16’s /
U/8’s 10’s 12’s14’s 16’s
Days of play will be Friday (U8’s,10’s,12’s, 14’s) Wednesday (16’s) These days will depend on number of nominations in each age division.
SurnameFirst name
Postal address
Email contact
(Must have email)
Home phone /
Payment Requirements:
All Fees are to be paid by the 3rd week of fixtures. Team Coaches/Managers are also required to complete On Line Registration for all players. (Team Codes will be available in clubroom after week 1 )
Team Nomination Fees (U/8’s & U/10’s) $500.00 Per Team
(U/12’s 14’s & 16’s) $800.00 Per Team
Failure to make this payment will see your team removed from the TTA Competition Draw.
NOMINATIONS CLOSE 15TH SEPTEMBER BANK DETAILS – NAB 084938 460155126 Team Name as Reference
I enclose payment to the value of(Post to TTA PO Box listed above) / (Cheques made payable to Toowoomba Touch Assoc)
For ALL competition details go to