Name: Marian Barel (O'Rourke)
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Bristol
Comment: Hi, I have visited a few times and its always nice to have a browse, great site.
I used to live in Blackrod Avenue (my mum and brother still do!)and have great memories growing up in the 70's.
Think one of my fondest memories is the street parties we had for the Queens jubilee, such innocent times.
Keep up the good work on the site.
Saturday 04/05/2008 0:07:04am
Name: / trixie bell (doherty
E-Mail: /
Referred By: / Search Engine
Location: / hampshire
Comments: / Hi Lynne I am hoping to to see you all in June after attending a wedding in Doncaster.
I look forward to visiting Speke again after so many years.
I wonder when reading the letters from different people.What happened to those who lived in Rycot Road have they disappeared from sight., they must be out there somewhere.
See you in june Lynne
Regards Trixie Bell( Doherty)
Saturday 03/29/2008 4:48:08pm
Name: / Karen Edwards (nee- Bennett )
E-Mail: /
Referred By: / Friend
Location: / Wirral
Comments: / How nice to be able to see the wonderful items on the site. There are several peoples names I remember,however am cannot seem to be able to view the 313thguide pics nor the they seem to be blocked. This is unfortunate as I was in the 313th guides. Keep up the good work.
LYNNE: Hi Karen, sorry about that. Those two pages should load properly now!
Saturday 03/29/2008 12:14:16am
Name: / Ernest Prendergast
E-Mail: /
Referred By: / Friend
Location: / ColwynBay
Comments: / My family were either the third or fourth to settle on the 'New Speke Estate'. I knew many of the people whose names appear on your excellent site.
Gerneth Rd was just like a tank testing round as were so many other of the local roads. The houses were in various stages of development. It was 1937 and I was a 7 year old. The now Church Hall was the first school that I attended. I joined the Wolf cubs and Mrs Sutton was out leader. Later I went on to be a scout and Tom Whatmore was either the Scout Leader or Assistant Leader.
I remember the Revs patterson, Wade (sand in his choir) & the unpleasant JFSO Graham. The curate Charlie Walker was a friend as was Leonard Rossiter.
There was a gang of younger people who used to meet most nights during the early black-outs but we very rarely got into trouble mostly, we just played games like hide and seek or kick the can. The naughtiest we ever got was to knock the knockers and run. Oh for those days of innocence to return.
I was married at All Saints Church on September 11th 1948 and the marriage lasted for nearly forty years but we sadly went our separate ways although we kept in touch, but it is with regret that my first wife passed away on the 3rd November 2007.
My mother who is now 99 still lives here in ColwynBay and I visit her daily. My brother Robert who sang in the choir at St Adian's now lives in Bournemouth and sings with the Bournemouth Male Voice Choir as his main hobby.
I think I might be able to name two of the boys in your first choir photo as myself and a lad called Reg Golby.
I have visited the area several times over the years and it saddens me to see the vandalism that has been commited in the name of progress. Can I please strike the first blow when they demolish the Crescent?
Saturday 03/29/2008 0:33:13am
E-Mail: /
Referred By: / Search Engine
Comments: / i found your web site by chance, and found it very interesting, My husband Norman and i were married at all saints in june 1971 by the Rev Clawson, we now live in Haydock St Helens, good luck with your site god bless Brenda xx
Monday 03/17/2008 1:31:43pm
Name: / Ann Barlow
E-Mail: /
Referred By: / Search Engine
Location: / Northamptonshire
Comments: / Hi Lynne
Thanks for trying to sort out the problem..will now see how this one goes!
I lived in Ardwick Road, Speke, my name then was Ann Rowley and went to Alderwood Avenue Infant/junior schools.
I married at All Saints on a scorching 10th July 1976, left Liverpool in early 1979 and moved South, but had my eldest son christened at All Saints in August 1981.
I have lots of memories of growing up in Speke, school holidays spent going down Dungeon Lane to the shore to play, along with my best-friend, Pat Little, she very sadly died aged 31. We usually managed to 'find' some daffodils in the farmer's field for our mums during the Easter holidays, amazingly, we were never caught. We also went cycling to Hale and Speke Hall. Sometimes Pat's older sister Sue was with us.We usually had a pack of sandwiches, paste or jam, wrapped in a bread wrapper, and a bottle of pop to drink.
Our mums often took our families plus other children to the shore or Hale Lighthouse during the holidays...the scene was reminiscent of the Pied Piper as we all walked there and back! Our parents also used to get out on the field opposite our house with us all and play games like rounders, and also supervised the great bonfire nights so no-one got hurt, the boys collected wood for weeks beforehand, it was usually put on top of sheds. We went home tired but happy in those days!
When I got older and was at senior school in the 60's, I went to the Congregational Church on Eastern Avenue,they had dances and a youth club, and I also went to the dances at the Sea Cadets at the bottom end of Western Avenue...local groups and records to dance to. It was only when I started work 'in town' that I really lost touch with Speke for socialising, my circle of friends changed as did the place I went.
After I married and eventually moved away, I visited my family as often as possible and over a period of time saw a big deteriation in Speke. I hear it's being regenerated, I hope it's a success.
