Professor, University of New Brunswick at Saint John, Dept of Biology
PO Box 5050, Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada E2L 4L5
Phone: (506) 648-5967
2002-2003: University of New Mexico, Post-Doctoral fellow, Supervisor: Dr. Jim Brown.
1997-2001: University of Ottawa, Ph.D in Ecology, Thesis title: Effects of road construction and deforestation on wetland biodiversity. Supervisor: Dr. Scott Findlay.
1986-1994: University of Ottawa, B.Sc. In Biology.
1979-1982: Carleton University, B.A. in Psychology.
Whole-system experiments, meta-analysis, land-use effects on aquatic diversity, community-level effects of species deletions in ponds, amphibian declines, data-sharing.
September 2002: Finalist for the 2001 Governor General’s Gold Medal and The Pierre Laberge Prize for most outstanding University of Ottawa doctoral degree recipient.
Jan 2002: NSERC Post-Doctoral fellowship ($40 000/annum for 2 years)
April 2000: University of Ottawa Award of Excellence (full tuition)
March 2000: NSERC PGS-B Scholarship ($19 100/annum for 2 years)
November 1999: University of Ottawa Award of Excellence (full tuition)
April 1999: Wildlife Habitat Canada Scholarship ($8 000)
April 1998: University of Ottawa Award of Excellence (full tuition)
April 1997: University of Ottawa Award of Excellence (full tuition)
March 1997: Wildlife Habitat Canada Scholarship ($10 000/annum for 2 years)
March 1997: Orville B Erickson Memorial Scholarship ($1 000)
March 2015: NSERC ($105,000/5 years)
July 2015: Department of National Defence ($40 000)
July 2014: Department of National Defence ($70 000)
January 2014: University Research Fund ($7,000)
July 2013: Department of National Defence ($70 000)
July 2012: Department of National Defence ($70 000)
July 2011: Department of National Defence ($60 000)
September 2010: New Brunswick Environmental Trust ($10 000)
August 2010: Department of National Defence ($20 000)
August 2009: Department of National Defence ($16 000)
September 2008: NBWT ($8000)
August 2008: Department of National Defence ($40 000)
April 2008: NBIF Research Assistantship ($10 000)
NSERC Strategic Grant ($ 588,000/3 years)
June 2007: Department of National Defence ($16 000)
March 2007: NSERC ($117 000/6 years)
May 2006: Department of National Defence ($4 800)
June 2005: NBIF Research Assistantship ($10 000)
May 2005: Environmental Trust Fund ($20 000)
April 2005: Department of National Defence ($4 800)
February 2005: New Brunswick Wildlife Trust ($16 000)
July 2004: Environmental Trust Fund ($25 000)
March 2004: NSERC ($60,000/3 years)
February 2004: New Brunswick Wildlife Trust ($16 000)
January 2004: University Research Fund ($8,000)
August 2003: The New Brunswick Innovation Fund ($30 000)
September 2003: National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis ($66 000 US)
Full Professor, University of New Brunswick at Saint John, June 2013 - present
Associate Professor, University of New Brunswick at Saint John, June 2007 – June 2013
Assistant Professor, University of New Brunswick at Saint John, August 2003- June 2007
Environmental Biology Program Coordinator, University of New Brunswick at Saint John, August 2003- present
Lecturer, University of Ottawa, Fall 2000, 2001, and 2002. Introductory Ecology (2nd year).
Teaching Assistant, University of Ottawa, 1997-2000, Biostatistics, Ecosystem Ecology, Conservation Biology, and Vertebrate Zoology.
Research Assistant, Institute for Research on Economy and Environment, A Risk Assessment of the Sturgeon Fishery in the Saskatchewan River.
Professional Organisations
Member of the New Brunswick Protected Natural Areas Scientific Advisory Committee February 2005 – Present
Member of Board of Editors for Northeastern Naturalist August 2005 - present
UNBSJ Environmental Studies representative for the Atlantic Provinces Council on the Sciences September 2003 – 2014
Published and in press (graduate student/Post-doc supervised in bold):
1. Rytwinski, T. et al. 2015. Experimental study designs to improve the evaluation of road mitigation measures for wildlife. Journal of Environmental Management. 154: 48-64.
