War of the Genders
NFTY-STR Winter Regional – Written by TOUCHY
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Touchstone Text: "It is not good that man be alone; I will make him a
helper..."-Genesis 2:18
Big Question: Does gender play a major role in group dynamics?
Big Idea: PP's will gain an understanding of the differing abilities
each gender possesses.
Objectives: Through gender cooperation PP's will gain an understanding
and exploration of various gender related skills and attributes.
Time Table:
(0:00- 0:05): Introduction to program and outline of events
(0:05- 0:12): The Great Hula Battle
(0:12- 0:24): Battle of the Socks
(0:24- 0:44): Battle of the People Puzzle
():44- 1:00): Battle at Ft. Gaga
(1:00- 1:15): Battle of the Sexes Trivia Questions
(1:15- 1:22): Wrap-Up/ Program Closing
Detailed Procedure: Introduction of ourselves, and of group leaders.
Explanation of games
*There's an excess amount of girls so not every girl will participant in everyevent, but every guy will. Each game will have 10 or 11 participants (dependingon how many guys are in the groups). *
*Gaga and People Puzzle are co-ed, other groups are seperate gender games*
*Each group will continue to each game once they are done with the previous game*
PPs have one of five fun stickers on nametag. Go to 1 of the 5 groups.
The Great Hula Battle (timed) Group 1:
1. PP's gather in a circle, holding hands
2. Give participant hula hoop
3. Participant steps through hoop and hands it to the net participant
4. That participant gives it to the next participant and so on until the hoop
makes it's way back to the participant who started. Fastest team to do so will
win points for their team [we'll figure out how many for each game]
Battle of the Socks, Group 2:
1. PP's take shoes off and those without socks will receive from group leaders
2. PP's get on their knees
3. Group leaders announce to groups when to begin
4. When announced, PP's try to pull the socks off members of the other teamwithout standing up
5. The last PP left will win points for his/her group
Battle of the People Puzzle (Timed) 10 participants, Goup 3:
1. Each PP steps into a numbered square
2. Group leader gives each PP a number (not the one they're standing on)
3. PP's try to rearrange themselves to get back to their original numbers,
sliding vertically/horizontally using the unnumbered square without a PP.
4. Group w/ all their PP's in their respective squares wins.
Battle of Ft. Gaga, Group 4:
1. PP's spread themselves out on the "gaga field"
2. Group leader bounces ball saying "ga, ga, ga...."
3. On third "ga" PP's try to retrieve ball and hit ball to tag the other team.
4. If player grabs or holds onto the ball, they are out.
5. If player gets tagged below the waist, they are out.
6. Last team with player remaining wins.
Battle of the Sexes Trivia, Group 5:
1. One group leader asks question, other keeps score.
2. Each time gets in a line to answer questions.
3. GL asks girls a boy question or boys a girl question.
4. Only the person asked can guess, if any other player guesses/helps the team
loses 5 points.
5. Team has to chances to guess. First guess is worth 10 points and second guess
is worth 5.
6. The team with the most points wins.
5 rooms- 1 group per room-
Approximately 30/ group.
Materials: 8 hula hoops, 2 rolls of masking tape, 200 index cards,
colored markers, 20 pairs of socks, 2 "gaga" balls, battle of the sexes trivia
Space Needed: 5 rooms, each large enough to hold 1/5 of the PP's