The Huguenot Society of the Founders of Manakin in the Colony of Virginia

Article in The Huguenot Magazine [Author] / Publication No. [reprint]
Aydelott--Huguenot Family [Dickerson] / 36
Age of Tithables, The / 8
Agee--Genealogy and Court Records / 5, 7 [rep.30], 6 [rep. 29]
Agee Coat of Arms / 7 [rep. 30]
Agee Family Notes [Garrett] / 22
Agee, Mathieu / 20
Agrippa D'Aubigne--Poet and Soldier [Greene] / 10 [rep. 38]
Allen, John--Will / 14
Alphabetical List of Huguenots Naturalized 1705 by Given Names / 25
America's First First Lady--Martha Dandridge Custis Washington [Lowery] / 33
Amis / 4
Amis--Genealogy and Records / 7 [rep. 30], 5
Amis Service Records / 4
Amis Stone House, The [Mellon] / 4
Amis, Haynes--Will / 6 [rep. 29]
Amis, Thomas--Will of Hawkins Co., Tennessee / 4
Amiss--Genealogy, Wills and Court Records / 6 [rep. 29]
Amiss of Amissville, Virginia / 7 [rep. 30]
Ammonet "Camphor or Smelling Salts" Bottle / 19
Amonet [Seargeant] / 11
Amonettes in Alabama, Tennessee and Texas [Bowen] / 20
Amonte, Adrew--Will / 6 [rep. 29]
Ancestor Hunting as a Hobby, a Sport, a Disease [Martin] / 7 [rep. 30]
Ancient Protestant Families of Touraine 16th, 17th and 18th centuries [Ardouin] / 36
Anglicizing of Manakin, The--1987 Scholarship Essay[Worthington] / 32
Ashurst Baker Family History, Some [Johnson] / 13
Baker Family History, Some [Johnson] / 11
Ballinger, Will of Joseph / 13
Banishment of Prosperity, The--1990 Scholarship Award [Blanton] / 34
Barbie (Barbee or Barbier) / 3
Battle of Ivry / 25, 7 [rep. 30]
Battle--Faucette / 27
Beaufort, Beauford, Buford / 13
Bernard-Gaines-Pryor / 13
Bertrand, Rev. John (Jean) / 24 [rep. 37]
Bibee / 13
Bilbo [Anderson] / 11
Billiebo (Bilbo)--Genealogy and Court Records / 5
Billiou, Pierre / 16
Blanchard / 3
Boisseu [Porter] / 11
Boisseau / 13
Bondurant--Genealogy, Wills and Court Records / 6 [rep. 29]
Bondurant Family Association, The [Lozo] / 37
Bondurant Family Lines / 21
Bondurant Family Notes [Elliott] / 20
Bondurant, Benjamin & David--Land Grants to / 6 [rep. 29]
Bondurant, Benjamin Cemetery Revisited, The [Holland] / 30
Bondurant, Darby--Land Grant to / 6 [rep. 29]
Bondurant, David--Land Grant to / 6 [rep. 29]
Bondurant, D. C. Collection Microfilmed [Dennis] / 32
Bondurant, Elizabeth--Land Patent to / 6 [rep. 29]
Bondurant, Jean Pierre [D. Bondurant] / 30
Bondurant John--Land Patent, Grant / 36
Bondurant, Jean Pierre--Huguenot Immigrant Manakintowne, VA, 1995 Scholarship Essay [Waggoner] / 6 [rep. 29]
Bondurant, John Peter--Land Patent, Grant, Will / 6 [rep. 29]
Bondurant, Joseph--Land Patent / 6 [rep. 29]
Bondurant, Joseph--Will at Lexington, KY [Ritter] / 23
Bondurant, Peter to Anthony Agee--Albemarle Co, VA Deed / 15
Bondurant, Thomas--Land Grant / 6 [rep. 29]
Bondurant--Wills and Deeds / 13
Bondurant, Richard--Land Grant / 6 [rep. 29]
Branch, Daniel, Jr--Will Abstract / 6 [rep. 29]
Branch, Daniel, Sr.--Will Abstract / 6 [rep. 29]
Branch-Guerrant / 13
Bransford, John--Will / 6 [rep. 29]
Brashear, Benjamin / 22
Brecou, Brickon, Bricourt, Bricount, Brickcount, Burcount, Brecount [Dickerson] / 37
Brian--Genealogy / 2
Brief History of Manakin Church, A / 33
Bryant (Briand)--Genealogy and Court Records / 7 [rep. 30]
Bryant, James, Jr.--Will / 6 [rep. 29]
Bryant, James, Sr.--Will / 6 [rep. 29]
Building the Huguenot Library [Gardiner] / 28