2. Edge, C.B., M.K. Gahl, D.G. Thompson, and J.E. Houlahan. 2014. Variation in amphibian response to two formulations of glyphosate-based herbicides. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. DOI:10.1002/etc.2723
3. Edge, C., D. Thompson, C. Hao and J.E. Houlahan. 2014. The response of amphibian larvae to exposure to a glyphosate-based herbicide (Roundup WeatherMax) and nutrient enrichment in an ecosystem experiment. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 109:124-132
4. Baker, L., J.F. Mudge, J.E. Houlahan, D. Thompson, and K.Kidd. 2014. The direct and indirect effects of a glyphosate-based herbicide and nutrients on Chironomidae (Diptera) emerging from small wetlands. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 33: 2076-2085.
5. Melvin, S.D. and J.E. Houlahan. 2014. Simulating selective mortality on tadpole populations in the lab yields improved quantitative estimates of effect sizes in nature. Journal of Herpetology. 48: 195-202.
6. Lesbarreres, D. et al. 2014. Conservation of herpetofauna in northern landscapes: Threats and challenges from a Canadian perspective. Biological Conservation. 170: 48-55.
7. Martyniuk, C.J. and J.E. Houlahan. 2013. Assessing gene network stability and individual gene variability in the fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) trancriptome. Comparative and Biochemical Physiology Part D Genomics and Proteomics. 8: 283-291.
8. Lanctôt C , Robertson C , Navarro-Martín L , Edge C , Melvin S.D ., Houlahan J.E , Trudeau V.L. 2013. Effects of the glyphosate-based herbicide Roundup WeatherMax(®) on metamorphosis of wood frogs (Lithobates sylvaticus) in natural wetlands. Aquatic Toxicology. 140: 48-57.
9. Edge, C.E., D.G. Thompson and J.E. Houlahan. 2013. Differences in the phenotypic mean and variance between two geographically separated populations of Wood frog (Lithobates sylvaticus). Evolutionary Biology. 40:276-287.
10. Edge, C.E., M.K. Gahl, D.G. Thompson and J.E. Houlahan. 2013. Laboratory and field exposure of two species of juvenile amphibians to a glyphosate-based herbicide. Science of the Total Environment. 444: 145-152
11. Van der Grift, E.A. et al. 2013. Evaluating the effectiveness of road mitigation measures. Biodiversity and Conservation. 22:425-448.
12. Mudge J.F. , Penny F.M. , Houlahan J.E. 2012. Optimizing α for better statistical decisions: a case study involving the pace-of-life syndrome hypothesis: optimal α levels set to minimize Type I and II errors frequently result in different conclusions from those using α = 0.05. BioEssays : news and reviews in molecular, cellular and developmental biology. 34: 1045-1049
13. Edge, C.E., D.G. Thompson and J.E. Houlahan. 2012. A silviculture application of a glyphosate-based herbicide to wetlands has limited direct effects on amphibian larvae. Enviromental Toxicology and Chemistry. 31: 2375-2383.
14. Navarro-Martin, L., C. Lanctot, C. Edge, J. Houlahan, and V.L. Trudeau. 2012. Expression profiles of metamorphosis-related genes during natural transformations in wild wood frog (Lithobates sylvaticus) tadpoles. Canadian Journal of Zoology 90: 1059-1071.
15. Mudge, J.F., T. Barrett, K. Munkittrick and J.E. Houlahan. 2012. Negative consequences of using α = 0.05 for environmental monitoring decisions: A case study from a decade of Canada's Environmental Effects Monitoring program. Environmental Science & Technology. 46: 9249:9255.
16. Melvin, S.D. and J.E. Houlahan. 2012. Tadpole mortality varies across experimental venues: do laboratory populations predict responses in nature? Oecologia 169: 861-868.
17. Mudge, J.F., L.F. Baker, C.E. Edge and J.E. Houlahan. 2012. If all of your friends used alpha=0.05 would you do it too? Integrated environmental Assessment and Management 8:3-4.
