Teacher: Hall/Kinge Week of: 03--07-11 Subject: Band II Period: 4,5
Student will continue to improve tone, rhythm, and technique.
Student will begin pass-off assessment. / Anounce about cookie dough wed, S & E sign-up, no Jazz Band this week.
Hand out pass-off sheets.
Listen to Washington Post (6/8 march by Sousa) remind about 6/8 and skipping feel.
Warm-up scale in whole notes.
Review American Patrol.
Begin pass-offs. / Book, inst., binder and pencil. / Continue to work on your scales and unit and 6/8 time.
American Patrol for pass-off.
TUE / Student will continue to improve tone, rhythm , and articulation.
Student will complete pass-offs. / Warm-up concert Bb in whole notes.
Review American Patrol.
Warm-up technique in 6/8 time page 21.
Play American Salute by M. Gould.
Complete pass-offs.
Pick out S & E music if time. / Book, instr., binder, and pencil. / Practice your pass-off music. Be sure you can play your scales.
WED / Student will improve playing fundimentals.
Student will improve 6/8 time.
Student will listen to 6/8 time piece. / Stack cookie dough.
Warm-up same as yesterday.
Play 6/8 lines from page 21.
Read Lincoln Legacy if time.
#114 Yankee Doodle- Play and go over, have demos, have student conductors.
Go over 2/4 conducting pattern as needed / Book, inst., binder, and pencil. / Practice from page21 thru 25 in your book.
THUR / Student will continue to improve playing fundimentals. / Warm-up and review scales.
Remind about yesterdays announcements.
Reivew 6/8 time complete reading of Lincoln Legacy.
Review #114 Yankee.
#115 have inds. read. Play as group.
Listen to 6/8 recording of Lincoln Legacy from past 8th grade group. / Book, inst. , binder., and pencil. / Practice your scales. Work on page 25 in your book.
I / Student will continue to improve playing skills.
Student will listen to J. P. Sousa march, (Semper) / Warm-up concert Bb and other keys.
Review 6/8 time lines.
Review #114 and 115.
Page 25 Go over lines from page 25.
Play thru MPA pieces in order.
Have a great Spring Break !!!!!! / Book, inst., binder, and pencil. / Practice your MPA pieces. Practice from pagews 21 thru 25. Look ahead at other pages. All- Statre people practice your prepared studies.
Have a great Spring Break !!!!!!!!