Supplementary Tables

Supp. Table 1: Abbreviations used in the paper

Abbreviations / Full name
OCTA / Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography
SRVD / Superficial Retinal Vessel Density
FAZA / Foveal Avascular Zone Area
SSI / Signal Strength Index
AL / Axial length

Supp. Table 2: Statistical formulae used in the paper

Statistics :
Repeatability (intra-session repeated measurements: comparison between two scans in right eye) - the variation in repeat measurements made on the same subject under identical conditions. The threshold of test-retest variability is called coefficient of repeatability which is derived from measurement error or within-subject standard deviation.
Full name / Abbrev. / Formula / Details
Measurement error / ME / ME=sw
Difference between repeated measurements / di / di=(R1-R2)i / di is the difference between the two measurements in the same eye for subject i
within-subject standard deviations for two repeated measurements / sw / sw2=indi22n / n is the number of subjects
Coefficient of repeatability / CR / CR=2 ×2 × sw / 2 ×2 ≈ 2.77
Standard error of sw / SE / sw2(n(m-1) / For estimating precision of sw
n is the number of subjects
m is the number of repetitions
The 95% confidence intervals of CR / 95% CI / CI=CR±2.77×1.96×SE
Bland-Altman limit of agreement (inter-ocular symmetry measurement: comparison between right and left eyes) - quantifies how close two measurements made on the same subject are, and is measured on the same scale as the measurements themselves.
Full name / Abbrev. / Formula / Details
Mean of two measurements / Mi / Mi=(R+L)i2 / Mi is the mean of right and left eyes for subject i
Difference between inter-ocular measurements / Di / Di=(R-L)i / Di is the differences between right and left eyes for subject i
Standard deviation
of difference / s / s2=in(Di-