If there's anyone out there that remembers me, it would be lovely to hear from them.
Friday 03/14/2008 0:58:46am
Name: / Lynne
Referred By: / Just Surfed In
Location: / Speke
Comments: / I have reported the fault with the Guestbook and Lycos who own it said that at the moment a visitor only has two minutes to put in their whole message in the Guestbook before it times out. They reckon this can be refreshed by clicking on the "I can't read this" button next to the verification box before going past it. In the meantime they are working to extend the time allowed to put the message in. While we wait I will change the settings so messages appear immediately if they are successful until this is sorted.
I hope this helps. I will add an email icon to the webiste this weekend to enable guests to contact me directly while we wait for this to be sorted.
Thanks for your patience!
Friday 03/14/2008 0:40:03am
Name: / Ernest Prendergast
E-Mail: /
Referred By: / Friend
Location: / Colwyn Bay
Comments: / Hello Lynne,I was very excited when I first dicovered your site. But then got rather frustrated as I had difficulty getting messages to despatch themselves to you. In the end I took the liberty to send a communication to you on the Royal Mail Pony Express. I could not even find a mailing address for you, so even now I am not sure if you received it or not.
I remember the Reverends, Patterson and Wade, I sang in the church choir Mr Blease was our choir master, he was also my music teacher at school. Tom Whatmore was also in the choir and was also our scout leader. Leonard Rossiter was a personal friend and I remember the Lunt boys. My cousin Joan Prescott who lived in All Saints Rd now lives at Aintree with her husband John with whom I went to School in Hunts Cross.
My Mum is still alive and is now 99yrs old. Our home was at 26 School way which strangely was the fourth house to be occupied on the whole estate. I was just seven when my parents took up the tenancy.
There are so many memories that flood back when I occasionally visit the estate although it is usually just a drive through with nowhere to stop as all of my friends have either left the area and I have lost touch or they have passed into Gods care.
I will try to visit the church where I married my late first wife in June for your festival. Keep up the good work and thanks again for the wonderful site. Ernest Prendergast
Saturday 02/23/2008 1:14:28pm
Name: / Phil
Referred By: / Just Surfed In
Location: / Liverpool
Comments: / Hi Lynne, I am not a Christian but I was born and raised in Speke. I found your site a great local history resource. Just a couple of worries. Picture 31 in Places is not Central Way - in fact it is an earlier picture of what looks like the very same position and has been called Ganworth Road (or it could be Conleach Road) and it was 3 storey flats not family houses. You are right that they were converted into bungalows as were the 3 storey family town houses on Central Way (and I think these were also on Stapleton Avenue). Also the date has to be the late 1940s or 1950s not as you state 1930s.
There was a picture in the vicar's personal photos of a funeral in RAF uniform. I was wondering if this might have been with military honours for the celebrated Polish pilot whose name escapes me. He crash landed whist stationed at Speke.
Great site; as Arnie says, "I will be back".
LYNNE: Phil, thanks for the information. You haven't left your email so I'll reply here! You are right about Conleach/Ganworth and the date - I will put it right. I think this is a report of the plane crash you mentioned - the pilot was Czech but lived in Poland. Sadly the photo of his coffin doesn't match Rev Patterson's one.
Wednesday 01/23/2008 8:52:56pm
Name: / Lynda Barlow
E-Mail: /
Referred By: / Search Engine
Location: / Rural Scotland
Comments: / I have found your site incredibly helpful because I am researching my ancestors, the Wykes (whykes) and have found that there are 20 or more buried in the churchyard! Realising you are probably very busy, I hesitate to ask this - so please feel free to say no - but is there any chance that you could copy out the inscriptions on the grave stones of Whykes for me? Sorry, I know it's a big job, but as I now live in Argyll, it's a long way for me to travel. If you can't do it, that's fine, I really appreciate all of the work you have done already. Thanks. Lynda
LYNNE: IF anyone else is researching the Wyke family please get in touch as I have already put a lot of information together and can send you the photos I took for Lynda.
Tuesday 01/15/2008 4:50:16pm
Name: / Les Lunt
E-Mail: /
Referred By: / Search Engine
Location: / Valencia, Spain.
Comments: / Hi again, many thanks for great memories of living in Speke. My brother Alan was a 'sidesman' in the church, and his pal was Leonard Rossiter the late Mr Rigsby!..of T.V fame, his family lived in Greyhound Farm Road.
Any news on an old pal named Richardson, his dad was a coal merchant in Speke would be most welcome.
best wishes for New Year
Les Lunt
Wednesday 01/02/2008 8:21:07pm
Name: / Bob Hogg
E-Mail: /
Referred By: / Search Engine
Location: / Hale
Comments: / The little white-washed cottage you show on your illustrated trip through old Speke seems to be No 5 Speke Town, where my grandmother Jane Lunt was born in 1875. My reason for believing this is that my father took a photo of this same cottage when it not so well looked-after, presumably shortly before it was demolished in the 1930s. I can let you have a copy if you want. My grandmother's parents, Mathias and Mary Lunt, and her brother William and his wife Ann are buried in Speke.
