Chapter 9: The Progressive Era

Section 1: The Origins of Progressivism

Standard: 11.2.2 Analyze the response of middle-class reformers to political machines.

11.2.9 Understand the effect of the political programs and activities of the Progressives.


  1. Prohibition 18th Amendment:
  1. Muckrakers:
  1. Initiative & referendum:
  1. recall:
  1. 17th Amendment


  1. Who were the Progressives and what were the 4 goals of the Progressive Movement?
  1. How did the progressives protect social welfare and promote moral reform?
  1. How did the progressive create economic reform and foster efficiency?
  1. What contributions did the Muckrakers add to the reform movement?
  1. What were the most significant political reforms at the local and state level?

Chapter 9: The Progressive Era

Section 2: Women in Public Life

Standard: 11.2.9 Understand the effect of the political programs and activities of the Progressives.


  1. Women’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) (from Section 1):
  1. National Association of Colored Women (NACW):
  1. Susan B. Anthony:
  1. suffrage:
  1. National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA):


  1. What types of jobs were available to women during the late 1800s?
  1. How did women’s pay compare with men’s pay in the factories?
  1. What caused more women to seek higher education and what impact did going to college have on women?
  1. Why were the leaders of many reform movements women?
  1. What three-part strategy did female suffragist leaders employ to attain the right to vote?

Chapter 9: The Progressive Era

Section 3: Teddy Roosevelt’s Square Deal

Standard: 11.2.1 Know the effects of industrialization on working conditions and food safety in Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle.

Standard: 11.2.9 Understand the effect of the political programs and activities of the Progressives – Teddy Roosevelt.


  1. Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle:
  1. Theodore Roosevelt’s Square Deal:
  1. Meat Inspection Act:
  1. Pure Food and Drug Act:
  1. Conservation:
  1. NAACP:


  1. What did Theodore Roosevelt do that brought him to national prominence and how could he be considered the first modern president?
  1. What did Roosevelt do with the Anthracite Coal Strike in 1902 and what was his approach to trusts?
  1. Describe the legislation passed during Roosevelt’s presidency to protect citizens.
  1. What did Roosevelt do to protect the environment?
  1. What was Roosevelt’s position on civil rights? How successful were advocates for racial equality like W.E.B. DuBois during the Progressive Era?

Chapter 9: The Progressive Era

Section 4: Progressivism Under Taft

Standard: 11.2.9 Understand the effects of the political programs of the Progressives.

Standard: 11.11.5 Trace the impact of the national park system and the development of environmental laws.


  1. William Howard Taft:
  1. Payne-Aldrich Tariff:
  1. Bull Moose Party:
  1. Woodrow Wilson:
  1. Eugene Debs – Socialist Party:


  1. How did Taft get selected to run for president?
  1. What did Taft do that angered progressive Republicans?
  1. How did Roosevelt come to oppose Taft in the 1912 election?
  1. What were the differences between Taft and Roosevelt’s campaign platforms?
  1. Why did Woodrow Wilson win the 1912 presidential election?

Chapter 9: The Progressive Era

Section 5: Wilson’s New Freedom

Standard: 11.2.5 Discuss corporate mergers that produced trusts 11.2.9 Understand the effect of the political programs and activities of the Progressives.11.5.4 Analyze the passage of the 19th Amendment and changing role of women in society. 11.10.7 Analyze the women’s rights movement and the passage of the 19th Amendment.


  1. Clayton Antitrust Act:
  1. Federal Trade Commission (FTC):
  1. Underwood Act:
  1. 16th Amendment:
  1. Federal Reserve Act & System:
  1. 19th Amendment:


  1. Why did Wilson lower tariffs and why did the 16th Amendment become necessary?
  1. How did Wilson reform the banking system?
  1. How did women finally win the right to vote?
  1. What was Wilson’s position on Civil Rights for African-Americans?
  1. How did American entry into World War I affect the progressive reform movement?

Chapter 10: America Becomes an Empire

Section 4: America as a World Power

Standard: 11.4.3 Discuss America’s role in the Panama Revolution and the building of the Panama Canal.

  1. Panama Canal:
  1. Roosevelt Corollary & “Big Stick Diplomacy”:
  1. Dollar Diplomacy:
  1. Missionary (Moral) Diplomacy:
  1. Mexican Revolution:


  1. What role did T.R. play in ending the Russo-Japanese War and what were the results?
  1. What role did the U.S. play in the events leading to the building of the Panama Canal?
  1. What was “Big-Stick Diplomacy” advocated by T.R. in the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine?
  1. Why did the U.S. intervene in the Mexican Revolution and what were the results?
  1. What foreign policy goals did the U.S. achieve in the early 20th Century?