Mrs. Wolodkowicz

Biology 1H

Name: ______

Date: ______

Period: ______

Human Evolution Computer Lab

Directions: Refer to the web site: in answering the following questions about human evolution.

  1. Briefly explain why the “Piltdown Man” of 1912 was later proven to be a hoax. ______
  2. What does hominid mean? ______

Directions: Click on “Human Evolution Activity” to aid in answering the following questions. Be sure to move your mouse over the early hominids to gain more information. Then move the slider to the next hominid in the time line. Be sure to note that when the hominid in the screen fades, it represents when that hominid species went extinct.

  1. What is the name given to the most primitive hominid yet found? ______
  2. Approximately when did it live? ______
  3. Based on the fossil evidence, where did this hominid live? ______
  4. Based on tibial fossil evidence, which early hominid was the first to walk on 2 feet? ______
  5. Describe Lucy. What features make her more chimp-like? What features make her more human-like? ______
  6. When did Australopithecus boisei live? Did they walk upright? ______
  7. Which hominid was the first to make simple tools? ______
  8. What type of diet did Australopithecus africanus have? ______
  9. Describe the sagittal crest found in Australopithecus robustus. ______
  10. Which of the hominids was the first to live in a variety of locations? ______
  11. What is Homo erectus most know for? ______
  12. When did Homo sapiens (archaic) live? Where did he live? ______


  1. What type of environment were the Neanderthals well adapted for? Based on this information, what “age” do you believe they lived in? ______


  1. How long have Homo sapiens sapiens been around? ______
  2. The early Homo sapiens were known as Cro Magnon man. They buried their dead and often______pictures representing the hunt and daily life on cave walls.
  3. Which of the hominids lived during the same time as Homo sapiens sapiens? ______

Directions: Click on the “show tree” to answer the following questions.

  1. Which of the hominids appears to be the earliest link to the modern human? ______
  2. Why do you think Homo habilis continued to evolve, while A. boisei& A. robustus did not? ______


Some interesting additional web sites:


Creationist viewpoints as well)