TheContactInformationpageprovidesOCHEwithdetailsaboutwhomattheinstitutionto contactin
theeventofquestions.TheBig Sky PathwaysCoordinator/GrantManagerandFiscalManagerare
required. Otherpositionsareoptional.
dataentrystaffattheinstitutiontoindicateif theywouldliketo beCC’donsystemgeneratedemails when the application is Approved or Returned for Changes by OCHE. Up to 5 email addresses can be entered here. The email of the authorized representative is not needed, since that individual will automatically be a recipient of such emails.
TheEndofYearwebpagerequireseachinstitutiontodescribe specific outcomes that resulted from the utilization of the Strengthening Big Sky Pathways funds. Use the Add Additional Entries if more entries are needed to completely answer the questions. If any of the above categories cannot be answered in 1000 characters, please attach the response as Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF document.
OCHEProgram Detail WebpageInstructions
Address how your institution will use Perkins funding to meet each of the required uses. An entry into the required use must be made on this page before it will be visible on the Budget Pages.
- Enter the name of the individual who will fill this position
- Enter the position’s FTE not the individual’s FTE
- Upload the job description of the individual. If the individual has other duties outside of BSP please include in the job description
Each of the Pathways/Program of Study Activities should be based on industry and workforce need, student-interest, regional demographics and institutional offerings. Activities should be targeted at local secondary and Adult Basic Education (ABE) teachers, counselors and administrator and designed to:
- Increase the number of Pathway options available to students
- Create partnerships with adult basic education providers and to expand opportunities for students to access postsecondary credit bearing pathways.
Enter a brief description of the Pathways/POS Activity
- For each Pathways/POS Activity list the partners, relevant market data and value added experience. Value added experience must be one of the following:
- Opportunity for Dual Enrollment or High School For College Credit
- Industry-Recognized Credential
- Work-Based Learning Experience or Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO) membership
- Internship
- Indicate during what quarter of the fiscal year the Pathways/POS Activity will occur by choosing one of the following:
- Qtr 1 July - Sept
- Qtr 2 Oct - Dec
- Qtr 3 Jan - March
- Qtr 4 April – June
- List the expected outcome for each Pathways/POS Activity
- Final Outcomes cannot be entered in the initial application but must be entered using the amendment process at the end of each quarter.
To add additional activities click Add Additional Entries.
Each college must participate in two (2) MPSEOC College Fairs. Big Sky Pathway Coordinators will be on hand during these events to interact with attendees, and to answer questions and promote the Big Sky Pathway Initiative. Institutions must commit to funding the travel expenses of the BSP Coordinator’s attendance as part of their match. Perkins Local Grant funds may be used to meet the match requirement. The amount of travel expense must be entered in the matching funds box.
Industry involvement in Perkins and Big Sky Pathways is essential to ensure that we are providing the skills and technical expertise that is needed by today’s employers. It is important to partner with local, regional, and even national business and industry organizations to ensure students are adequately prepared to enter the workforce upon completion of a degree, certificate, or industry-recognized credential.
Institutions must commit to funding the activity or event as part of their match. Perkins Local Grant funds may be used to meet the match requirement. The amount spent on the total of all the activities must be entered in the matching funds box. Then:
- Enter a brief description of the activity or event and the name(s) of the Business/Industry Partner
- Indicate during what quarter of the fiscal year the activity or event will occur by choosing one of the following:
- Qtr 1 July - Sept
- Qtr 2 Oct - Dec
- Qtr 3 Jan - March
- Qtr 4 April – June
- List the expected outcome for each activity or event
- Final Outcomes cannot be entered in the initial application but must be entered using the amendment process at the end of each quarter.
To add additional activities click Add Additional Entries.
It is essential that we increase public awareness and understanding of the value of Big Sky Pathways and their impact on college and workplace readiness. Awareness opportunities must be targeted towards three specific audiences:
- secondary students
- parents of secondary students
- Adult Basic Education students
Awareness activity, product or event must happen through the development of a tangible product in one or more of the following medians: print, TV, Radio, and Web based or social media. For each of the targeted audiences:
- Enter a brief description of the activity, product or event
- Indicate during what quarter of the fiscal year the activity or event will occur by choosing one of the following:
- Qtr 1 July - Sept
- Qtr 2 Oct - Dec
- Qtr 3 Jan - March
- Qtr 4 April – June
- List the expected outcome for each activity or event
- Final Outcomes cannot be entered in the initial application but must be entered using the amendment process at the end of each quarter.
To add additional activities click Add Additional Entries.
