Name ______Class ______Date ______
Chapter 8 Human Population Packet (Pearson page 227-233)Part A: Vocabulary Graphic Organizer. Use the textbook to help you complete the chart:
Growth Rate
Industrial Revolution
Fertility Rate
Life Expectancy
Infant Mortality
Ecological Footprint
Replacement Fertility
Demographic Transition
Developed Nations
Developing Nations
Part B: Completion Complete each statement on the line provided. Use your vocabulary chart as a word bank.
- The study of human population statistics is called ______.
- During the ______many societies started to shift from a rural life focused on agriculture and goods made by craftspeople to urban societies than run on fossil fuels.
- The number of average number of years a person is expected to live is called ______.
- How a population changes in size during a specific period of time is called the ______.
5.The environmental impact of an individual or population in terms of total amount of land and water required to provide the resources one uses to live and to dispose or recycle their waste is called a(n)______.
6. The total fertility rate for a nation that would keep its population stable is called ______fertility.
7.______nations are high-income nations, such as the United States.
8.The stark contrast between affluent and poor societies in today's world is often called the ______.
9.Many new diseases, sometimes called ______diseases and which could become threats to the human population as a whole, arose because of the merging of human and animal habitats.
Part C: Multiple Choice:
Circle the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. Explain your decisions.
1.What event in the mid-1700s significantly changed human population growth?
A.Industrial Revolution
B.development of agriculture
C.bubonic plague
D.human settlement began
2.Which combination of factors will produce the highest rate of population growth?
A.high life expectancy and high infant mortality
B.low life expectancy and low infant mortality
C.low life expectancy and high infant mortality
D.high life expectancy and low infant mortality
3.What is a population's total fertility rate?
A.the number of births needed to keep a nation's population stable
B.the average number of children a male member of a population has each year
C.the average number of children a female member of the population has during her lifetime
D.the total number of babies born in a population each generation
4.These graphs above are called
A.age structure diagrams. expectancy diagrams.
C.demographic diagrams.
D.infant mortality diagrams.
5.Which country does the graph on the left most likely represent?
6.In which of the following countries would individuals have the largest ecological footprints?
7.The richest one fifth of the world's people uses what percent of the world's resources?
Part D: Essay
Choose one of the three questions below to write at least a one page (250 word essay about). Your essay draft is due Thursday, December22, 2016 and will count as a quiz grade. Cite any references you use in APA format on a separate page. Your content will count for 10 points and your use of English writing conventions will count for 5 points. Fill in at least three points for each question below as part of your grade on this packet.
1.What historical event or era had the largest impact on the size of the human population? Explain your reasoning.
Information I will include:
2.Compare the benefits and challenges of having a population with a high proportion of older people to younger people.
Information I will include:
3. The root cause of nearly every environmental issue is human overpopulation. Do you agree with this statement?
Why or why not?
Part E: Graphing Analysis
Use the graph below to answer the following questions.
1.Describe the general trend of this graph.
2.Predict how the world's population will look beyond 2010. Explain your reasoning.
3.Which point on the graph demonstrates the highest level of population growth? What caused this to happen?
4.What happened at point B? Why?
5.How would you describe the ecological footprint of most individuals during the period of time marked by letter A? Why?