18. Mudge, J.F., L.F. Baker, C.E. Edge and J.E. Houlahan. 2012. Setting an optimal alpha that minimizes errors in null hypothesis significance tests. PLOS ONE 7: e32734
19. Gahl, M.K., Pauli, B.D., and Houlahan, J.E. 2012. Varying responses of Northeastern North American amphibians to the chytrid pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis. Conservation Biology 26:135-141.
20. Gahl, M.K., Pauli, B.D., and Houlahan, J.E. 2011. Effects of chytrid fungus and glyphosate-based herbicides on survival and growth of wood frogs (Lithobates sylvaticus). Ecological Applications 21:2521-2529.
21. Jacobs, L. and J.E. Houlahan. 2011. Adjacent land-use affects amphibian community composition and species richness in managed forests I n New Brunswick. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 41:1687-1697.
22. Edge, C.B., Gahl, M.K., Pauli, B.D., Thompson, D.G, and Houlahan, J.E. 2011. Exposure of Juvenile green frogs (Lithobates clamitans) in Littoral Enclosures to a Glyphosate-Based Herbicide. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety (2.3)
23. Blanar, C.A., K.R. Munkittrick, J.E. Houlahan, D.L. MacLatchy, and D.J. Marcogliese. 2009. Pollution and parasitism in aquatic animals: A meta-analysis of effect size. Aquatic Toxicology 93: 18-28.
24. Houlahan et al. 2008. The utility of covariances: A response to Ranta et al. Oikos 117: 1912-1913.
25. Roedenbeck, I.A. et al. 2007. The Rauischholzhausen Agenda for Road Ecology. Ecology and Society 12(1):11 [online] URL:
26. White, P. & J.E. Houlahan. 2007. The relationship between native and non-native species of three taxa in Canadian National Parks. Ecoscience 14(2): 195-204.
27. DeMaynadier, P., J.E. Houlahan, and A. Calhoun. 2007. Conserving pool-breeding amphibians in managed forest landscapes. Invited chapter in Management of Vernal Pool-breeding Amphibians.
28. Houlahan, J et al. 2007. Compensatory dynamics are rare in natural ecological communities. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 104: 3273-3277.
29. Houlahan, J.E., C.S. Findlay, & L. Jacobs. 2006. Estimating the effect of road proximity on the road density – wetland diversity relationship. Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung 38: 308-312.
30. Houlahan, J.E., P.K. Keddy, K. Makkey & C.S. Findlay. 2006. The effects of adjacent land-use on wetland plant species richness and community composition. Wetlands 26: .
31. Houlahan, J.E. & C.S. Findlay. 2004. Invasive plants and wetland diversity. Conservation Biology 18: 1132-1138.
32. Houlahan, J.E. & C.S.Findlay. 2004. Predicting wetland soil and water nutrient levels using adjacent land-use indices. Landscape Ecology 19: 677-690.
33. Houlahan, J.E. & C.S. Findlay. 2003. The effects of adjacent land-use on wetland amphibian species richness and community composition. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 60: 1078-1094.
34. S. Pribil & J.E. Houlahan. 2003. Life-history strategies associated with local population variability confer regional stability. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London; Series B 270: 1419-1424
35. Houlahan, J.E., C.S. Findlay, A.H. Meyer, and S.L. Kuzmin, B.R. Schmidt. 2001. Ecology: global amphibian population declines. Nature 412: 500.
36. Houlahan, J.E., C.S. Findlay, B.R. Schmidt, A.H. Meyer, and S.L. Kuzmin. 2000. Quantitative evidence for global amphibian population declines. Nature 404: 752-755.
37. Houlahan, J. 1998. Big problems, small science. Conservation Ecology [online]2(1):1. Available from the Internet. URL:
38. Findlay, C.S., and J. Houlahan. 1997. Anthropogenic correlates of biodiversity in southeastern Ontario wetlands. Conservation Biology 11:1000-1009.
Articles in review or being revised for resubmission:
Mudge, J.F., C.J. Martyniuk and J.E. Houlahan. Optimal alpha: The end of post-hoc adjustments for microarray and RNA-seq data. Bioinformatics
Proceedings and reports:
1. Houlahan, J.E., Crump, P. 2015. Long-term amphibian and bird community monitoring at CFB Gagetown: 2012. Final Report (March, 2015). CFB Gagetwn. DCC File Number 114624.