Coordinators need to stay current with trends and best practices within the field of Career & Technical Education and the implementation of Programs of Study. List the professional development opportunities that the BSP Coordinator plans to attend or any workshops or events that the institution plans to hold for their partners. List:
- A brief description of the training, workshop or event
- List the learning outcomes of the training, workshop or event
- Indicate during what quarter of the fiscal year the activity or event will occur by choosing one of the following:
- Qtr 1 July - Sept
- Qtr 2 Oct - Dec
- Qtr 3 Jan - March
- Qtr 4 April – June
- List the expected outcome
- Final Outcomes cannot be entered in the initial application but must be entered using the amendment process at the end of each quarter.
To add additional activities click Add Additional Entries.
List the Big Sky Pathways that you are developing this grant cycle. First, choose the Cluster Level Program of Study from the drop down box. Then enter Pathway name, the High School partner and any certifications, articulations or Dual Credit classes within the pathway. To add additional Pathways choose Add Additional Entries.
Program Detail page must be completed before budget items will appear on this page.
1.)Inthesectionmarked,“DescribeproposedAdministrativecosts”,pleasedescribecosts relatedtothe5%AdministrativeCap imposedbythe CarlD. Perkinslegislation.Legislationstipulatesthatthiscapincludesany directcosts associate with the managementoversight,supervision,datacollection,programand fiscal reportingand grantplanning aswellasanyindirect costs chargedagainstthegrant.
2.)In each Required Use section describeyour institution’splanstousePerkinsfundsin theupcoming cycle. (Youmayhave several ‘projectsummaries’if youplan tousefundson multipleprogramsofstudy,differentinstitutional goals, etc.Pleaseorganize yourprojectsummariesasyouseefit.)
3.)Intheareaprovidedbelowtheboxforrequireduses,itemizethespecificexpensesidentifiedin or relatedto your projectsummary,enteringthe relatedexpenditurecodesandline-itemdescriptions.
4.)Line-itemdescriptionsshould beasdetailedaspossible. Pleaseproviderelativedates,locations,andnames ifapplicable,see expenditurecodedescriptionsfordetails.When developing the budget please include the following information in your narrative:
- Salaries – The name and position of who is being paid, at what FTE and the total amount.
- Hourly wages – same as salaries
- Employee benefits – include a list of who is receiving benefits, what type of benefits, and how much is paid per benefit
- Consumable supplies – include a list of the types of supplies and the costs estimated with each.
- Travel – include a list of who is traveling, the mileage, lodging, meals, airfare, etc. Use the state approved reimbursement schedule. Using campus or school district vehicle for grant funded travel is expected. Use of personal vehicles is reimbursed at 27.7 cents per mile. In-state per diem is $23 a day ($5 breakfast, $6 lunch, and $12 dinner). Out of state per diem is $41 per day ($7 breakfast, $11 lunch, and $23 dinner). See the 2015 Travel Cheat Sheet attachment C.
- Food - According to the U.S. Department of Education, as a general rule there is a high burden of proof that resides with the grantee: “…to show that paying for food and beverages with Federal funds is necessary to meet the goals and objectives of a Federal Grant.” To determine whether is it appropriate to use Perkins Funds for a working lunch refer to the guidelines found in attachment D.
5.)Entertheexpenditureamountforeach item.
6.)Checktheboxnextto“DeleteRow”if lessthan3rowsare neededforaproject.
TheBudgetSummaryRolluppagerequiresnodataentrybytheinstitution. Itredisplaysdataentered
ontheFundingDistributionPage,butisnotsortedwithinindividualprojectsummary. OCHEusesthisinformation toviewhowfundsarebeingdistributedacrossexpenditure codes,andto ensurenomorethan5%offundsarebudgetedtothesumofExpenditure Code199 (Administration).
The AssuranceswebpageallowsInstitutionsto agreetotheprogramassurances.Onlythe User IDofthe AuthorizedRepresentativefromaninstitutionwillseethe“LegalEntityAgrees”button. Agreeingto theseAssurancesbytheauthorizedrepresentativebindstheinstitutiontotheseassurancesfortheProgramyear.Theydonotneedtobecompleted onanyamendmentsthatmaybecreated.