Wednesday 01/02/2008 11:04:10am
Name: / Lynne
Referred By: / E-Mail
Location: / Speke
Comments: / Happy New Year everybody! Thank you for all your support, your lovely messages and your good wishes. I hope this coming year is a happy, healthy and peaceful for everyone.
Tuesday 01/01/2008 8:51:51pm
Name: / Paul Argent
E-Mail: /
Referred By: / Friend
Location: / Mossley Hill, Liverpool
Comments: / Lynne, Lots of love and a peaceful 'Capital of Culture' year!!
Love, Paul Argent
Monday 12/31/2007 7:23:33pm
Name: Mavis Smith (nee Campbell)
Referred By: Friend
Location: merseyside
Comments: Hi Lynne
I would also like to wish everyone a healthy and happy 2008
Sunday 12/30/2007 2:10:39pm
Name: Trixie (nee bell ) Doherty
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Fareham Hampshire
Comments: Dear Lynne
Just a quick note to wish you and your family a Very Happy New Year and good health to you all.
Keep up the good work,i look in quite often hoping someone will remember me.
Regards Trixie
Sunday 12/23/2007 10:12:09pm
Name: tony
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: hi lynne. once again just taking the opportunity, to wish you, alan,all in the guest book,and all at all saints a very happy christmas, keep up the good work.
does anyone know the whereabouts of an old friend of mine,david connor,from linner rd. He came fom a big family but i cant trace any of them.
bye for now. tony
Sunday 12/16/2007 5:42:19am
Name: Eddie Miller
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: liverpool
Comments: attended stocktonwood cps 1952/58
Friday 12/14/2007 11:13:36am
Name: Paula Gregson
Referred By: E-Mail
Location: Liverpool
Comments: Hi, We married at the church in august 2007 we have sent in our pictures for the wedding album, have you received them, if not i will re send .
Thank you
Wednesday 12/05/2007 6:24:47am
Name: Billy Wright
Referred By: Friend
Location: BrisbaneAustralia
Comments: Hi Lynne
It was so nice to meet you in person,at the church when Sue and I visited my Auntie Elsie who lives in All Saints Road.I would also like to thank you for taking the time to comfort my Auntie after my Uncle Bill passed away last year.
You take care Lynne and have a Merry Christmass XXXX Billy
Monday 11/12/2007 7:41:03am
Name: Brian Reynolds
Referred By: Friend
Location: Oxfordshire
I recently bought a programme for the ‘Coronation Rose Queen Festival’ held in Speke on 22nd August 1953. The Rose Queen that year was Beryl Josse, Other names mentioned in the programme are Ann Cawardine, Maureen Murphy, Margaret McNulty, Hilda Callaghan, Josephine Yearsley, Carol Kirk, Glenys Roberts, Barbara Harrison, Jean Mathews, Ann McBride. The programme also carries adverts for many local businesses.
There is special mention of Margaret Bryers, who had been Maid of Honour in the previous year and was elected ‘Miss Liverpool’ in 1953. She was the second girl from Speke in three years to win this title; who was the other young lady?
Does anyone recognise the other names mentioned and know where they are now? The event was organised by Speke Community Association, Chairman Mr. B. Ireland. I will send photos to Lynne
Saturday 10/27/2007 0:35:19am
Name: Gwyn Hughes
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: North Wales - Deganwy
Comments: Enjoyed your site, well done , my main interest was to try and find some family history for my friend on a
"Nealen" family living at Western Ave Speke (WHO WERE EVACUEES) at Deganwy during WW2 , but no luck, maybe you know of them or someone who knew them .... enjoyed the scouting photos , we had a troop at Deganwy linked to our own All Saints Church , I have created a site on them , here's the link .
Thursday 10/25/2007 9:13:14am
Name: John Varney
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: New Zealand
Comments: Lynne
I have some scout and guide pics to send you, please send me youir email address
many thanks
Saturday 10/20/2007 10:46:43am
Name: David Rodgers
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Canada
Comments: As a child I lived with my mum & dad & sister at 2 Blacklock Hall Road in Speke (1941 to 1947)
My mum (God bless her) died in 1957 and is buried in All Saints.
Friday 10/12/2007 8:15:05pm
Name: Mavis Smith
Referred By: Friend
Location: Merseyside
Comments: Hi Lynne
I note that the picture of Mr. Critchley does not mention the name of his daughter, is it Jean? and if so do you have any information about her as long ago in my distant past I knew her, would love to know.
Thank you
Tuesday 10/02/2007 11:00:30pm
Name: christine gorst
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: speke
Comments: I got married at All Saints on the 01/09/07. We had the most amazing day and have some lovely pictures. I would love to send you some to add onto your website.Do you have a email I can send them too. I also just want to say the service was amazing and all our guests commented on how lovely it was.Carol really speaks from the heart and what she said at the service will always make us think how lucky we are to have each other.Can you thank her again from us and please let me know if you need any pictures as would be glad to send through. Thanks Christine and Stephen Gorst
Lynne: It was a lovely day! I'll be in touch soon.