2. Houlahan, J.E., Crump, P. 2014. Long-term amphibian and bird community monitoring at CFB Gagetown: 2012. Final Report (March, 2014). CFB Gagetwn. DCC File Number 114624.
3. Houlahan, J.E., Crump, P. 2013. Long-term amphibian and bird community monitoring at CFB Gagetown: 2012. Final Report (March, 2013). CFB Gagetwn. DCC File Number 114624.
4. Houlahan, J.E., M. Gahl, and C. Edge. 2012. Long-term amphibian and bird community monitoring at CFB Gagetown: 2011. Final Report (March, 2012). CFB Gagetwn. DCC File Number 114624.
5. Houlahan, J.E., M. Gahl, and C. Edge. 2011. Long-term amphibian and bird community monitoring at CFB Gagetown: 2010. Final Report (March, 2011). CFB Gagetwn. DCC File Number 114624.
6. Houlahan, J.E. and S. Sadeghi. 2011. The effects of two water sources close to Shirley Road dump on Lithobates sylvaticus and Anaxyrus americanus growth, development, and survival. Report for CFB Gagetown.
7. Houlahan, J.E., M. Gahl, and C. Edge. 2010. Long-term amphibian and bird community monitoring at CFB Gagetown: 2009. Final Report (March, 2010). CFB Gagetwn. DCC File Number 114624.
8. Houlahan, J.E., M. Gahl, and C. Edge. 2009. Long-term amphibian and bird community monitoring at CFB Gagetown: 2008. Final Report (March 26, 2009). CFB Gagetwn. DCC File Number 114624.
9. ACER Environmental Services Limited (Jeff Houlahan, Lead .Author). 2008. Partial Species-At-Risk and sedimentation assessment for range training area, CFB Gagetown, Oromocto, NB. DCC File Number GA91280.
10. Houlahan, J. and C.S. Findlay. 1996. Natural and anthropogenic correlates of species richness in southeastern Ontario wetlands in R. D. Needham and E. N. Novakowski. Ed. Sharing Knowledge, Linking Science: An International Conference on the St. Lawrence Ecosystem. Conference Proceedings. Vol. 1:347-359. Ottawa: Institute for Research on Environment and Economy, University of Ottawa.
11. Findlay, C.S., D. Lagarec, J. Houlahan, M.Sawada, R. MacGillvary. 1996. A retrospective assessment of the risks to Lake Sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) in the lower Saskatchewan River. Institute for Research on Environment and Economy, University of Ottawa. 70 pp.
12. Findlay, C.S., D. Lagarec, J. Houlahan, M.Sawada, R. MacGillvary. 1996. A preliminary assessment of risks to Lake Sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) in the vicinity of The Pas, Manitoba.. Institute for Research on Environment and Economy, University of Ottawa. 22 pp.
Presentations, Posters and Workshops (graduate student/Post-doc supervised in bold; asterisk = presenter):
1. *Edge, C.B., M.J. Fortin, J.H. Houlahan, and D. Jackson. 2014. Phenotypic change in response to environmental change varies among genera and venue. Why generalizations are not possible. Canadian Society of Ecology and Evolution. Montreal, QC, CA.
2. Edge, C.B., D.G. Thompson, *C. Hao, and J.E. Houlahan. 2014. Effects of a glyphosate-based herbicide and nutrient additives on amphibians in a whole ecosystem experiment. Effects of a glyphosate-based herbicide and nutrient additives on amphibians in a whole ecosystem experiment.. Ottawa, ON, CA.
3. *Mudge, J. and J. Houlahan. 2013. Optimal alpha: A better method for setting significance levels. Invited talk at CSAS Seminar Series, UNB Saint John.
4. *Edge, C.B., D.G. Thompson, and J.E. Houlahan. 2012. Using the mean and variance to determine differential selection on two linked traits for larval wood frogs (Lithobates sylvaticus) from two distinct populations. Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology, Ottawa, ON, CA.
5. *Hao, C., C.B. Edge, D. Morse, D.G. Thompson, and J.E. Houlahan. 2012. Mixed-mode liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry analysis of glyphosate and its application in exposure study. International Mass Spectrometry Conference, Kyoto, Japan.