Buirit, Peter to James Ffoard--Albemarle Co, Va Deed / 15
Bullet, Rulleau, Rowlett / 13
Burial of Latane / 8
Cabaniss / 3, 4, 11, 2, 6 [rep. 29]
Huguenot Henri Cabanis, Families of in Antebellum Mississippi / 36
Cadet Young [Jones] / 33
Caldwell, Rev. James [Ramey] / 11
Calmes / 13
Calmes Family, The [Wood] / 35
Calmes, De La, Marquis Family [Hargrove] / 33
Calver, Jean (John Calvet)--Huguenot / 27
Capt. Jack Jouett, Jr.--A Commemorative Stamp [Brooks] / 23
Carcassone--From the French of Gustave Nadaud--poem / 25
Caruthers Family of Lexington, Rockbridge Co, VA & Jackson, Tn [Gardiner] / 18
Catlett / 13
Challenge to the Heirs of Freedom [Kincaid] / 11
Chambon, The Story of / 36
Chastain / 1, 4, 5
Chastain, James Garvin--Biography of [Lowrey] / 3
Chastain, John, Sr.--Will / 6 [rep. 29]
Chastain, Peter--Deed of Trust to Edward Scott / 6 [rep. 29]
Chastain--Facts or Fiction [Chastain] / 32
Chaumette, Huguenot Family of De la [Miller] / 32
Chenaults, The [Gardiner] / 18
Chibailhe / 35
Clere, Francois / 16
Coats of Arms of Manakintowne [Manahan] / 19
Coats of Arms, Manakin Huguenot Families / 5
Collect and Set a Glowing: Five Centuries of Huguenot Writing [DuPriest] / 35
Colonial, French and Indian Soldiers of Virginia Bearing French Huguenot Names[Sargeant] / 10 [rep. 38]
Commemoration of the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes [Carter] / 32
Consequences of the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes [Kline] / 28
Consequences of the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes [Joutarde] / 36
Contribution of the French Huguenots to the Cultural Life of America [A. Dowell] / 10 [rep. 38]
Cosby--Genealogy / 2
Couty, Norman Milner / 8
Crockett--Genealogy and Court Records / 7 [rep. 30]
Crockett Family in America / 24 [rep. 37]
Curious List of Conspirators Against William of Orange from Essex Co, VA / 25
Dabney--Genealogy and Court Records / 7 [rep. 30]
Dabney, Cornelius [Elliott] / 23
D'Aubigne (Dabney)--Genealogy / 2
D'Aubigne / 1
Daux-Witt: Orphans of Walter Daux of Charles City Co, VA [Bates] / 27
David [Fraser] / 32
David--Genealogy and Court Records / 5
David Family--Mrs. Trotter's Letter from Alice F. Shepard / 26
David, Ann--Will / 14
David, Peter / 26
David, Peter--Will / 14
de Coligny, Admiral Gaspart (1572-1972) / 25
De Jarnett [Elliott] / 20, 21
de Jarnette, Jean / 33
DeJarnette Lineage [Newton] / 24 [rep. 37]
De La Muce / 1
De Richebourg / 4
De Richeburg, Count Claude-Phillippe / 24 [rep. 37]
de Rousseau, Theodore / 16
Debt of King William to the Hugenots [Foote] / 8
Deed to Huguenot Society of 1962 / 20
DeLiesseline, Marquis, and Gabrial Guigard / 14
Depp--Genealogy and Court Records / 7 [rep. 30]
Depp, William, Revolutionary War Soldier [Bare] / 23
Derieux / 25
Des Meux--Dismukes [Parish] / 27
duPré--DeuPree Family [DeuPree] / 36
DeVanes and De Rossets Families / 12
Development, History of Huguenot Hymnody in France, Other Countries & America [Singleton] / 27
Dibrell, Members of the Family in Kentucky and Tennessee / 26
Drama of the Huguenots, The [Field] / 19
Dubois, Jacques and Rene Het, Biographical Sketches / 14
DuBreuils / 10 [rep. 38]
Dubril Family [Tate] / 23
Duke De Sully Maximilian De Bethun, Baron Rosny[Sully] / 10 [rep. 38]
DuPriests of New Kent, The [DuPriest] / 35
