Welcome to Maths Scene Edition 6!
Welcome to thesixth edition of Maths Scene. We hope you all had a good start to 2017 and we are very pleased to be able to continue with our 'one stop' termly newsletter!As always, our aim is to harness mathematics leadership and expertise to develop and spread outstanding mathematics practice in all our city schools for the benefit of our children and young people.
The newsletter brings together a core of professionals who represent key strategic partners to include: the Nottingham City Early Years Team (EYFS), Nottingham City Primary Team, Transform: Teaching School Alliance, LEAD: Teaching School Alliance, Nottingham Learning Trust ,Bluecoat Academy Trust as well as the East Midlands West and East Midlands East Maths Hubs.
We also want to encourage our ever growing number of subscribers to contribute to the newsletter and I will be sending them a separate email with dates for submitting any articles, resources and ideas of practice thatthey are using successfully in their schools and settings. Contributions can be shared amongst this mathematics community and we hope to include these in our publication.
Our aim is that ‘Maths Scene’ expands to become a valuable site for all our city practitioners!
Please forward your contributions to the following website address:
I look forwarding to hearing from you.
Bally Atwal (Primary Lead Teaching & Learning Specialist) on behalf of our partners
Maths Hub East Midlands West Bulletin, January 2017
The Maths Hub East Midlands West is led by George Spencer Academy.Working with strategic partners to make Every Child a Mathematician. The vision is to transform maths education in their region so that all children are excited about and committed to becoming mathematicians, contributing to their own as well as regional and national prosperity.
Maths Hub East Midlands West was successfully launched in November 2014 with an innovative and varied programme of workshops and events for Foundation, Primary and Secondarymaths teachers, FE lecturers and curriculum leaders. To date, the workshops and professional network events have proved to be a valuable and welcome addition to teachers' personal development plans and have had an immediate and positive impact on their teaching practice.
Details of the Maths Hubs workshops and events that are coming up over the next couple of months can be found by clicking on the link below:
The Royal Institution and the Clothworkers' Foundation
The Royal Institution and the Clothworkers' Foundation are offering UK schools grants of up to £500 to host a show, talk, workshop, challenge or other maths activity to supplement their students' classroom activities. Grants of up to £500 are being offered to eligible state-funded schools, academies and FE colleges to take part in an Enrichment and Enhancement maths activity from the STEM Directories. This is an exciting opportunity for students to take part in a mathematics activity and help integrate mathematics enrichment in school practice.http://www.stemdirectories.org.uk/grants/
Educational Activities Relating to Mathematics
Individuals working in secondary schools, Colleges of Further Education (FE) and Higher Education Institutes (HEIs) can apply for a grant to help with the costs of running or attending an educational activity relating to mathematics. The types of activities supported can include hosting a mathematics event, e.g. Maths Trails, Maths Competitions, attendance at appropriate conferences, e.g. Mathematics Works, travel expenses to attend appropriate events, supply cover required for the teacher to attend the appropriate event etc.http://ima.org.uk/about_us/support_and_grants/education_grant_scheme.cfm.html#earm
Early Years Foundation Stage Maths Mastery - Securing the Foundations
Lucy Savage and Caroline Vissani (Early Years Teaching and Learning Specialists) are carrying out an Early Years Foundation Stage Maths Research Project looking at developing Mastering in Maths in EYFS. Currently, there is a blog on the Education Improvement Board Website.
To view the blog please click on the following link: http://www.nottinghamschools.org/eib-blog/
To read about why they are doing this and for more information please click on the following link: http://www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/media/456131/autumn-term-blog.doc
Mathematics Specialist Teachers Programme
Please see belowdetails (flyer and application pack) of a pilot Mathematics Specialist Teachers Programme.
This is a high quality, intensive programme offering real value to schools and delegates. It aims to develop a cohort of primary teachers who:
1. Have a deep understanding of:
· Mathematics content and curriculum
· How children learn mathematics in different year groups
· Specific ways of teaching mathematics that promote conceptual understanding
2. Constantly reflect on and look to improve their practice based on the needs of their students
3. Have the skills and passion to disseminate their expertise to other teachers.
The programme has been heavily subsidised by the Nottingham City EIB and is open to all City primary schools.
Places are limited to 20 for this pilot round and we expect demand to be high so please read the application pack carefully.Applications will be considered by the facilitator panel should the programme be over-subscribed.
Please don’t hesitate to contact Transform should you require any further information.
Mathematics Specialist Teachers Programme - Flyer http://www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/media/456180/pmst-flyer.pdf
Mathematics Specialist Teachers Programme - Application Pack http://www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/media/456179/mini-mast-nomination-form-final-v.doc
Education Endowment Funding (EEF)
EEF Improving Numeracy and Literacy in Key Stage 1 - The Improving Numeracy and Literacy project aimed to improve the numeracy and literacy abilities of pupils in Year 2 through two separate programmes of teacher training and accompanying teaching materials and computer games. The Mathematics and Reasoning programme aimed to develop children’s understanding of the logical principles underlying mathematics, and the Literacy and Morphemes programme aimed to improve spelling and reading comprehension by teaching children about sentence structure and morphemes. For more information about the project please visit: https://educationendowmentfoundation.org.uk/our-work/projects/improving-numeracy-and-literacy-in-key-stage-1/
EEF Catch Up Numeracy - Catch Up® Numeracy is a one to one intervention for learners who are struggling with numeracy. It consists of two 15-minute sessions per week, delivered by teaching assistants (TAs). The approach is based on research indicating that numeracy is not a single skill, but a composite of several component skills that are relatively discrete. The intervention breaks numeracy down into ten elements, including counting verbally, counting objects, word problems and estimation. Pupils are assessed on each component and instruction is targeted on those areas requiring development. For more information please visit: https://educationendowmentfoundation.org.uk/our-work/projects/catch-up-numeracy/
EEF Recruiting to project Digital Feedback in Primary Maths - This is a school-developed approach to improving teachers’ diagnosis and feedback skills when teaching maths in primary schools. Teachers will be provided with resources to quickly assess their pupils’ understanding of a topic, for example, through an individual multiple choice questions. Teachers will then be supported to provide effective feedback to help those pupils struggling with a topic, by using tablets to record video summaries of their feedback, rather than writing down a comment. The pupils will then have class time to review the feedback and develop from it. The aim is to increase the specificity and relevance of teachers’ feedback, making it easier for pupils to respond to it. For more information please visit: https://educationendowmentfoundation.org.uk/our-work/projects/digital-feedback-in-primary-maths/
Primary Team Maths Courses 2017
Thinking Deeply in Mathematics at Key Stage 2 - Cost: £80 per delegate.
Date: 28th February 2017 from1:00pm - 4:00pm atThe Atrium, 99 Hucknall Road, Nottingham, NG5 1QZ
Mathematics Network meetings -DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel, Nottingham, Nuthall Rd,Nottingham, NG8 6AZ. Cost: £80 per delegate per session.
Date: Wednesday 8th March 2017 Date: Wednesday 14th June 2017
Time: 1:30 - 3:30pmTime: 1:30 - 3:30pm
Maths Scene! Read what’s now, new & next in Maths!
If you have difficulties accessing information or stories, drop us a line and we’ll do what we can to help.
To suggest ideas for content, contact us on 0115 87 64252