TocompletethePage,theAuthorizedRepresentativemustchecktheCheckboxatthetopofthepage, andclickLegalEntityAgrees. Thiswillresultinthedatethebuttonwasclickedbeingdisplayedatthe bottomoftheAssurancesPage,andalsoontheSubmitpage.
forreview. Twootherfunctions,LockingtheApplicationandtheConsistencyCheck,arecompletedon
1. DataEntry(re)executes theConsistencyCheck,resolvinganyerrorsuntiltheConsistency Check successfullypasses.
2. DataEntrynotifiesAuthorizedRepresentativethatapplicationisreadyforthemtocomplete.
3. AuthorizedRepresentativecompletesAssuranceswebpage.
4. AuthorizedRepresentativeusesSubmitpagetoSubmittoOCHEforreview.
Intheeventthattheinstitution wishestodisableSavingoftheirownapplicationpriortoitbeing submitted,theLockApplicationbuttoncanbeclicked. Thiswillresultineachpageshowingamessage thattheApplicationhasbeenlocked. Conversely,theUnlockbuttonisavailabletorestoretheSavePagebuttons.Thesefunctionsareonlyavailableiftheapplicationhasnotbeensubmittedforreview.
TheConsistency Checkmustbeexecutedpriortosubmitting anapplicationforreview. Thepurposeof
thisfunctionistoensure thatallwebpageshavebeen completed,andallpotentialerrorsthattheGMS
candetect areresolvedpriortosubmittingtheapplication. ClicktheConsistencyCheckbutton.
If and errorsaredetected,thewebpage(s)onwhichthoseerrorsexistwillbelisted. Usersshouldreturnto thosepagestoresolvethoseerrors,andre‐executetheConsistencyCheckuntilithaspassed.
SinceAssurancesmustbeagreedtobytheAuthorizedRepresentative,Assurancesdonothavetobe completedpriortoexecutingtheConsistencyCheck. TheSubmittoOCHEbuttonwill not displayunlesstheAssuranceshavebeenagreedto,andtheConsistencyCheckhaspassed.
TheUnlockfunctioncanalsobeusedaftertheConsistencyCheckhasbeensuccessfullyrun. Thiswill restoretheSavePagebuttons,andalsoerasethesuccessfulConsistencyCheck(necessitating itbeing passedagainpriorto submission).
TherearetwolevelsofSubmit. DataEntryusersatInstitutionscanSubmittheapplicationtotheir
AuthorizedRepresentative,who receivesanemailindicating anapplicationhasbeensubmittedfor their
review(Submit forLocalReview). AuthorizedRepresentativescanthen,inturn,submit theapplication
currentstate.Thiscanbe ablankapplication,acompletedapplication,oranyinterimpoint.
Bydefault,allapplicationwebpageswillbeincludedinthePrintRequest. UsingtheCheckboxes,users
Authorized Usersonthebottomleftsideofthepagemayclick“RequestPrint”,whichwillqueueaPDF
generationutilitytorun. Currently,PDFsaregeneratedonthehour,from8AM–8PMM‐F. Contact theprogramofficeifaPrintRequestisneededoutsidethesehours.
OnceaPrintRequestiscompleted,ahyperlinktothegeneratedPDFwillbeshown. ThatPDFwill remainavailablefor14days,atwhichtimeitwillberemoved. UserscansavethatPrintRequestPDF documenttotheirlocalmachines,andprintitasneeded.
OCHEAmendment ProcessWebpageInstructions
Oncethe“CreateAmendment”processisopened byMTW,and the AuthorizedRepresentativelogsin, theyshould seedisplayedon the Application Select Pagea Create Amendmentbutton.
Tocreatean amendment, theusermustfirstselectthelastapproved application(in thisexampleit would betheOriginal Application,on subsequentAmendments,itwould bethelastapproved Amendment)and then theCreate Amendmentbuttonwill beenabled.
AftertheCreateAmendmentbutton isselected,thesystemwill takealltheinformation fromthelast approvedapplicationthatwasselected and copyitintotheAmendmentApplication. Thecyclein the headerof theapplicationwill displaytheuseriscurrentlyintheAmendmentapplication.
Theuserwill then simplynavigatetothe page(s)theywish tomodifyand enter and savetheir changes. In addition,the userwill berequired togototheAmendmentDescriptionTab and enterinthetextbox
providedwhatchangestheyhavemadeintheamended application.
Failuretoinputtheneededinformation in the Amendment Description pagewillthrowthefollowing errorwhentheconsistencycheckisran.
Thelaststepwill betonavigatetotheSubmit pageand executetheconsistencycheck. Ifthe application passestheCC check,then the userwill be given the Submit buttontoselecttosubmitthe application toOCHE.
Afterthe Amendmentapplication issubmitted,itwillfollowthesamereview processastheOriginal
Atendof each quarterenterthefinal outcomeforanyprojectsthatwerecompleted for:
•ProposedPathways/Programsof Study Activities
•Professional Development.