Group No:207c

Scene /Location Name: Elder Place, Hollingbury Woods, Lauren’s House


Shot Number / Action description / Shot Description
1 / Running through Hollingbury woods, after Tony has escaped. Shots of both Black Widow, Husky and Tony. / Close ups, Wide angle shots, and long shots of the different characters running.
2 / Shot of Black Widow typing in the Boss’ phone number and then calling him whilst smoking and showing her tattoo. / Close up of the phone and then pan up to a close up of Black widow to show her tattoo and what she’s doing.
3 / Black Widow will put down an envelope in a hidden area, containing the plan against The Boss, for Tony to find later. / Close up of the envelope and Black Widow’s hand, with her tattoo showing on her wrist.
4 / Tony picking up the envelope that Black Widow has left. / Same angled shot as the one with Black Widow, to show it’s the same envelope. Just showing hand and envelope.
5 / Black Widow and Husky standing in a secluded area, smoking, looking over at where Tony is sitting, but can’t yet see Tony. / Long shot, so that you can see their full outfits. Will be used as an initial shot in trailer to introduce their characters.
6 / Camera moves along from Black Widow and Husky to Tony, where he is in the middle of a drug deal. You become aware Tony is being watched and you find out one of the things that leads the story, drugs. / Panning long shot to show Tony is being watched and to be able to see setting, characters and actions in full.
7 / Shot of both black widow and husky. Camera will rotate showing both characters. / Underneath panning shot, close up. It will film from below, facing up at the sky and camera will rotate to reveal the girls.
8 / Long shot of Tony walking away and girls then coming into the frame to show he’s being followed. / Long shot, handheld walking forward with Tony.
9 / Tony gets a bag over his head and then a gun placed on his head, after being stopped. / Medium shot so you can see the characters, but also everything that’s going on.
10 / Car reversing at a fast pace towards where Tony has just been followed and had a bag pulled over his head. / Long shot so that you can see the full car reversing and the surroundings.
11 / Tony being pushed into the boot of a car by Black Widow and Husky and then the boot being closed and the car driving off. / Medium shot in order to see characters and action, plus the car driving off creates a long/ medium shot.
12 / Filming the table in a dark room. Table has drugs, guns, money, tobacco and alcohol on so that you get an idea of who the house belongs to. / Medium shot so that the location of the house stays hidden but you can see all the contents on the table.
13 / Drinks being poured into 2 glasses / Close up to be able to see axactlywahts happening.
14 / Tony getting tape over his mouth whilst he’s in a chair with hands behind his back tied up. / Close up to see the characters well and the action.
15 / Tony getting the tape ripped off and a gun held to his head. / Medium shot in order to see all 3 chcracters and props, plus surroundings of the room.
16 / Black widow drinking a sip of her drink with her tattoo on show, / Close up of her arm in order to fully see her tattoo in the dark room setting, so it can be linked to before when she was outside with the envelope.
17 / Black Widow putting together lines of drugs. / Close up of her hand and the drugs to show what she’s doing and that they are drug dealers.
18 / Filming Black widow and Husky putting drugs into bags whilst sitting at the table. / Medium shot to see characters and what they’re doing.
19 / Husky putting out a cigarette in an ash tray. / Close up in order to see the sparks and the smoke.
20 / Tony running towards the door, grabbing the handle, looking behind him, then going back through it. / Medium shot so that all the action is seen. Freeze frame as he looks at the camera. Also turns to black and with and his name appears on screen ‘Tony Antonio’ with a gun image, in black, next to it.
21 / Tony washing his face in a sink in front of the mirror, showing he has now escaped. / Over the shoulder shot in order to see Tony’s reflection in the mirror.
22 / Husky doing her makeup in the mirror, putting lipstick on, then looking at the camera in the reflection of the mirror. / Over the shoulder so you can see Husky in the mirror. Freeze frame and turns to black and white as she looks at the came with her name ‘Husky’ appearing along with an image of a dog in black.
23 / Black Widow looking out over the balcony pointing her gun, shooting, blowing the top of the gun, and then looking towards the camera. / Close up from the side so you get a side view of Black widow. Freeze frame and turns to black and white again as she looks at the camera, along with her name appearing with a black image of a spider.