Dupuy--Genealogy and Records / 5, 6 [rep. 29]
DuPuy Family of East Tennessee [McCown] / 19
Dupuy, John James--Will / 6 [rep. 29]
Durand de Daupiné, a Huguenot Exile in Virginia [Sims] / 32
Dutoi / 6 [rep. 29]
Dutoit, Pierre [Caruth] / 24 [rep. 37]
Duval, Mareen / 4, 14
Early Georgia Huguenots [Isbell] / 19
Early Huguenots of Virginia [Porter] / 11
Early Ministers of King William Parish [Greene] / 7 [rep. 30]
Early Tennessee Settlers, Some [Ford] / 26
Easley--Genealogy and Court Records / 5
Edict of Nantes and Its Meaning [Foote] / 8
Edict of Nantes and Its Revocation, The, 1992 Scholarship Essay [Coughlin] / 35
Edict of Nantes, The / 14
Edins-Edding--Wills / 7 [rep. 30]
Effect of the Huguenot Movement on the Culture of France, The, 1979 Scholarship Essay [Piper] / 28
End of the Upright, 1992 Scholarship Essay [Schmidt] / 35
England: The Discreet Conquerors [Rudolph] / 36
Eno [Headlee] / 11
Etymological Ancestrol Roll, compiled from Manakin Huguenots National Roster 1967-1969 [Dismukes] / 23
Epperson--Genealogy and Court Records / 7 [rep. 30]
Epperson, David--Will / 16
Establishing King Henry Parish by Statute / 8
Estell / 10 [rep. 38]
Estill, Some of the Family [Mosby] / 38
Extracts of Frederick Co, VA / 14
Faison, Nathaniel Wright: Defender of the Republic of Texas [Brooks] / 39
Farmer, Thomas--Indenture with Peter Bondurant / 6 [rep. 29]
Faure--Genealogy and Court Records / 7 [rep. 30]
Faure--An Interesting Story [Ford] / 37
Faure-Fore-Ford Genealogy / 8
Fife, Dr. Robert Herndon / 18
First Huguenots in Georgia, The [Johnson] / 27
First Protestant Prayer Said in America / 18
Flournoy / 1, 5, 7 [rep. 30]
Flournoy, John Jacobus: Southern Visionary [Berry] / 27
Flournoy, Jacob 1663-1722 [Flournoy] / 32
Flournoy-Hill / 14
Fontaine--Genealogy and Court Records / 5
Fontaine, Rev. Francis / 14
Fontaines, The--Notes on Descendants of a Huguenot Family of Memphis, TN [Hughes] / 23
Fontaine, More About James [McDougall; Minor] / 9
Ford, Foure- Genealogy and Court Records / 7 [rep. 30]
Ford, Peter--Will / 16
Ford-Faure Line / 20
Ford, Joseph, and his Wife, Mary Maxey [Johnson] / 14
Ford-McKnitt Massacre / 30
Fords, Tennesse of Huguenot Descent [Johnson] / 10 [rep. 38]
Fore / 30, 1
Fore, James to James and Mary Agee--Albemarle Co, VA Deed / 15
Fort Caroline: Earliest Huguenot Settlement in the US [Garner] / 36
Fouch/Fouché: Some Early Records of Virginia [Walker] / 32
Fourth Manakin Huguenot Church Building and Monument Placed on VA Landmarks [Loth, Carter] / 32
Foushee [Porter] / 11
French Connection, The: The Huguenots & Various Spencer Families [Spencer] / 36
French Huguenot Church, The [Medard] / 16
French Protestant Refugees [Rine] / 11
French Protestants in King William Parish, List, 1714 [Perry] / 29
French Refugees at Manakin: Robert Beverly's Account / 8
French Refuges in Colonial America [Ramey] / 21
French, David Edwin / 8
Frenchmen's Petition [Gardiner] / 23
Fry--Genealogy and Court Records / 7 [rep. 30]
Genealogical Index of The Huguenot / 28
Genealogical Research by H. A. Elliot--Families: LeGrand, L'Orange, Trabue, Gevauden, Micheaux / 24 [rep 37]
Georgia's Early Huguenots: Mauve, Lewis, Habersham, Elliott, De Saussure, De Macons, de Graffenreid, John Cooper, Abraham Gignilliat, Lamar (De Lamar), John Lanier, Garrard, Hardins (Hardouins), Sevier, Dozier, Le Grande, Le Fevre, Trezevant, Cabaniss, Rountree, Bryan, Parentes, Wiggins, Kent, Kennedy, Michaux, Vaughn, etc. [Isbell] / 18
