Complex and Compound-Complex Sentences

Practice 1: Underline the dependent clause in each sentence. If a sentence has none, write none.

_____ 1. Since Maddie makes her bed, she is allowed to sleep wherever she wants.

_____ 2. Her older brother Sam was never allowed to sleep on the roof.

_____ 3. Maddie can sleep on the roof as long as she is not seen by the neighbors.

_____ 4. The neighbors called the fire department because they thought the bed by the chimney was unsafe.

_____ 5. Maddie took the wheels off the cot, so it didn’t move towards the driveway.

_____ 6. After Maddie proved the roof was a safe place to sleep, she started becoming concerned.

_____ 7. She knew that snow would be coming into town soon.

_____ 8. Because she was a girl scout, she knew how to make a tent.

_____ 9. Soon Maddie had a whole bedroom to herself on the roof.

_____ 10. “I’m going to stay up here until someone else notices!” she said.

Practice 2: Underline the dependent clause in each sentence. Then identify the sentence as complex (C)or compound-complex (CC).

_____ 1. As long as the room is dark, you should be able to fall asleep quickly.

_____ 2. Melatonin will help you sleep; it is an herb that can be purchased at a drugstore.

_____ 3. Your brain already produces melatonin, but sometimes it may need more so that you can sleep well.

_____ 4. Some people do yoga before bed because it is relaxing.

_____ 5. Other people may drink warm tea since the relaxing effects are similar to yoga.

_____ 6. In some cultures, people sleep in the middle of the day because it is common practice.

_____ 7. European countries refer to these midday sleeping sessions as a siesta which is a word that means nap.

_____ 8. When our ancestors were primarily farmers, they woke up much earlier to take advantage of daylight.

_____ 9. Most people now work in office buildings, and they cannot come into work until the management unlocks the doors.

_____ 10. Because so many people are workaholics, our society gets less and less sleep every year.

Practice 3: Create complex and compound-complex sentences of your own.

Simple Sentences:

1.  ______

Compound Sentence:

1.  ______