By: Wildcat Kate - Life, Regulator #7873

SASS Mounted Shooting is a program that is offering new local clubs, as well as existing clubs with current information and support for the sport of mounted shooting. The Mounted Range Officer I and II Courses are dynamic documents designed to insure consistency and promote safety for mounted shooting activities.

The SASS Wild Bunch and the Organization at large has demonstrated time and again support of the SASS Mounted Shooting program. There are new strides being taken to improve the SASS Mounted Shooting Program that will be announced at End of Trail 2005!

For now, here are some straight facts about SASS Mounted Shooting:

The SASS Organization has stayed true to the philosophy “Spirit of the Game”…the benefit of the doubt goes to the shooter! And, BE SAFE, HAVE FUN, and BE SAFE!

SASS provides a Mounted Shooting Rule Book in order to preserve the safety and consistency of the great sport of mounted shooting.

SASS affiliation for a mounted club is free for a SASS member.
SASS advertises free affiliate club information in the monthly Cowboy Chronicle; and the club annual match on the SASS website.
SASS provides a free well-read and utilized Mounted Shooting Wire; Territorial Governor Wire; End of Trail Wire and Event Wire.
SASS Mounted Shooters have access to the “Mounted Range Officer” - MRO I and MRO II Courses and SASS Mounted Rulebook online; and have certified field training available throughout the country for these courses.
SASS does not require qualification of points to attend any event; and does not compete for money.
SASS provides awards and titles at the SASS sanctioned State, Regional, National and World Championship; titles for winners in each division as well as Overall Man and Lady awards; and the Overall Man and Lady at each of these matches receives entry to the next level match compliments of SASS up to and including End of Trail.
SASS major prizes are given by luck of the draw; for example Colt Firearms and trophy saddles are won by luck of the draw.
SASS does not have a mandatory set of stages that must be used at matches. The stages must follow the guidelines as set down in the SASS Mounted Shooting Rulebook and the ‘Mounted Range Officer’ - MRO I & II Courses.
SASS does not mandate when a club can schedule a shoot.
SASS does not prohibit a shoot scheduled contiguous to another organization's shoot.
A squib is a hit in SASS mounted shooting; and a locked up gun is checked by the MRO.
If you are a SASS member there is no additional fee to be a mounted shooter; there is no pro card fees or pro division, horse certification, or futurity program.
Cart Shooting is a recognized division in SASS Mounted Shooting.
There is a Mounted Territorial Governor (TG) representative position for each affiliated mounted club; who then receives SASS Territorial Governor bulletin, and access to TG Wire.

SASS hosts an annual TG summit in Las Vegas, Nevada...the venue where your voice is heard through your Territorial Governor for development or change to the SASS Mounted Rulebook and mounted shooting program.
SASS has 7 major Regional Championships, the National and End of Trail World Championship where mounted shooting venues accompany grand, prestigious and longstanding Cowboy Action events.
SASS provides a monthly opportunity for clubs to submit and publish articles and pictures of your mounted club and SASS matches.

SASS provides a mounted shooting website where information regarding matches and mounted shooting information is available.

SASS has purchased Founder’s Ranch, developed a prestigious venue to host numerous Cowboy Action and Mounted Shooting events; and extended an open invitation to YOU to attend, compete and enjoy!

SASS has appointed two National Spokespersons for Mounted Shooting, Johnnie Concho and Wildcat Kate to work with the Organization, develop mounted shooting, and be a direct link in assisting you. We have traveled across the country, met many people, and been Match Director at many matches. We will continue to support you and SASS Mounted Shooting wherever we can, but we need you!

The SASS Mounted Shooting program is reliant on you taking responsibility to know the facts, pass them on to others, and become educated in the SASS Mounted rulebook and MRO courses. If you have not affiliated your mounted shooting club with the SASS Organization, do it now! If you do not have your monthly match or your annual match in the SASS Chronicle or on the SASS website, phone the SASS office at 1-877-411-7277 and get it done! There’s a lot of talk on the SASS Wire, let’s see some action.

We would like to see the Mounted Shooters out there supporting each other’s matches, supporting the State, Regional, National and World Match at End of Trail! These matches are in place for you! Take advantage of the opportunities available to you, and please keep this list of facts with you…..when folks ask about SASS Mounted Shooting, it will help you be informed. Your Territorial Governors are a valuable resource for you, talk to them, and remember Johnnie and I are here for you at or phone (951) 928-4601. See ya out there!