Minutes of the February 9, 2016 Regular RAMAC Meeting
EAA Quonset Hut, Redding, California
The regular monthly meeting was convened by President Dan Joseph at 7:05 PM. There were 16 persons present including two guests.
The Minutes of the January 12 business meeting were accepted as distributed by email.
Treasurer Jerry Nystrom reported that we have $4,914.18 in our bank account.
Field Marshal Gary Heitman had nothing to report. The Blue Room needs to be pumped. Peggy will call Great Northern Sanitary.
Safety Officer Robert Whitney thanked Carol Bershers for printing labels having name, AMA number, phone number and the new FAA registration number for those who supplied her with data. Such information is required on every model by AMA and the FAA. Bob also noted that pieces of the matting at the south end of the runway have been rolled up by the recent winds. These mats are no longer serviceable and should be removed.
Sunshine Lady Audrey Schutte noted that Bob Whitney, Iris Pratt and Audrey herself have birthdays this month. She provided a cake for the celebration. Thanks Audrey. Thanks to Carol and Gary Heitman for coffee and the kuchen.
Ed Cavanaugh showed us his progress on bashing a Great Planes P51 ARF to serve as a Bronze level race plane. With his Jet 50 engine, a tuned exhaust pipe, shortened wings and cleaned up control horns he hopes to achieve 135 mph.
New Business:
There was a discussion as to whether to have the “traditional” corned beef and cabbage dinner in March. It was then moved, seconded and a large majority approved having Bryon Tahti organize a dinner at 6 PM prior to the March 8th meeting at the Quonset Hut. Expenditures of up to $190 for the “fixins” were also approved. A door prize (gift card) of $50 was approved in the hope that will help with getting a good turnout. Peggy Whitney (bless her) will call around to ask persons to bring a salad or a desert.
A list of the events held “annually” was briefly discussed, but no detailed plans were laid. We hope to have a work party/fun fly in April perhaps along with a swap meet and BBQ. In July we hope to have a spaghetti dinner and then the Christmas banquet and raffle in early December. There is room for other events, particularly flying events – so speak up and volunteer to help out. Perhaps we could have an event at Whiskeytown consisting of early morning flying followed by a BBQ.
The present situation regarding enforcement of the FAA “drone” registration requirements was discussed. It was noted that RAMAC’s Bylaws require members to obey Federal, State and local laws so that there should be no need for further action by RAMAC. Several members attended the Know Before You Fly seminar held at Benton Field on Jan 23. Larry Duncan wrote up his notes from this meeting, if you are interested please contact him.
There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:02 P.M.
File: 2-9-16 minutes Print Date: 11-Feb-16