The Louis Owens Awards

for Graduate Student Presenters at the WLA Annual Conference 2007

These awards honor Louis Owens for his contributions to western American and American Indian literary studies, and for his unfailing generosity as a colleague, teacher, and mentor. The primary goal of the Louis Owens Awards is to build for the future of the Western Literature Association by encouraging diverse graduate student participation at the annual conference through assistance with conference-related expenses including travel and accommodation. While these awards are intended to foster greater cultural diversity within the WLA membership, they are also intended to help broaden—as Louis Owens did—the field of western American literary studies. Therefore, while preference will be given to graduate students who are members of cultural groups currently underrepresented within the WLA—including African Americans, Asian Americans, Native Americans, Arab Americans, and Chicano/a Americans—these awards are also open to graduate students of ALL cultural backgrounds.

The total value of the prize is approximately $750. To be eligible for this award, applicants must be registered as graduate students at the time of the conference. To apply, please submit the following materials to the address specified on the application form:

1. A completed application form.

2. A 1,000-word abstract of the paper that the candidate proposes to deliver at the WLA annual conference. The paper must be no more than 20 minutes in length. (Please do not send a complete essay with this application.)

3. One letter of reference from a professor who is familiar with the candidate’s work. This letter should comment on the merits of both the candidate and the proposal, and should discuss how the candidate’s presence at the conference will further the goals of the Louis Owens Awards as described above. The letter may be included with the application in a sealed envelope signed by the referee, or it may be sent directly by the referee to the WLA President. Please send to:

Ann Putnam

President, Western Literature Association

Department of English

University of Puget Sound

1500 N. Warner

Tacoma, WA 98416

Deadline: August 11, 2007

The Louis Owens Award

For Graduate Student Presenters at the WLA Annual Conference







In the space below, or on a separate sheet, please discuss how your participation at the WLA Conference will further the goals of the Louis Owens Award.