Germany: Huguenots in Berlin [Topf] / 36
Gideon Macon Plaque / 25
Givaudan / 24 [rep. 37]
Grady Garrett Manuscript Microfilmed / 29
Grantham--Genealogy and Court Recorts / 7 [30]
Great Houses of France in the Various Provinces / 25
Growth of the Church [Beckner] / 16
Guerrand/Guerrant / 2, 5, 7 [rep. 30]
Guerrant, Rev. Edward Owings, D.D., M.D. / 5
Guignard, Marquis de Liesseline and Gabriel, Biographical Sketches / 14
Halifax Co, VA / 20
Hardin/Harding / 13, 7 [rep 30]
Harris--Genealogy / 2
Haskins, Ancestry of Robert [Trabue] / 35
Hatchett / 11
Henry IV's Conversion and the Edict of Nantes, 1994 Scholarship Essay [Williams] / 36
Historical Chart of Manakin Society Presidents [Kent] / 29
History of Our Huguenot Forefathers: Grandmother's Manuscript 1878 [Watkins] / 22, 33
History of the Early Huguenots [Landrum] / 15
History of the Perrow Gavels [Perrow] / 9
Hite, Anna Maria Duboise [Porter] / 11
Hite-DuBois / 15
Hite-DuBois-Bowman-Ringo / 14
Holland: The 17th Century's Boat People [Stromberg] / 36
House of Orange and King William III, The --1695 / 25
How France Was Governed / 25
How Nicholas Lanier, a Huguenot & Musician for King Henry of France, Became Musician for Queen Elizabeth of England [West] / 39
Howell / 14
Hubert, Benjamin / 13
Huguenot Ancestors Never Before Approved: Richard Pemberton, Samuel Wever, Giles Allegree, Nicholas de Fontaine, Samuel Damaurnel, Solomon Bricou, Jean Maillard, Cyprian Prou, Jean Journy, David Masson, Nicholas Lafon [Williams] / 35
Huguenot Ancestry of the Brevards & Forneys of Lincoln County, NC [Thornton] / 14
Huguenot and Anglican Worship: A Brief Overview [DuPriest] / 35
Huguenot Bed, The: Whereby a Huguenot Family comes to Louisiana [Sanders] / 33
Huguenot Characteristics [Maynard] / 8
Huguenot Cross, The [Stuart] / 10 [rep. 38]
Huguenot Culture of the Sixteenth Century [Craig] / 16
Huguenot Deaths from Henrico & Goochland Co., Court Order Books, 1700-1750 / 29
Huguenot Descendants' Influence on Early Texas History [Williams] / 37
Huguenot Exodus: The 300th Anniversary [Zarjevski] / 38
Huguenot Family-Aydelott [Dickerson] / 36
Huguenot Family of De la Chaumette [Miller] / 32
Huguenot Family, a [Soblet] [Sublett] / 29
Huguenot Graveyard in Florida Restored / 18
Huguenot Heritage [Newman] / 9
Huguenot Heritage Tour--1985 [Dubois] / 32
Huguenot History, A Bit of [Porter] / 11
Huguenot Identity, The, 1981 Scholarship Essay [Ebelein] / 29
Huguenot Influence in Colonial Virginia [Phipps] / 29
Huguenot Influence Upon Our National Life [Hager] / 16
Huguenot Legacy, A: France to Monocantown, 1980 Scholarship Essay [Burden] / 29
Huguenot Library Material at Hampden-Sidney College Library, Farmville, VA [Robertson] / 19
Huguenot Lovers, The--Millais' Huguenots / 9
Huguenot Memorial Museum, South Africa--Pictures / 23
Huguenot Musical Heritage, Our [Bacon] / 8
Huguenot Names Found in VA [Garrett] / 22
Huguenot Notes from Cumberland Co, VA Court Records / 20
Huguenot Notes from Powhatan Co, VA Court Records / 20
Huguenot Pastors and Huguenot Blood in VA--Battaile, Fontaine, Foushee, Lanier, Latane, Poindexter, Therriatt, Towles, Trabue / 25
Huguenot Pattern, The [Manahan] / 24 [rep. 37]